Department Home
Program Description:
What is TRIO?
The TRIO/SSS program provides services that assist students in obtaining an Associate Degree and transfer to four-year institution within four years at LACC. Services include:
- Tutoring
- Workshops
- Cultural activities
- Computer lab access
- Calculator loan
- University field-trips
- Academic and personal counseling
- Assistance with Transfer Application, Financial Aid Application & Scholarship Application
- And much more!
Click on following links to view our TRIO Newsletters:
TRIO Student Support Services
TRIO/Student Support Services [SSS] program has planned a number of new informative workshops, university tours, and cultural events of interest to TRIO/SSS students. Please drop by our office on the 3rd floor of the Student Services building in order to take advantage of all the resources we have to offer.
Please plan to use the computer lab, attend events to connect with other TRIO/SSS students, and check for the most recent updates regarding transfer and other academic support opportunities. Remember to complete at least two counseling contacts each term along with one workshop or activity and to touch base with the program regarding changes to your current class schedule/educational plan.
We are located in the Student Services Building on the 3rd floor
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Mission Statement
The TRIO/SSS program assists low-income, first-generation, and/or disabled students by providing opportunities for academic advisement, mentoring, assistance with basic college requirements, and motivation to complete their post-secondary education.