OSS Accommodations & Services
Below are the services offered by the Office of Special Services. Please visit the individual pages to learn more about our offerings.

Alternate Text Production Center
The Alternate Text Production Center (ATPC) provides eligible OSS students with alternate textbook formats like Braille, audiobooks, e-text, and large format prints. For more information or to submit a request:

Alternative Testing
OSS may be able to proctor your exams if your instructor is unable to provide your testing accommodations. For more information about eligibility and to schedule your exams:

Learning Disability Services
- Are you a strong visual and hands-on learner, but school is challenging for you?
- Do you avoid reading or read very slowly? Or are your reading skills fine, but you have a difficult time remembering what you’ve read?
- Do you frequently miss information during lectures?
- Do you have strong math reasoning skills, but often make mistakes in your calculations?
- Do you breeze through your English classes, but avoid Math at all costs?
If you answered yes to any of these, you may want to consider taking a learning disability assessment. For more information and to submit an interest form:

OSS Counseling & Academic Planning
OSS provides specialized academic and vocational counseling specifically for students with disabilities. Find out more about our counseling services:

OSS High Technology Center
Our High Tech. Center (HTC) is our computer lab located in OSS. This is where we train students in the most effective use of their assistive technology. We also have our technology lending library, and alternate media production center located here. For more information:

OSS Tutoring
OSS offers tutoring primarily for students enrolled in a Math or English class. Please submit a request form for any tutoring you would like and OSS will do our best to accommodate your needs. To submit a request or find out more information:

OSS Sign Language Interpreting
For students who are Deaf or hard of hearing and enrolled in the Office of Special Services, OSS provides American Sign Language Interpreters during classroom instruction, tutoring, and counseling appointments. For more information: