Emergency Plan & Procedures
Emergency Procedures Booklet:
Campus Evacuation Map:

HTML Version Index:
- Emergency Telephone Numbers
- Introduction
- Serious Accident or Injury
- Crime in Progress or Civil Disturbance
- Severe Winds
- Earthquake
- Fire
- Chemical Spills & Fires
- Flooding & Water Damage
- Bomb Threat & Bomb Threat Checklist
- Utility Failure (Electrical, Elevator, etc.)
- Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities
- Verbal or Written Threats
Emergency Telephone Numbers
Accidents/Injuries: #3 or (323) 953-2911
Sheriff’s Department*: #3 or (323) 953-2911
Safety Hazards: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2431
Utility Hazards: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2441
General Information: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2030
Administration: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2082
*Please enter the Sheriff’s Department phone number (323) 953-4005 into your personal cell phone as a speed dial.
This informational guide is being disseminated to assist LACC’s employees and students in responding to different emergencies that they may confront in the course of their duties or while attending classes. This guide is a summary of the college’s overall Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), a copy of which should be located in each department office. This guide should be posted in a visible area in each department where it will be immediately available should one of the identified emergencies occur.
Please become familiar with the contents of this guide. In the event of an emergency it will serve as a quick reference for effective action. New employees and students should be made familiar with it as part of the departmental orientation program.
The names of Building Marshals and Floor Monitors as well as qualified First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) personnel working within your department and/or building should be listed where indicated on the “Serious Accident/Injury” page. Other informational blanks should also be filled in properly.
The LA County Sheriff’s Department is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, to respond to any emergency which may occur. The Sheriff’s Department is primarily responsible for emergencies that occur within the boundaries of the campus. The Sheriff’s Department may still be called for emergencies that occur off-campus and will assist by contacting the appropriate agency.
Serious Accident or Injury
- Do not move a seriously injured person unless there is a life-threatening situation.
- Do Not Dial 911 from your cellphone to report the injury. This will cause a delay in help arriving.
- Call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-2911. Give your name, location, and telephone number. Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of the injury or illness, whether or not the victim is conscious, etc. Officers will arrange for paramedic/ambulance, if required.
- Keep the victim as calm and comfortable as possible.
- Remain with the victim until the Sheriff’s Department and/or emergency personnel arrive.
Being Prepared
- Identify the names of the persons in your office or building trained in First Aid or CPR should they be needed including their Name, Office Location, Phone Extension, and Training
- Identify the location(s) of the First Aid Kit(s) near you
Crime in Progress or Civil Disturbance
- DO NOT attempt to apprehend or interfere with the criminal except in the case of self protection.
- If safe to do so, stop and take time to get a good description of the criminal. “Be a Good Witness.” Note height, weight, sex, race, approximate age, clothing, method and direction of travel, and his/her name, if known. All of this only takes a few seconds, and is of the utmost help to the responding officers. If you are witnessing a criminal entering a vehicle, please note: i.e. the license plate number, make, model, color, and any outstanding characteristics.
- Call the College Sheriff’s Department on ext. 2911 (from your mobile phone dial (323) 953-2911. Give your name, location and department. Advise the dispatcher of the situation and stay on the line until told to do otherwise. If you are safe in your place, remain where you are until contacted by the College Sheriff’s personnel.
Civil Disturbance or Demonstration
- DO NOT interfere with those persons creating the disturbance or with authorities on the scene.
- If a civil disturbance and/or demonstration becomes unlawful, Discreetly call the college Sheriff’s Department ext. 2911 (from your mobile phone dial (323) 953-2911. To avoid escalating the situation, use a private office to place this call whenever possible. The Sheriff’s Office will determine if the disturbance/demonstration is lawful or not and handle accordingly.
- Calmly alert all employees in the area to the situation.
- Continue with the normal routine as much as possible. If the disturbance is outside, stay away from doors and windows.
- If a threat to a person or property is evident, the Sheriff’s Department personnel will advise to cease operation and plan to evacuate the area. Lock all doors; secure all files, documents, and equipment.
Severe Winds
Windstorms severe enough to cause damage may occur at infrequent intervals and may be accompanied by torrential rains. Accurate meteorological predictions may be available and prior warning may be expected in sufficient time to enable the campus to prepare for emergency conditions.
If a severe windstorm occurs:
- The best protection in severe winds are the permanent buildings of the campus. As a result, steps will be taken to ensure the safety of students/employees within the buildings rather than to evacuate. Time permitting, students and employees in temporary structures will be moved to permanent buildings/structures. Insofar as is practical, the Sheriff’s Department will follow up on warnings by making room-to-room inspections of all temporary structures.
- At the time of warning of impending severe winds, property and equipment not properly anchored should be moved inside a building or tied down.
