
Steps to Join Puente
If you're interested in participating in the Puente program, please complete the interest form below. Once you have filled out the Interest Form, we will be sending you an e-mail with more information about the next steps to becoming a Puentista at LACC:
Eligibility for the Puente Program

Puente at LACC is an academic, counseling and mentoring program that supports students to build the skills necessary for success in both academic and career goals, while enrolling in specific Puente English and Counseling courses at LACC. Students will complete 1 year of English and Counseling together as well as working with a mentor to help you along your academic journey. We believe strongly in building community (la communidad) because when we work together, we can accomplish great things together.
We host special events on campus like Familia de la Noche and End of the Year celebrations where we celebrate all the work you have done throughout the entire year; in addition, we go to statewide Puente events like the Transfer Motivational Conference where you can meet other Puentistas from other colleges. This program is designed to help you succeed, so that you can become a future leader in your own community. We look forward to working with you and making your dreams a reality!
History and Benefits of the Puente Program
The Puente Project is a national award-winning program that has improved the college-going rate of tens of thousands of California's educationally underrepresented students since 1981.
Puente's mission is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations. The program is interdisciplinary in approach, with writing, counseling, and mentoring components.
Started in 1981 at Chabot Community College in Hayward, California, the program has since expanded to 4 middle schools, 38 high schools and 65 community colleges throughout the state. Puente staff train middle school, high school, and community college instructors and counselors to implement a program of rigorous instruction, focused academic counseling and mentoring by members of the community. Puente's staff training programs have benefited approximately 300,000 students across the state. Puente is open to all students regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, status or ability.
The Puente program provides 3 components:
Puente students begin the Fall semester with English 101, College Reading and Composition I with a specific focus on familia groups where students work together. We also focus on Latinx literature. In the Spring semester, the same students will automatically be added in English 102, College Reading and Composition II together. Both of these courses are required to transfer to a University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU).
With the addition of the English Courses, Puente students take two consecutive Counseling courses. In the fall semester, students enroll in Counseling 40, College Success Seminar. After students successfully pass Counseling 40, students take Counseling 20, which is about career planning. Both of these courses are transferrable to the UC and CSU institutions. Students will have a dedicated Puente counselor until they graduate. The students devise a comprehensive ed plan for each student to make sure the student transfer to a four-year university or complete their educational goals.
The English and Counseling coordinators will pair each Puente student with a mentor. The mentor may assist the student in multiple areas, including navigating the college system, academics, professional and career goals. The goal of the mentor is to motivate the mentee to build the life skills needed for their future success as college students and ultimately can come back and give back to their communities.
Meet Your Puente Success Team
Puente Contact Information
Joseph Ferrerosa
English Puente Coordinator
Email: @email
Location: Jefferson Hall 307
Veronica Garcia
Puente Counselor Coordinator
Email: garciava@lacitycollege.edu
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2348
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