LACC Buildings

Sheriffs Office

Los Angeles City College Sheriff’s Office
Image of Israel Renteria, Captain of College Bureau

The Los Angeles Community College District contracts the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for college law enforcement services. This contract supplies the college with the full capability of a large law enforcement bureau and adds professionalism to the job of protecting students and employees. The nine campuses are organized under the leadership of the Sheriff's Community College Bureau.

Each campus has its own mini sheriff's station that is staffed and equipped in the same manner as a regular station. The Los Angeles City College Station is staffed with L.A. County Sheriff's Deputies, L.A. County Sheriff's Department Security Officers, and LACC Campus Ambassadors.

This staffing provides 24-hour security coverage for all persons visiting and using the Los Angeles City College campus. The campus is in the process of upgrading its security systems to include emergency telephones, security cameras, and alarm systems to further enhance campus safety.

The LACC Sheriff's Station operates 24 hours per day/7 days per week in Administration Building 111.

For questions and inquiries, please call our non-emergency number at (323) 953-4005, or 4005 from any campus phone.

In an emergency, dial 2911 from any campus phone or call the direct phone number to our Sheriff's Office at (323) 953-2911.

Note: Calling 911 from your cell phone while on campus in case of an emergency will delay the response time for Sheriff's personnel to respond.

Message from Deputy Pastrano regarding US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement on LACC Campus:

Dear Los Angeles City College Community, 

I am writing this letter to assist in answering and clarifying many of the questions you may have regarding United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement "ICE" on campus.

First and foremost, I want to reiterate that the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is firm in our commitment to the safety and well-being of our college community, regardless of race, age, disability, ethnicity, immigration status, or sexual orientation. Our goal is to engage positively with everyone and build a strong relationship based on trust. 

Los Angeles County Sheriff's has implemented policy Section 05-09/271.00, "Immigration Inquiries and Notifications," which states deputy personnel “Shall not”  arrest individuals suspected of violating federal immigration law. It also states deputies  “Shall not” report individuals to ICE regardless of any violation of the law.

If ICE were to come on campus, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department would maintain a neutral stance and would not assist in enforcing their immigration laws. However, we would also respect their right to carry out their lawful duties without interference.  

As the team leader at the Los Angeles City College Sheriff's Office, I want to emphasize that our primary focus is not on enforcing immigration law. You should not fear us. We will never inquire about your immigration status, nor will we take any action against you. Our sole purpose is to investigate non-immigration criminal activity, ensure the safety of our campus and create an environment conducive to learning for everyone.

Please take a minute to review the attached immigration pamphlet. It clearly explains the Sheriff's Department policy and answers some of the most frequently asked questions.  Feel free to contact me with any further questions you may have.

I wish you all the best during this Spring Semester. Please say hi to us at the Sheriff's office or around campus.

Best regards,

Deputy Adolfo Pastrano

Team Leader/Deputy Sheriff

Los Angeles City College


The LACC Sheriff's Station

Office Location

The LACC Sheriff's Station
Cesar Chavez Administration Building 111
Operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.


Cesar Chavez

In an emergency, dial 2911 from any campus phone or call the direct Emergency phone number at (323) 953-2911.

For non-emergencies and general questions, please call (323) 953-4005 or you can email us at @email