- Immediately after the cessation of severe winds, college personnel will inspect all areas for damage.
During the Earthquake:
- Stay calm and try to calm and reassure others.
- If indoors, stay indoors. Seek shelter under a sturdy desk or table. Cover your head and torso to protect yourself from objects that could fall during an earthquake. Make every attempt to hold on to the piece of furniture in order to remain protected (large earthquakes will cause the furniture to move if not held on to).
- If outdoors, get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls, and power lines.
- Stay away from windows, shelves, heavy objects, or anything that can fall.
- Do not rush for exit. You may be struck by falling debris, stairways may be broken, and walkways may be jammed with people.
- DO NOT use elevators, as the power may be off.
After an earthquake, an Emergency Operation Center (EOC) is established in the President’s Office, AD 214, (323) 953-4000 ext. 2242 (or another area as directed by the president or designee) should damage occur, all or part of the college may be closed. Employees are not to leave the campus until authorized to do so by the College President or authorized administrator.
After the Earthquake:
- Evacuate buildings if the earthquake seemed serious enough to cause structural damage by moving quickly to the evacuation point shown on the Emergency Exit Plan posted in each room.
- Expect aftershocks. Move carefully and use extreme caution when moving around damaged buildings because aftershocks can cause further damage.
- Check for injuries, trapped persons, and disabled persons in your vicinity.
- Check for fires. If you can, extinguish with a fire extinguisher. If not, leave the area and call the College Sheriff’s Office at ext. 2911 (from your mobile phone dial (323) 953-2911.
- If safe to do so, clean up spilled chemicals or other potentially harmful materials, or contact Safety Officer at ext. 2083.
- Do not use electric equipment. Turn electrical switches off and do not light matches.
- Do not touch downed power lines, other exposed wires, or objects touched by downed lines.
- Do not use campus telephones unless an emergency requires it. Many Cell towers will be down and your cellphone may not work. Keep the lines in the Sheriff’s Department opened for emergencies ONLY.
- Check closets and storage shelf areas. Open doors carefully and watch for falling objects.
- Listen for damage reports and evacuation information. Do not spread rumors.
- Do not return to an evacuated building until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
After all major or minor earthquakes, the Sheriff’s Department along with Physical Plant personnel will conduct a check of all buildings to determine any structural damage.
Before a fire situation arises:
- Always make it a habit of checking the pressure gauge of the fire extinguisher in your area.
- Request Training from safety personnel if you do not know who to use a fire extinguisher.
- Become familiar with the Emergency Exit Plan for your department.
Upon discovering a fire:
- Close the door to the room where the fire is located. Immediately sound the building fire alarm.
- Call the College Sheriff’s Office immediately at ext. 2911 or (323)953-2911 and the Safety Officer when safe at ext. 2083. Give your name, department, and location of fire. Do not hang up until the dispatcher tells you to do so.
- If the fire is small, you may wish to fight it with a fire extinguisher or building hose. Be sure you are using the proper extinguisher for the type of fire you are fighting.
- If the fire is large, very smoky, or rapid-spreading, evacuate the building immediately. While evacuating, inform others in the building who may not have responded to the alarm to evacuate immediately. Warn those in the building and those attempting to enter the building by yelling: “This is not a drill.”
- Walk; do not run, to the nearest exit.
- When the fire alarm sounds, do not use elevators. An elevator may become inoperative and a trap. Give assistance to (if necessary) all disabled persons in using the stairs. An Emergency Evacuation Chair (Evac-U-Trac) is placed in buildings that are two-stories or higher to accommodate safe evacuation of individuals who can not be escorted safely down the stairwell. These Evac-U-Trac chairs are normally placed next to the elevator and stairwell at the highest floor of the building.
- Evacuate to a distance of at least 500 feet from the building and stay out of the way of emergency personnel. Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by emergency personnel, college administrator, or Building Marshal.
- Notify emergency personnel or Building Marshal on the scene if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the building.
Being Prepared
- Identify the location of the nearest fire alarm.
- Identify the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.
- Identify the location of the nearest Evac-U-Trac.
Chemical Spills & Fires
If a chemical spill occurs:
- If toxic chemicals come in contact with your skin, immediately flush the affected area with clear water. Use chemical showers, if available.
- Call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or ext. 2911 or (323) 953-2911 using your cellphone. Give your name and location of the spill. Do not hang up until dispatcher tells you to do so.
- Notify your supervisor/instructor of the extent and location of the spill, if possible.
- If there is any possible danger, evacuate the area immediately.
If a chemical fire occurs:
- Upon discovering a chemical fire, close windows and doors where the fire is located and immediately sound the building alarm.
- Call the Sheriff’s Department on #3 or ext. 2911 or (323) 953-2911 using your cellphone.
- If the fire is large, very smoky, or rapidly spreading, evacuate the building immediately. While evacuation, warn others that “This Is Not A Drill” and advise them to immediately evacuate the building. The alarm may not sound continuously. If the alarm stops, continue to evacuate. Warn others who may enter the buildings after the alarm stops.
- Walk; do not run, to the nearest exit.
- When fire alarms sound, do not use elevators. An elevator may become inoperative and a trap. Give assistance (if necessary) to disabled persons using the stairs. Use the Evac-U-Trac (Emergency Evacuation Chair) for those individuals who can not use the stairs for safe exiting of the building.
- Evacuate to a distance of at least 500 feet and always attempt to remain Upwind of the hazard. Always stay out of the way of emergency personnel. Do not return to the building until instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
- Notify emergency personnel and/or Building Marshal on the scene if you suspect someone may be trapped inside the building.
Being Prepared
- Identify the location of the nearest fire alarm.
- Identify the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.
- Identify the location of the nearest Evac-U-Trac.
Flooding & Water Damage
Flooding in the metropolitan Los Angeles area is generally limited to streets during periods of heavy rainfall. Occasionally, rainfall and wind conditions in the area are such that trees fall causing structural damage to buildings and roadways. Access to and from the campus may be hindered due to traffic congestion. Flooding of the campus is most likely to be associated with a heavy rain downpour or broken water main.
Should a flooding situation occur, an orderly evacuation of the area should be initiated. Call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-2911 Sheriff’s personnel will notify the appropriate college personnel and dispatch personnel to the area.
Water Damage
Serious water damage can occur from a number of sources: broken pipes, clogged drains, broken skylights or windows, or construction oversights. Requests for repairs of leaky pipes and broken faucets are not a flood situation. They are to be reported by sending a work request form to Facilities Administration for notification of needed repair.
If a serious water leak occurs:
- Call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-4005. Advise the dispatcher of the exact location and severity of the leak. Indicate whether any valuables are involved or are in imminent danger.
- Notify your supervisor of the extent and the location of the leak, use extreme caution. If there is any possible danger, evacuate the area.
- If you know the source of the water and are confident of your ability to stop it (i.e., unclog the drain or turn off the water), do so cautiously.
- Be prepared to assist as directed in protecting college property and valuables that are in jeopardy. Take only essential steps to avoid or reduce immediate water damage.
Individuals in the hazardous area should be notified/warned and directed to leave the affected area. Do not enter an area that has been flooded until told to do so by emergency personnel. Employees are not to leave the campus until authorized to do so by an authorized administrator or Sheriff’s personnel.
Bomb Threat & Bomb Threat Checklist
Bomb Threats:
- Bomb threats are usually received by telephone. However, if you see or read about a bomb threat or any threat directed toward LACC, immediately notify the Campus Sheriff’s Office at (323) 953-2911.
- The person receiving the telephoned bomb threat should remain calm and attempt to obtain as much information as possible from the caller by using the “Telephone Threat” listed below.
- Call the Sheriff’s Department ext. 2911 (from your mobile phone dial (323) 953-2911). Give your name, location and telephone number. Inform the dispatched of the situation including any information you may have as to the location of the bomb, time it is set to explode, and time when you received the call.
- Inform your supervisor and/or department head.
Suspicious Object or Package:
In the event of a suspicious object/package is observed on campus, do not handle the object, immediately clear the area and call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-2911. The Sheriff’s Department and the Campus President will advise if an evacuation is necessary.
Evacuation of the Area:
- If instructed to evacuate, go to the area designated for evacuations or the location instructed by the Sheriff’s Department.
- If inclement weather conditions exist, move to another building a safe distance away.
- Do not return to an evacuated building unless instructed to do so by emergency personnel.
Telephone Threat
1. Attempt to Keep the Caller Talking in Order to Get the Following:
- When will the device explode?
- Where is it located?
- What does the device look like?
- What kind of incendiary device is the bomb?
- Did the caller place the device?
- Why did the caller place the device?
2. Attempt to Determine and Record the Following:
- Caller’s speech pattern or accent
- Background noises, caller’s name, or address from which the call is being made
- Caller’s age and sex
- Caller’s emotional state
- Date and time of call
3. Immediately Contact College Sheriff Ext 2911
- (From Your Mobile Phone Dial (323) 953-2911).
Exact Wording of Threat:
To the best of your ability write down the exact wording of the threat, including the building name and room number where the bomb is located.
Fill out completely and immediately after bomb threat:
Sex of Caller_________
Time of Call_________
Duration of Call_________
Callers Voice: (check all that apply)
___Clearing throat
___Deep breathing
___Cracking voice
___Disguised accent
___If accent, type: _______________________
Threat Language:_________________
Background Sounds (check all that apply):
___Street noises
___PA system
___Animal Noise
___Long distance
___Read, like from a prepared statement
Take note of any other information that you think the authorities should be aware of.
