Visual and Media Arts Class

Free Software for LACC Students

Microsoft Office 365 for LACC Students and Faculty

About Microsoft Office 365:

Office 365 provides anywhere-access to familiar Office tools, enterprise-grade email, web conferencing, document management, and business process workflows.

After logging in to the new SIS (Peoplesoft Student Information Systems), you can use Office 365 online over the cloud, or you can download and install Office 2016 onto your computer.

Please note: You will need either an or email address in order to access this service.

  1. Log on to SIS (Peoplesoft Student Information Systems)
  2. On the top of the page, select “Email” to reach Office 365. From there, you can use any of the Office 365 applications over the Web without having to install anything. This includes Outlook (email), Word, and others.

Microsoft Office 365 can be installed on a desktop or laptop computer, or up to 5 devices (PCs, Macs, mobile devices) that you own.

  1. Log on to SIS (Peoplesoft Student Information Systems)
  2. On the top of the page, click “Email”
  3. Click the 9-dot menu in the upper left and choose “Office 365 ”
  4. Click the "Install Office" button and choose "Office 365 apps"
  5. Follow the instructions to complete the installation
  6. When the installation is completed, open any of the Office applications, such as Word. When asked to accept the license, accept it.
  7. You may be asked to log in to your Office 365 account
    • Log in using your district email address (either or and your SIS login password


How to Get Mathematica

Mathematica is currently installed in all general, or public-access Computer Labs, as well as many departmental labs.

  1. Go to
  2. Type in your LACCD email address and click Continue
  3. Click the link under Wolfram Mathematica to download Mathematica for your operating system.
  4. When prompted, click "sign in with Single Sign On", and sign in with your Los Angeles Community College District login (for details, see instructions:
    1. (Note: The first time that you sign in using your school login, you will be prompted to link it to your Wolfram ID)
  5. The Wolfram Mathematica installer will begin to download.  After the download is complete, install Mathematica to your computer.
  6. After installation, run Mathematica.  You will be prompted to “Sign In to Activate Your Product.”  If needed, sign in with your LACCD email address, then click Activate.
  7. When prompted, review the License Agreement.  If you agree, click OK to finalize the installation and use the software.

  1. Go to
  2. Type in your LACCD email address and click Continue
  3. Click the link under Wolfram|Alpha Pro.
  4. When prompted, click "sign in with Single Sign On", and sign in with your Los Angeles Community College District login (for details, see instructions:
    1. (Note: The first time that you sign in using your school login, you will be prompted to link it to your Wolfram ID)
  5. You will then be able to access Wolfram|Alpha Pro.

Software Discounts

Purchase software at discounted prices through the CollegeBuys program
CollegeBuys, powered by the Foundation for California Community Colleges, offers discounts of up to 85 percent on a wide range of educational products. As a student, you are eligible for discounts on products that will help you complete your education, including Adobe Creative Cloud.