Welcome to the Basic Needs Center
You're not alone. An estimated 2 out of 3 students at LACC need basic needs resources.
We enable students to gain self-sufficiency and remove barriers to academic success by addressing their basic needs. At our centralized hub, we connect students to essential resources, services, and support both on and off campus.

LACC's City Cares Network administers its own
Fresh Success Program, which helps participants advance toward their career goals and economic self-sufficiency.
Do you need assistance with any of the following?
Textbooks (Only for Fresh Success Program)
Health & Wellness
Other basic needs
3/24/2025: The Resource Request Form is currently closed. Our team is actively reviewing a high number of applications. The form will reopen on 4/14/2025 (After Spring Break).
* Students must be signed in to the LACCD student portal to access the forms.
* Please note that these requests must be processed and reviewed by our team, and there is no guarantee that your request will be granted.
- Fresh Success Textbook Assistance
- EOPS Textbook Assistance
- LACC Foundation Textbook Scholarship
The LACC MLK Jr. Library has a limited number of Instructor Reserve textbooks available for 2-hour, library use only check-out. Copiers and scanners are available. Check out the OneSearch catalog to see if the library has your textbook; if they do not have your textbook, please visit the Circulation desk in the library with a copy of your textbook to be placed on reserve.
- To speak with one of our Wesley Health case workers for housing services (i.e. shelter referrals, affordable housing, voucher programs), please contact our office.
- LA Homeless Services Authority
- 211 Housing Resources
- 211 Utilities Resources
- Utility Company Emergency Assistance
- Safe Parking Program: Access to park a vehicle in a safe parking lot with onsite security and restrooms (site amenities may vary according to each site), administered by LAHSA.
- Tech2Go Computer Bundles - Participating Libraries
- Hot Spot Locator - LA County
- Mobile Hot Spots - LA Public Library
- Low-Cost Internet, Computer & Technology:
Get Connected Los Angeles
Human I-T
PCs for People -
Free Online Digital Literacy Program - Human I-T offers a self-paced computer and internet training, available in both English and Spanish.
- LACC Library
- Student Union Computer Lab: with your ASG sticker, you can also feel free to use the computer lab on the 2nd floor of the Student Union Building. You will need to bring your student ID card and show the attendant your ASG sticker. If you do not have an ASG sticker yet, you can pay for your ASG fee and obtain an ASG sticker at the Business Office (2nd floor of the Student Services Building).
- Free (Noncredit) Computer Courses at LACC:
VOC ED 003CE - Workplace Readiness - Computers
VOC ED 103 - Intro to Word Processing
VOC ED 104 - Intro to Spreadsheets
VOC ED 105 - Intro to Multimedia Presentations (Noncredit)
VOC ED 128CE - Intro to Keyboarding and Windows for the Workplace
VOC ED 129CE - Introduction to the Internet
BSICSKL 062CE - Basic Computer Literacy for Students with Disabilities
- 211 Mental Health Resources
- TimelyCare: Virtual mental health assistance (free for students)
- LACC Health & Wellness Center / Wesley Health Center
The LACC Health & Wellness Center is located in Student Services Building (SSB) Room 120.
(Enter on South side of building to take the stairs/elevator to the office.)
- Peace Over Violence is a sexual and domestic violence, intimate partner stalking, child abuse and youth violence prevention center.
Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law: We protect victims of domestic violence and improve the well-being of children living in poverty. With the help of volunteers, the Center provides free family law assistance and legal education to low-income Angelenos.
East LA Women's Center: Services for domestic violence include individual and group therapy, case management services, crisis intervention, safety planning, advocacy, and healing groups.
- 211 Family & Children Resources
- 211 Childcare Resources
- CalWORKs Childcare
- WIC Program: Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children
- Diaper & Hygiene Kit Program through LA County Library
- Additional info on Childcare, Financial Support, etc. on the Resources for Students with Children Webpage
Cubby's Closet Spring 2024 Hours
Mon: 8:00-12:00
Wed: 9:00-2:00
Thurs: 8:00-12:00
- Students with the ASG sticker can pick out one full outfit per month for free.
- Location: Enter through the hallway door located to the left of the ASG Office, 2nd floor of the Student Union Building.
- * You will need to bring your student ID card and show the attendant your ASG sticker. If you do not have an ASG sticker yet, you can pay for your ASG fee and obtain an ASG sticker at the Business Office (2nd floor of the Student Services Building).
Stay Connected!
Basic Needs Center
Office Hours & Location
Tuesdays to Thursdays: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed
(2nd floor, next to the Office of Student Life)