Economic Development and Workforce Education

The Office of Economic Development and Workforce Education (EDWE) at Los Angeles City College works collaboratively with internal and both public and private sector partners throughout Los Angeles County to transform communities through excellence in career education. With the support of businesses, industry partners, and a variety of LAUSD schools, LACC is bridging the gap between a competitively skilled and competent workforce, and new, evolving workplace demands.

EDWE is empowered to provide exceptional, targeted programs and services by the administration of federal, state, and local level grants, and various workforce-related projects.

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(Experience City in the City)

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Apprenticeship Initiative

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EDWE facilitates the provision of a broad spectrum of pathways, resources, training, and tools for students, professionals, and businesses including:

  • Career Technical Education (CTE)
  • Dual Enrollment programs
  • Student internships
  • LACC Apprenticeship Initiative
  • Career advancement services
  • Job preparation and readiness support

The EDWE staff and strategy are committed to a sustainable effort toward:

  • Broadening educational and career exploration opportunities to improve student persistence.
  • Enhancing education programs by providing resources to modernize and expand opportunities for our students.
  • Creating and strengthening partnerships by promoting, engaging, and committing to collaborations that increase enrollment and employability.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

LS 211
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM – 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed




Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2594

If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our Administration and Staff page for contact information, and email our team today!