Utility Failure
Utility failures can occur at any time. The most common utility failures experienced at the college are electrical power outages that are usually brief and generally do not disrupt activities for more than a few moments at any given time. In the event of a major or potential danger to members of the college community, all or part of the college will be closed. Employees are not to leave the campus until authorized to do so by an authorized administrator or Sheriff’s personnel. If you are in an unlit area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lights or evacuate the building. Provide assistance to students, visitors and staff in your immediate area.
What To Do?
Most campus buildings are equipped with an emergency lighting system designed to provide enough illumination in corridors and stairs for safe exiting. In the event of electrical failure, call Facilities Administration at (323) 953-4000 ext. 2410 or 2441. A representative will notify the Sheriff’s Department when assistance in evacuating an area is needed. If an administration representative is not available contact the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-4005. Give your name, location, and department and advise them of the situation. If you are in an unlit area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lights or evacuate the building. Provide assistance to students, visitors and staff in your immediate area.
All elevators are equipped with emergency alarms. Stay calm. Use the intercom telephone or the emergency button. College personnel will be dispatched to the elevator for assistance.
Cease using all electrical equipment, vacate the area and call Facilities Administration at (323) 953-4000 ext. 2410 or 2444. If unavailable contact Sheriff’s Department #3 or (323) 953-4005.
If smoke or burning smells come from the ventilation system, vacate the area and immediately call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-2911.
Should a telephone instrument become inoperable during the course of the routine workday send a Work Request by e-mail to IT (Information Technology), AD107 at (323) 953-4000 ext. 2049.
Should college telephones become inoperable during an emergency situation such as that associated with an earthquake, a number communication has been established. When dispatching a runner, the primary point of contact should be the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (President’s Office, AD214) In the event the President’s Office is damaged; temporary EOC will be established at a location to be determined.
Evacuation of Persons with Disabilities
It is suggested that the wheelchair occupant or person with mobility impairment prepare for emergencies ahead of time by instructing a classmate or instructor of how to assist him/her in the case of an emergency.
In the event of an emergency, persons in wheelchairs and other disabled individuals should observe the following evacuation procedures:
- Flash lights intermittently to alert deaf or hard of hearing persons.
- All persons should move toward the nearest marked exit.
Evacuating Safely
- As a first choice, the wheelchair occupant or person with mobility impairment may use building elevators, but never in the case of fire or earthquake.
- As a second choice, when a wheelchair occupant or other person with mobility impairment reaches an obstruction such as a staircase, he/she should request assistance from others in the area.
- If assistance is not immediately available, the wheelchair occupant or person with mobility impairment should stay in the exit corridor, or the stairway or landing. He/she should continue to call for help until rescued. A person who cannot speak loudly should carry a whistle or have other means of attracting the attention of others.
Your Sheriff’s Department Personnel/Building Captains/Floor Wardens will be responsible for checking the evacuated area for all persons with disabilities.
An Emergency Evacuation Chair (Evac-U-Trac) is placed in buildings that are two-stories or higher to accommodate safe evacuation of individuals who can not be escorted safely down the stairwell. These Evac-U-Trac chairs are normally placed next to the elevator and stairwell at the highest floor of the building. Rescue, fire and/or police personnel, and Building Marshal will first check all exits, corridors and exit stairwells for trapped persons.
Faculty, staff and students with a disability are encouraged to file an Emergency Work Station/Class Schedule with the OSS (Office of Special Services) located in the Student Services Building, 1st Floor.
Being Prepared
- Identify the location of the nearest Evac-U-Trac
Verbal or Written Threats
Verbal Threats
- If you witness or overhear a verbal threat advocating violence towards another person, treat this incident as a Crime in Process.
- Do not attempt to apprehend or interfere with the criminal except in the case of self-protection.
- If safe to do so, stop and take time to get a good description of the criminal. “Be a Good Witness.” Note height, weight, sex, race, approximate age, clothing, method and direction of travel, and his/her name if known. All this takes only a few seconds and is of the utmost help to the investigating officers. If the criminal is entering a vehicle, note the license plate number, make, model, color, and any outstanding characteristics of the vehicle.
- Call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-2911. Give your name, location, and department. Advise the dispatcher of the situation and stay on the line until told to do otherwise. Remain where you are until contacted by an officer.
Written Threats
- A written threat can be anything from a note passed in class, a statement written on a chalkboard, or an email or text message.
- If a written threat is received, call the Sheriff’s Department at #3 or (323) 953-2911. Give your name, location, and department. Advise the dispatcher of the situation and the nature of the threat. Provide details such as if the person who passed/uttered the threat is known or present and if the intended target is known or present.