Student Services Building Front

Tutoring Overview


LACC offers tutoring services online and on campus to support students in a variety of disciplines. Please use the following links to find out more about tutoring services available and how to make an appointment or drop by for tutoring.

Math tutoring services are available in person in FH 104 or remotely by enrolling in Math 202 or Tutor 001.

Contact the Pi-Shop for more information

The Writing & ESL Centers

The Writing Center, in AD 100 and online, helps all writers on campus, in every subject, at any stage of the writing process. The ESL Center, in JH 318 and online, helps students enrolled in ESL classes.

Here's what you can do at the Writing & ESL Centers:

  • Get individual writing help (online or in-person) for any assignment for any class
  • Drop off an essay draft for feedback from a tutor
  • Attend faculty-led workshops
  • Brush up on grammar and writing skills with Achieve grammar & writing software.
Visit the Writing & ESL Centers online on Penji

To visit a tutor, you will need to register and make an appointment or drop in for tutoring on Penji. Here's what to do:

  1. Visit or click on “LACC Penji Tutoring” and log in using your student email or SSO.
  2. Click "Get Started" and then select "Learn"
  3. Select "Los Angeles City College" and then select "LACC | Writing Center" or "LACC | ESL Center"

Visit our Penji information page for videos to help you get started with Penji.


Writing Center website
ESL Center website
(323) 953-4000 ext. 2720
Help Desk: Live Help Zoom

Subject-specific tutoring is available for selected courses online and in-person through the General Tutoring Program. Following are the subjects for which we are currently offering tutoring:

  • Courses with tutoring: Anatomy 001
  • Location: in AD 100 and online
  • Services: individual tutoring, full set of anatomy models for independent study
Communication Studies
  • Courses with tutoring: Communication Studies 101
  • Location: in AD 100 and online
Visit the General Tutoring Program online on Penji

To visit a tutor, you will need to register and make an appointment or drop in for tutoring on Penji. Here's what to do:

  1. Visit or click on “LACC Penji Tutoring” and log in using your student email or SSO.
  2. Click "Get Started" and then select "Learn"
  3. Select "Los Angeles City College" and then select "LACC | General Tutoring"

Visit our Penji information page for videos to help you get started with Penji.

General Tutoring Program Appointment Policies
  • You can make one 60-minute individual appointment per day and up to a total of three appointments per week, maximum.
  • When you use General Tutoring program services, you will be automatically enrolled in the FREE noncredit (nongraded) Tutor 001, which tracks student usage for administrative purposes only. 
Office Hours, Location & Contact

Online & In Person
Cesar Chavez Administration (AD) 100
Herb Alpert Music Center 104 (music only)

Fall & Spring
Monday-Thursday: 9:00AM-6:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM-2:00PM
Saturday: 10AM-1:00PM (online)

Winter & Summer
Monday-Thursday: 10:00AM-5:00PM
Friday: 10:00AM-2:00PM

Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2720
Email: @email

Apply to be a tutor!
Get more info and apply on the General Tutoring Application link.

If you are registered with the Office of Special Services (OSS) at the College, which provides services to students with disabilities, you are eligible for their tutoring services.

Tutoring services are currently provided online, either on a drop-in or scheduled basis.

Please visit their Online Tutoring page

LACC student athletes must complete study hours at the Writing Center or Pi Shop. Student athletes may make an appointment, drop in, or join an Athlete Group Session. Tutoring is available online and in-person. Please see the Writing Center and Pi Shop websites for more information.

Trio/Student Support Services (Trio/SSS) provide assistance to students who are low income and/or first-generation students, as well as disabled students who are low-income. Students who are accepted into the program are eligible for their tutoring services, which are currently being offered online.

Please go to the Trio/SSS Tutoring page for updated information about how to schedule an appointment

Tutoring for students in the EOPS, CARE, NextUp, and CAYFES programs is being done via Zoom.

Please contact the tutoring coordinator, Alma Salazar at @email or visit their tutoring page for more information

LACC students have the ability to access NetTutor for English, Math, ASL, and Counseling Classes. This is an external service contracted by the District and the tutoring sessions are conducted by tutors who are not LACCD employees or students. Tutoring services in these disciplines are provided for free.

You can access the NetTutor site from inside one of your Canvas shells. Look at the left-hand menu and click on the NetTutor link.