LACC Poster

Jeanne Clery Act: Disclosure of Campus Security Policy & Campus Crime Statistics

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is named in memory of a university student, Jeanne Clery, who was raped and murdered in 1986. It was formerly known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. All colleges and universities that receive federal funding are required by this act to disclose information about the crime on campus and crime in the immediate vicinity of the campus. Annual reports which contain three years of crime statistics, campus security policies, statements of victims' rights, and sexual assault policies must be made available under this act. In addition, timely warnings of criminal threats to the entire campus population must be made available.

Complete Jeanne Clery Disclosure information can be found at the Los Angeles City College Sheriff's Station. It is located in the Administration Building (AD 111).

LACC Campus Safety Alerts

The LACC Sheriff's Station

Office Hours and Location

The LACC Sheriff's Station Cesar Chavez Administration Building 111
Operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Building 111


Cesar Chavez, Administration

In an emergency, dial 2911 from any campus phone or call the direct Emergency phone number at (323) 953-2911.

For non-emergencies and general questions, please call (323) 953-4005 or you can email us at@email