OSS Accommodations & Services

Below are the services offered by the Office of Special Services. Please visit the individual pages to learn more about our offerings. 

Student listening to an audiobook and reading
Student taking an exam
Student meeting with a learning disability specialist
Student meeting with a college counselor
Computer lab
Student tutor working with an OSS student
Sign Language Logo

Office of Special Services

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: closed

Mailing Address:
Los Angeles City College
Office of Special Services
855 N. Vermont Avenue, SSB 1st Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Student Services Building, 1st Floor


Email: @email
Voicemail: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2270 (TTY/TDD)
Online: OSS on Cranium Cafe


If you have a complaint about your accommodations, immediately contact your OSS Specialist. See the OSS Staff page for more details.