LACC College Buildings


Student Parking

The College has no control over fine amounts. Fees are set by municipal code and are subject to change at any time. College parking is enforced 24 hours a day on campus grounds. All California Vehicle Codes will be enforced on campus.

All vehicles must be out of the parking lots by 11:00PM.

Lots 1 & 2 require a day pass that can be purchased at the meter in the lot for $2 for the day (ending at 11:00PM). Students may also park here with a general student permit purchased from the Business Office.

Lot 3 requires a preferred parking permit purchased from the Business Office.

Lot 4 is for Faculty/Staff.

No student parking is allowed in the faculty/staff parking lot at any time.

Employee Parking

Employees may park in Employee Parking Lot 4 by permit only. Click here to fill out a request for an employee parking permit. Once the form is filled out and submitted, you may pick up your permit from the Sheriff's Office located in the Cesar Chavez Administration Building Breezeway(Building A5), room number AD-111 Mondays-Fridays from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm. You will be required to show your Employee ID (Cub Card). If you do not have your Cub Card, please go to the Welcome Center located in the Student Services Building 1st floor (Building B6) to retrieve one.

Parking permits from any LACCD campus are honored at all campuses. If you already have a permit from one college in the district, you will not need another permit.

Parking permits are valid for 2-year periods, and the current permit will expire on 8/31/2024. If you've already received a permit during the Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 semesters, you will not need a new permit.

Disabled Placards

Persons with a valid Disabled Placard registered to them will be allowed to park in any valid Student, Faculty/Staff, and Disabled Parking stalls on campus with a valid student/staff parking permit. Although persons with a Disabled Placard may park in timed stalls, be advised that stalls in the Child Development Center are marked as reserved and you may be issued a citation.

Motorcycles & Mopeds Parking

Motorcycles and Mopeds may park in the 2 designated parking areas in Lots 3 and 4.

Motorcycles and mopeds are not required to display a parking permit but MUST park in the designated motorcycle parking spaces. Any motorcycle or moped parked in a parking stall designated for automobiles or parked in any other area not designated for motorcycle or moped parking may be cited and/or impounded.

Motorcycles and mopeds may not park anywhere on campus that is not a designated parking area. Any vehicles parked outside of a designated parking area may be cited and/or impounded.

Overnight & Long-Term Parking

Overnight parking is not allowed unless express consent is granted by the LA City College Vice President of Administrative Services. Vehicles parked on campus or in parking lots in excess of 72 hours may be considered abandoned and may be subject to impound (22651 (k) CVC).

Paying Citations

The Campus Sheriff's Office does not collect any fees or payments for citations. Fees in the amount indicated must be mailed. Send payment in the form of a check or money order in the furnished envelope to the address indicated on the Citation. DO NOT SEND CASH IN THE MAIL.

You may also pay your citation online. (A service charge may apply.)

Payment Plans may be available: For more information, please call 1 (866) 353-5867. You may also see payment plan information online.

Failure to pay fees by the date indicated on the citation will result in the following actions:

  1. A Delinquent fee will be added to the violation amount.
  2. A hold will be placed on your registration through the DMV.

Appealing a Citation

Individuals who believe a parking citation was issued to them in error must complete an Administrative Review Form within 21 days (excluding weekends & holidays) from the date on the citation that is shown. Appeal forms are available online as a pdf file, or at the Campus Sheriff’s Office. Completion of this form does not guarantee a dismissal.

Additional documents need to be submitted with the appeal form.

Please attach the following:

  1. A copy of the parking citation
  2. A copy of your current parking permit (if any)
  3. Your parking permit/fee receipt (the Business Office is able to provide a copy)
  4. Any other supporting documents

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

The LACC Sheriff's Station
Cesar Chavez Administration Building 111
Operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.


For non-emergencies and general questions, please call (323) 953-4005 or you can email us at
Email: @email

In an emergency, dial 2911 from any campus phone or call the direct Emergency phone number at Phone: (323) 953-2911.