Group of Students Posing


Campus Life


Office of Student Life
Providing opportunities for students to enhance their overall personal and leadership development

The Collegian
The student voice for LACC

ASG: Student Government
Represents student needs on campus issues

Intramural Sports
Play for fun against other LACC students

Student Clubs
Extracurricular activities for every interest

Join an official team at LACC


Calendar of Events
Upcoming events on campus

Graduation ceremony information


Health & Wellness Center
Basic primary care, preventive health information, and counseling

The LACC Life Skills Center

Peer Mentoring Program
One-on-one peer support for first-year students

Resources for Homeless Students
Available assistance with housing, food, school supplies and more for students in need

Campus Safety & Security
Emergency notifications, plans, and procedures; Sheriff’s Office

Food for Thought Pop Up Food Bank
Free nutritional assistance to our students in need

Campus Discrimination Policy

LACC Equity and Ethics Statement
Read the equity and ethics statement and see a list of faculty and staff who have committed to the statement

Gender Equity (Title IX)
Information on legal protection from discrimination or harassment based on gender

Gender Equity (Title IX)
Information on legal protection from discrimination or harassment based on gender

Genderversity & Multicultural Center
Student resources, specialized counseling, and diversity information

Options and Resources Regarding Sexual Assault, Stalking, or Domestic/Dating Violence


Child Development Center
Providing child care for student parents


Posting Flyers on Campus

For anyone interested in posting flyers around LACC's campus, regardless of if you are associated with LACC or are from outside the College, you will need to have your flyer(s) approved by the Office of Student Life (2nd Floor, Student Union). This includes, but is not limited to: those who are students, faculty, staff, those from student clubs and organizations, and any individuals not associated with a student club, organization, and/or the College.



How do I get a flyer approved?

  1. Bring the original copy of each flyer you wish to post to the Office of Student Life (OSL) in Room 219 of the Student Union Building (SUB). If your flyer is from any entity associated with Los Angeles City College (LACC), you must include an official LACC logo on the flyer.
  2. Once your flyer(s) are reviewed and approved, they will be given a stamp with the Office of Student Life (OSL) / Associated Student Government (ASG) approval in the bottom right corner of each unique flyer. Any copies created should be made from this approved original copy. If a flyer is displayed on campus without a stamp, it will be removed and discarded.
  3. Once your flyer(s) are approved, you can post them on campus on specifically designated bulletin boards around campus. If flyers are displayed anywhere else on campus, such as on doors, windows, walls, etc., it will be removed and discarded. Please see the map below for where these bulletin boards are located on LACC’s campus.
  4. Posting requirements: You are responsible for posting your flyer(s) to the bulletin boards using only blue painter’s tape that you are responsible to provide or thumbtacks. You are only allowed to place two copies of the same flyer on each bulletin board, and you may not place flyers on top of other flyers. If there are more than two of the same flyers on a bulletin board, the extra flyers will be removed and discarded, as will any flyers that are placed on top of other flyers.
  5. A flyer will be removed from a bulletin board and discarded after three (3) weeks from the date it was authorized by the Office of Student Life (OSL). If a flyer is announcing a specific event, then that flyer will be discarded immediately after the event date.
  6. You are not allowed to remove flyers from the bulletin boards. Only authorized personnel are allowed to remove flyers from the bulletin boards.
  7. Reminder: you are only allowed to post flyers to the bulletin boards. Flyers posted anywhere else on campus, such as on buildings, light standards, windows, glass doors, and elevators, etc., will be removed and discarded, even if they have a stamp of approval.

If you have any further questions about posting flyers, please contact the Office of Student Life (OSL) at 323-953-4000 ext. 2450 or Room 219, 2nd Floor, Student Union Building.