Alternate Text Production Center

The Alternate Text Production Center provides eligible OSS students with alternate-textbook formats. Depending on your disability, this may include e-text, audiobooks, braille, tactile graphics, etc...

The Alternate Text Production Center is located in the Office of Special Services High Tech Center, Student Services Building, Rm. 111. See Kelvin Luong for more information.

Illustration of a student listening to an audiobook while reading

Requesting Your Alternate Media

Get a head start and beat the beginning of the semester rush by submitting your requests as soon as you know the books required. Students can request their alternate formats in the following ways:

Please note you may be required to provide your book receipt and syllabus.

Alternate Media Request Form Help Guide

  1. You must read through the first question and answer, “I have read and understand the above” to submit your e-text request.
  2. Please answer all the questions asked. Double check that your contact information is correct so we can contact you in a timely manner.
  3. For question 8. If you are requesting an alternate format for your textbooks, please answer YES. This will take you to a new set of questions about the books you are requesting. To avoid any delays, please include all of the following information:
    • Title
    • Author
    • ISBN (this is a 10 or 13 digit number that is unique to each book)
    • Edition (make sure you are requesting the correct edition for your class. Your instructor may not be using the most recent version.
  4. If you purchased your book, please upload a copy of your receipt. In some cases, we cannot process your request without a receipt.
  5. There are 7 available spaces for you to request books. Use only the boxes you need and leave the rest blank. If you are requesting more than 7 textbooks, please contact Kelvin to submit all additional books to him. @email
  6. The final question is related to additional course materials. If your instructor assigns PDFs, PowerPoints, or other course materials that need to be converted into an alternate format, you may upload up to ten files using this form. If you have more than 10 files, or if those files are larger than this form allows, please contact Kelvin to coordinate the delivery of those materials. @email

Office of Special Services

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: closed

Mailing Address:
Los Angeles City College
Office of Special Services
855 N. Vermont Avenue, SSB 1st Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Student Services Building, 1st Floor


Email: @email
Voicemail: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2270 (TTY/TDD)
Online: OSS on Cranium Cafe


If you have a complaint about your accommodations, immediately contact your OSS Specialist. See the OSS Staff page for more details.