LACC Reflected Campus

Associated Student Government

Associated Student Government (ASG)

ASG Wants To Hear From You!

ASG is looking for Student Volunteers to participate in ASG events. It's a great opportunity to get more connected to the campus and to add some volunteer experience to your resume! Email us at @email for more information.

Your Student Government wants to remind you that LACC is a diverse community college right in the Heart of Los Angeles. It's the City's College.

Success comes from dedication and hard work. Make sure to look around campus and see that hanging on the new banners.

We're surrounded by greatness. Get involved on campus and let's strive to take every opportunity to make Los Angeles City College even better!


LACC Associated Student Government Logo



Mission Statement

We, the elected student representatives of Los Angeles City College, shall:

  • Promote an effective system of government for the students.
  • Promote, initiate, and coordinate educational and social activities for the students at Los Angeles City College.
  • Supplement and complement formal education on campus.
  • Fairly represent student interests, needs, and welfare within the College community.
  • Recognize, represent, and support the diversity of needs and views of students at the College.
  • Provide for the expression of student opinion and interests to the community at large on issues affecting student life.
  • Provide a physical and social environment in which to achieve the above objectives in accordance with the educational and cultural standards of the College.
  • Promote the general educational welfare and to enhance the academic benefits offered by the State of California.
  • Affirm the Constitution of the Associated Students of Los Angeles City College.

ASG Finance Committee

Meetings: Thursdays at 1:30 pm
Student Union Building | 2nd Floor Conference Room
Chair: ASG Executive of Finance, Fahat Yousuf

ASG Senate Board

Meetings: Thursdays at 2:45pm
Student Union Building | 2nd Floor Conference Room
Chair: ASG President, Movses Musajikyan

ASG Advisors

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Student Union Building | 2nd Floor



Kimberly Onaga
Student Services Specialist
Office of Student Life
Email: @email

Juan F Alvarez
Dean Student Services
Office of Student Life
Email: @email
