Student Services Building Sunset


Guardian Scholars

We aim to empower all current and former foster youth at LACC

Female Student Holding a Sign

The Guardian Scholars program is proud to empower all current and former foster youth who attend our campus with a desire to defy the statistics.

While we believe in every individual's ability to make their dreams come true, we also know that nobody achieves success alone.

"Thank you to everyone who has supported me, patiently believed in me, stood by my side, or was brave enough to learn with me."
-Deborah, G.S. alumnus

Why We Serve Our Youth

The recent studies show that foster youth:

  • typically indicate they want to go to college
  • have lower rates of college enrollment and completion
  • foster youth who enroll in college are confident and optimistic about it!
  • are more likely to stay in post-secondary programs with support like tutoring and mentoring
  • are often held back by financial difficulties, underemployment, and housing problems
  • benefit more than the general population from increased levels of education!
LACC Guardian Scholars

Our Program's Work

We are honored to bridge the gap between our youths' aspirations and their triumph over adversity!

All it takes is providing them with the resources and services that will help them unlock their true potential. And that is our mission!

Please peruse the rest of our site for more details on how we empower students, like the graduates above, to reach their goals!

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Mission Statement

The LACC Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) serves students who are current, former, or emancipated foster youth who are pursuing a path within higher education. GSP’s mission is to provide academic and personal guidance to help empower students on their educational journeys to earning a Career Technical Certificate, Associate’s Degree, and/or transfer to a university.

Contact Us

Office Location

Student Services Building (SSB) 360
SSB 367


Email: guardianscholars@lacitycollege
tel: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2345
Alvaro Aguila
Program Coordinator
(323) 953-4000 ext. 2336

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