Student Services

Our mission at Student Services is to promote accessible and equitable learning to benefit the diverse local and global communities we serve. We empower students to achieve their educational and career goals by providing pathways to support their completion of associate degrees, certificates, transfer requirements, career and technical education, and foundational skills programs.

Click the link below to download the Student Services Syllabus. 

Student Services Syllabus

3D Abstract background with blue squares

The Admissions & Records Office maintains all student records. The office processes admissions applications, graduation petitions, assigns Student Identification Numbers and registration appointments. In addition, students can also petition to update their academic student records, update personal information, and request transcripts.

 Admissions & Records Office

Supervising Dean: Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche
Registrar: Rocio Rubalcava

Break It To Make It (BITMI) provides a body of services and activities for students who were formerly incarcerated. BITMI offers outreach to local detention centers and re-entry homes about LACC educational and training opportunities. Students receive academic and career counseling, tutoring, peer mentoring, referrals to needed resources on and off campus, participate in field trips and educational excursions, and engage in a student support group.

Break It To Make It

Supervising Dean: Carol Kozeracki
BITMI Counselor: Mario Escalante

The Business Office collects all student fees including credit class enrollment fees, tuition fees, health fees, ASG membership, student representation fees, parking fees, transcript fees, enrollment verification fees, and childcare fees. The Business Office can also assist with questions regarding your student account balance, BankMobile disbursements, course refunds, and sponsor scholarships.

Business Office

Office Supervisor: Margret Ayvazian

CalWORKs assists student parents who are receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to realize their Dreams, Achieve their educational goals and Succeed in leading families to self-sufficiency and independence -DAS. Student-parents receive the benefit of education, priority registration, workforce training, one-on-one counseling and specialized case management. Additionally, books and supplies, childcare and tutoring are provided at no cost for eligible student-parents.


Supervising Dean: Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche
CalWORKS Director: Reynold Garcia

The goal of career counseling services at the Career Center is to help students and alumni learn how to make informed decisions in their educational and career choices. Those decisions should reflect students’ personal goals, values, and interests, and should lead toward satisfying academic work in their major and a fulfilling career.

Career Center

Supervising Dean: Dr. Armando Rivera
Career Counselors: David Turcotte and Carolyn Darin

Our mission is to remove barriers to academic achievement and to enable students to gain self-sufficiency by connecting them to essential resources, services, and support. We strive to foster a campus environment that promotes student success by addressing students’ basic needs.

City Cares Network

Supervising Dean: Juan Alvarez
Program Lead: Dr. Nune Mikayelyan

CARE is a supplemental program within EOPS that provides additional support services for single heads of household receiving TANF/CalWORKs assistance. In addition to all EOPS services, CARE students also receive priority academic and retention counseling, educational workshops, mini group counseling sessions, university and cultural field trips, school supplies, transportation assistance, meal vouchers, book and laptop loan service.


Supervising Dean: Niki Harrison
CARE Program Counselor: Jesus Gomez

The General Counseling Department offers services to assist students in choosing classes, selecting a program of study, information on AA degrees/Certificates of Completion, transferring and creating an academic plan. Personal issues and academic difficulties can also be addressed. Students can schedule 30-minute appointments in advance or ask quick questions on a walk-in basis.


Supervising Dean: Kamale Gray
Division Chair: Ed Bird Song

The Dream Resource Center provides Academic Advising & Counseling; Immigration Services; Financial Aid/CA Dream Act support; and Workshops.

Dream Resource Center 

Supervising Dean: Kamale Gray
Counselor Coordinator: Carolina Yernazian

The Dual Enrollment Program is an accelerated program that allows qualified students to fulfill high school graduation requirements while simultaneously gaining college credits toward a certificate, diploma, or a college degree. Los Angeles City College offers a variety of college courses that are conveniently offered at our local high schools. Students and counselors should note that these classes should be taken by students ready for college level work.

Dual Enrollment

Supervising Dean: 
Dual Enrollment Specialist: Michelle Ceja

The EOPS program provides support services to first time and returning students who are educationally and financially disadvantaged. EOPS offers support, over, above and in addition to the support provided by the college which includes intensive counseling, book services, one-on-one tutoring, meal vouchers, and more. Students must be CA residents (or AB540 students), qualify for Financial Aid California College Promise Grant, must be enrolled in 12 or more units (OSS student exceptions), must have completed less than 70-degree applicable units and not have earned an AA/AS degree or equivalent.


Supervising Dean: Niki Harrison

The Financial Aid Office administers federal, state, and institutional programs designed to expand college access. The available financial assistance comes in the form of grants, work-study, loans, and scholarships. The assistance makes it possible for individuals to continue their education beyond high school, even if they and/or their families cannot meet the full cost of post-secondary education.

Financial Aid

Supervising Dean: Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche
Financial Aid Manager: Pau Jansa

The FYE program is designed to help students to be successful in their first year of college by providing a supportive, nurturing environment complete with educational and career guidance so they may achieve their educational and career goals.

First Year Experience

Supervising Dean: 
Program Lead: John Noyola

The Foster and Kinship Care Education program provides quality education and support opportunities for caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth.

Foster and Kinship Care Education Program

Supervising Dean: Niki Harrison
FKCE Coordinator: Shannon Slade

Fresh Success offers participants help with essential material resources alongside a wide range of academic, personal and career support services.

Fresh Success Website

Supervising Dean: Juan Alvarez
Program Lead: Maria Calpito

The Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) serves students who are former, current or emancipated foster youth. GSP's mission is to support and empower students on their path to pursuing a Career Technical Certificate, Associate's Degree, and/or transfer to a university. The program offers a Guardian Scholars Student Center that is a welcoming space for students to gain educational and personal assistance.

