LACC Reflected Campus

Resources for Students with Children

Student Parent Resources

What is a Student Parent?

A student parent is “a student who has a child or children under 18 years of age who will receive more than half of their support from that student.”

Internal (LACC) Resources:

Priority Registration

Food Support:

LACC Foundation/City Cares Network Food Pantry

Call: 323-953-4000 ext. 2190

  • Every Monday throughout the academic year, CCN and LACC Foundation host a food pantry that provides students and community members with fresh groceries. Start date is to be determined for Spring 2023.
  • There are also mid-term meals, finals week meals provided by LACC Foundation through the Cub Store.


Call: 323-953-400 ext. 2599

  • California Work Opportunities and Responsibility for Kids (CalWORKs) supports parenting students with children under the of 18. The program provides academic counseling, case management, books and supplies, work-study, workforce training, yearly grants, and much much more. The CalWORKs staff is prepared to assist CalWORKs students and their families in reaching their educational goals, resolving issues as they arise, and celebrating social and academic justice through education.


Call: 323-953-4000 ext. 2300

  • EOPS/CARE is a state-funded retention and support program designed to facilitate the success of the financially and educationally disadvantaged student.
  • The CARE program is an extension of EOPS for single parents/heads of household receiving CalWORKS/TANF who have at least one child under the age of 14.
    • The services provided are: transportation passes/parking permits, books, supplies, and meal tickets


LACC On-Campus Child Care

Call: 323-953-400 ext. 2220

  • Participants in the CalWORKs program or the general childcare program receive subsidized child care. Those that do not qualify for these programs may participate on a sliding fee basis.
    • Applications are available at the Child Development Center office.
    • Applications are accepted year-round.
    • Childcare services are provided for children in the age range between 2.6 to 5 years old.
    • Child Care Center office hours are from 7:50am - 4:30pm.
    • Enrollment priority is given to low-income student parents enrolled in 12 or more credit units.

Financial Support:

Federal Financial Aid

Call: 1-800-433-3243

  • The office of Federal Student Aid provides approximately $112 billion in grant, work-study, and loan funds each year to help students pay for college or career school.

LACC Foundation

Resources for Success

  • Selected students benefit from financial support for food and housing (including utilities) for an identified cohort of students with the greatest financial need.

External/Community Resources:

Food Support:

WIC: Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

Call: 888-942-2229 or text 91997

  • The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age 5 who are found to be at nutritional risk.


Call: 1-877-847-3663

  • CalFresh is for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table.
  • Learn more about CalFresh Eligibility

Food Banks

LA Food Bank


Regis House Community Center


Hollywood Food Coalition


Farmers Markets

East Hollywood Farmer’s Market


Hollywood Farmer’s Market


Larchmont Farmer’s Market



CalWORKs Child Care:


  • Current or former CalWORKs cash aid recipients are eligible to receive assistance with paying for child care with a provider of their choice, if they are employed or participating in county approved Welfare-to-Work activities.
  • Pregnant and parenting teens in the Cal-Learn program are also eligible to receive CalWORKs child care. Child care is provided for children through the age of 12, and for exceptional needs and severely disabled children up to age 21.
  • If you are not receiving CalWORKs cash assistance and need help paying for child care, contact the local Child Care Resource and Referral agency (R&R) and/or the Alternative Payment Program (APP) in your county to obtain more information.

Pathways LA:

Resource Referral Team: 213-427-2710

  • Pathways LA offers a variety of child care options to provide parents with choices that work best for them.

My Child Care Plan:

Hotline: 1-800-543-7793

  • is a search and support website designed to help California’s families find the child care they need.
  • The site offers a customizable child care search tool and live support from local specialists to help parents to find the right child care for them.
  • With, parents can access reliable child care information they can trust.

The Child Care Resource Center (CCRC)

Phone: 1-866-67-4KIDS
Website: https:/

  • Many families don’t know that they qualify for help paying for child care.
  • Financial assistance is available for child care all hours of the day, including nights, weekends, or for just a few hours a week.
  • Whether you are looking for employment, going to school, or working and in need of care, CCRC can help!

Crystal Stairs:


  • Helping parents find child care, training child care providers on how to nurture and educate young children, helping parents and providers bridge the affordability gap with child care subsidies, and teaching children how to use a computer are just part of what we do.
  • We help families succeed, children learn, and child care providers become competent, confident caregivers.



  • Preparing the children of Watts-Willowbrook, Compton and South Los Angeles to succeed and thereby strengthen our community’s future. Services include:
    • Early intervention programs for infants and toddlers who are born with developmental disabilities or are considered at-risk for developmental delay
    • Child care services for children 18 months to 5 years
    • Family therapy services in the area of adolescent pregnancy, HIV education and substance abuse
    • Linkages and referrals to community based resources
    • Mental health services and child abuse treatment program

Mexican-American Opportunity Foundation


  • The mission of the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF) is to provide for the socio-economic betterment of the greater Latino community of California.
  • This is accomplished through programs in early childhood education and family services, job training, and senior lifestyle development throughout the multicultural communities served by MAOF.

Financial Support:

CalEITC: Earned Income Tax Credits


  • Tax credits for working people who have earned a low to moderate income. You may be eligible to receive a cash refund or reduce the amount of tax you owe.
    • There are two EITCs: the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) and the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
    • The amount of CalEITC you get depends on your income and family size.

YCTC (Young Child Tax Credit)


  • The Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC) provides a credit up $1,083 per tax return for Californians who qualify for CalEITC and have a child under 6 years old.
  • For tax year 2022 forward, you may qualify for YCTC with total earned income of zero dollars or less provided all of the following apply:
  • Your total wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation (whether subject to California withholding or not), if any, do not exceed $32,490 · Your total net loss does not exceed $32,490, and
  • You otherwise meet the CalEITC and YCTC requirements

Other Support:

GAIN (Greater Avenues for Independence)


  • When you participate in Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) you can receive employment-related services to help you find a job, stay employed, and move on to higher paying jobs.
  • Services include Job Club, Vocational Assessment, Education and Training, Subsidized Employment, Community Services, and Post-Employment Services.
  • We will also help you with transportation, child care, and special job-related expenses, such as uniforms and tools.
  • We can also connect you to domestic violence counseling, substance use disorder treatment, and mental health services.