Student university

Guardian Scholars Eligibility

New Student Checklist

Follow the steps outlined below in order (if they apply to you). Only proceed if you are, or have ever been, in the Foster Care system. That is our main requirement!

  • You must be enrolled in credit or non-credit classes at Los Angeles City College to participate in our program and receive services.
  • This does not include our sister campuses in the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) or any other community colleges.
  • Apply to LACC through the California Community Colleges website.

  • This is very important! You will not be able to participate in our program without Proof of Foster Care!
  • If your case was in California, you can request proof that you were in foster care online on the CA Foster Care Ombudsperson's website

Request Your Proof of Foster Care Online

  • If you prefer to make a phone call and your case was in Los Angeles County:
  • If your case was in another county or state contact:
    • Your social worker(s), parents, or guardians, or
    • Your home county Child Protective Services department or Children's Court, and
    • Ask for Proof of Foster Care Status (say it's for Financial Aid)
    • Forward whatever document they send to our team by emailing

Only after you've submitted Proof of Foster Care status (e.g. Ward of the Court Document), please complete our program's online intake form.

 Complete our Intake Form

  • An orientation is the last step required to make you an official part of the Guardian Scholars program.
  • Please email our team to let us know that you want to schedule an orientation appointment, which can be either in person or remotely via Zoom.

Contact Us


Student Services Building (SSB) 360

SSB 367


Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2345

​Alvaro, Aguila
Program Coordinator
SSB 367
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2336