Guardian Scholars Program

Supervising Dean: Niki Harrison
Guardian Scholars Coordinator: Shannon Slade

The Health & Wellness Center serves enrolled students. The Center offers basic primary and non-emergency care, mental health and behavioral counseling, family planning, referrals, TB skin test, and other laboratory tests and immunizations (TD, Hep B, MMR), some which carry additional fees. Appointments can be made to see a medical provider or mental health counselor/professional.

Health & Wellness Center

Supervising Dean: Juan Alvarez

The Life Skills Center (LSC) is part of LACC’s student support services on campus. The mission of the LSC is to provide life skills and mental/emotional wellness education. This is accomplished through providing workshops, trainings, podcasts, and mentoring to LACC students and in-service training for faculty, staff, and students.

Life Skills Program

Supervising Dean: Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche
Life Skills Coordinator: Joseph Exnowski

NextUp is a supplemental component of the existing EOPS program and an extension of EOPS services that is designed to assist current or former foster youth who are under the age 26 and whose dependency with the court was established or continued on or after the student’s 13th birthday.

NextUp Program

Supervising Dean: Niki Harrison
NextUp Coordinator: Alvaro Aguila

The Office of Special Services (OSS) provides support services and instruction to LACC students with verified disabilities who register with OSS each academic semester. Services provided or authorized by OSS include: priority registration, academic counseling, learning disability assessment, disability verification based upon documentation and appropriate professional signature, accommodation testing services, specialized instructional courses, specialized/ supplemental instruction, materials in alternate media, and training on adaptive/assistive computer technology.

Office of Special Services

Supervising Dean: Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche

The Outreach and Recruitment Office assist LACC's diverse student population to easily transition into the community college environment. Ambassadors are committed to guiding students through the initial steps of the enrollment process. Services include campus tours, application workshops, high school visits and etc.

Outreach and Recruitment

Supervising Dean: 
Outreach Coordinator: 

The purpose of Student Discipline is to provide uniform procedures to assure due process when a student is charged with a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct. Student Conduct - Students enrolled in one of the Los Angeles Community Colleges expect that the faculty and administrators will maintain an environment in which there is freedom to learn. Each student is responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established for each course in which he or she is enrolled.

Student Discipline & Student Conduct

Supervising Dean/College Disciplinarian: Juan Alvarez

The LACCD Student Grievance Policy and Procedures (AP 5530) provides an equitable means to resolve student grievances. It is the process of engaging in informal and formal processes for filing a complaint against an alleged inappropriate action by a college faculty, administrator, or staff. The student bears the responsibility of providing the proof or evidence to substantiate a claim of inappropriate action.

Student Grievances

Acting College Ombudsperson: Rocio Rubalcava, Registrar, Admissions and Records
Email: @email
Phone:  (323) 953-4000, ext 2107


The Office of Student Life (OSL) provides opportunities for students to enhance their overall personal and leadership development beyond the classroom. The OSL team empowers students to be engaged citizens through co-curricular services and activities to explore leadership, civic engagement, culture, and personal development. Our programs include the Associated Student Government (ASG), clubs & organizations, leadership training, educational and cultural events.

Office of Student Life

Supervising Dean: Juan Alvarez
Student Life Specialist: Kimberly Onaga

TRIO SSS is a federally funded program designed to serve students who want to graduate with an AA or AS and transfer to a four-year university. Eligibility: 1) U.S. citizen or permanent resident, 2) enrolled at LACC, 3) low-income and first-generation college student or a student with a disability, 4) evidence of academic need.

TRIO Student Support Services

Supervising Dean: Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche
TRIO SSS Director/Counselor: Annet Estrella-Torres

The Transfer Center's primary purpose is to assist students with the process of transferring to a university. We answer questions about the transfer process, admissions requirements, and major preparation. We provide students with the opportunity to meet University representatives, and to attend workshops in order to demystify the application process. We encourage students to come to the Transfer Center early and often so we can assist you in your transfer journey.

Transfer Center

Supervising Dean: Kamale Gray
Transfer Center Director: Charnnel Ellis

Umoja (a Kiswahili word meaning unity) is a learning community dedicated to the academic success, personal growth, and self-actualization of African-American and other students. Umoja provides a supportive environment including counseling, Tutoring, Cultural Workshops and Events, Leadership Development, Academic Workshops, Faculty and Staff Mentoring, Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU) Tours, Transfer Agreements with UCs and HBCUs, and more.


Supervising Dean: Niki Harrison
Umoja Counselor: Dr. Blaine Simmons

Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families in which neither parent holds a bachelors degree (first-generation potential-college student). We guide program participants through their high school years, providing academic skills development, information on college admissions and financial aid, career exposure, and first-hand experience of college life. Our objective is to prepare our students for success not only in high school but also in a post-secondary educational institution of their choosing.

Upward Bound

Supervising Dean: 
Upward Bound Director: Michael Lopez

The Veterans Affairs program promotes an attitude of collaboration within the campus and surrounding community to increase awareness and sensitivity to issues concerning veterans. The goal of the program is to create an encouraging environment by acknowledging, honoring, and addressing veterans' unique needs, while helping them attaining their educational goals.

Veteran's Resource Center

Supervising Dean: Juan Alvarez
Student Services Specialist and SCO: Ani Saakyan

The Welcome Center is the first stop for current and prospective students who want to register for classes. A multilingual staff assists students in completing applications for Admissions & Records and Financial Aid. The Welcome Center issues student identification cards, called the cub card. The center also provides campus tours and offers campus and community referrals for employment, child care, medical and/or mental health treatment, family planning, county public assistance, housing, legal aid, and psychological counseling.

Welcome Center

Supervising Dean: 
Outreach Coordinator: