Specially-Funded Programs

Specially Funded Programs are supported with funding from external sources, such as federal, state and local agencies, or private entities. The use of such funds is restricted by the granting agency to specific purposes authorized in the terms and conditions of the award.

Consistent with our Mission, Vision and Values, the Office of Economic Development and Workforce Education (EDWE) concentrates strategic efforts on submitting competitive grant proposals, successfully implementing awarded SFP programs, and maintaining the highest standards of regulatory compliance. EDWE is committed to expanding the portfolio of accessible and affordable opportunities and services available to Los Angeles City College students.

Currently Funded Projects

Perkins V 


  1. Review Memo: 24-25 Perkins Application Update. 
  2.  Review Allowable and Allowable expenses document.
  3. Review Eligibility - LA Perkins V Qualifying Occupations Spreadsheet
  4. Review provided data for Core Indicators for your Top Code. *This determines what areas/populations departments must make improvements on to meet state negotiated levels.
  5. Review COE Supply and Demand Data
  6. Generate and Review Lighcast occupational data.
  7. Review your advisory board minutes and recommendations from industry partners.
  8. Complete Application.
  9. Complete application Evaluation Process.
  10. Memo to Faculty

               a) 24-25 Perkins V - SWP Application Folder

Perkins V Funded Programs List (2024-2025)

Top Code Programs Name
0604.20 "Television 
(including combined TV/film/video)"
0612.20 Film Production
0614.20 Electronic Game Design 
1005.00 Commercial Music
1006.00 Technical Theater
1012.00 Applied Photography
1240.30 Dental Laboratory Technician
1305.00 Child Development/Early Care and Education


Previously Funded Projects

LACC Online Education Innovation Project aims to 1) increase the quality, quantity, visibility and accessibility of LACC's online courses and programs, 2) build new online programs to provide more accessible points of entry to certificated and degree programs for non-traditional students and 3) improve online course developments and instruction in existing online Business Administration certificate and degree programs.

Award Amount: $243,320.00
Funding Period: July 2019 - June 2020

Funding for the LACC Online Education Innovation Project is granted by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office via the California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative.

For more information, please contact: Melissa Robles at roblesm5@laccd.edu

The STEM | JPMorgan Chase project aims to encourage students from socio-economically, academically, and racially diverse backgrounds to explore STEM study; to support them as they choose and complete STEM educational pathways; and to connect them with employers, professionals, and mentors who can facilitate their transition into STEM careers.

Award Amount: $ 264,677.00
Funding Period: July 2019 - June 2021

Funding for STEM | JPMorgan Chase project is granted by JPMorgan Chase Foundation.

For more information, please contact: Celeste Montenegro at @email

Administration of Justice

Access to Technology:
Increase Administration of Justice student access to necessary technology and digital Administration of Justice curriculum.


Community News Project:
Increasing enrollment through offering and supporting multi-skilled, multi-platform journalism and photography programming and vocational tools.

Child Development

Completion Project:
Skill attainment, participation and completions leading to employment in early childhood care and education.


Increase Law and Paralegal student access to necessary industry specific computer software.

Cinema (0604 & 0612):

Technology and Support Enhancement:
Increasing the technical skill attainment among economically disadvantaged Cinema students to increase persistence, transfer and employment.


Music Technology:
Increasing student completion by providing tutoring support and increased instructional functionality to music technology students.

Dental Prosthetic Technology

Dentistry and Distance Education
Implement digital dentistry and distance education to increase access and student success.


Enhancing & Expanding Nursing at LACC:
Implementing employment workshop series and securing national certification to increase graduate employment and special population enrollment.


Increasing Access:
Increasing student persistence, non-traditional participation and completions in Dietetics through added student support services and outreach.


Closing the Access Pipe:
Building access to photography equipment, tools and photography lab to increase non-traditional student participation and completion.


Aerial Unmanned Vehicles, COA and AS:
Increasing student access, skill attainment and employability in emerging and innovative technology industries.

Visual and Media Arts

Enhancing Program & Outcomes:
Increasing access to technology and student supports to improve skill attainment, persistence and employment outcomes.

Engineering Technology

Engineering, Electrical Technology, COA and AS:
Increasing student access, skill attainment and employability in emerging and innovative technology industries.


Click here to learn more about Perkins IV funding.

LACC's ECCA Initiative aims to provides relevant career and technical education in support of registered apprenticeship initiatives that serve LACC's’ unique labor market needs in computer science and technology occupations.

Award Amount: $139,800.00
Funding Period: July 2019 - February 2022

Funding for the ECCA Initiative is granted by the U.S. Department of Labor via the American Association of Community Colleges.

For more information, please contact project lead: Alexus Medina at @email

LACC Academy for Innovative Tech Professionals creates new and innovative apprenticeship opportunities to engage underrepresented populations in priority and emerging industry sectors.

Award Amount: $499,978.00
Funding Period: January 2020 - December 2022

Funding for the LACC Academy for Innovative Tech Professionals is granted by the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI).

For more information, please contact project lead: Juliana Medina at @email

ASSURE aims to expand and evaluate the impact of a comprehensive research program for community college students in the chemical sciences, with the intention to increase engagement, retention, degree completion, and transfer rates for students from underrepresented groups.

Award Amount: $299,092.00
Funding Period: September 2020 - August 2022

Funding for ASSURE is granted by the National Science Foundation.

For more information, please contact project lead: Dr. Glen Baghdasarian at @email

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

LS 211


Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2594

If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our Administration and Staff page for contact information, and email our team today!