Economic Development and Workforce Education FAQ


Will there be any recognition for the completion of the Apprenticeship Initiative program?

Registered apprentices and mentors will receive a certificate of attendance after completing a workshop.

  • Mentors must provide the name of their apprenticeship and the name of the apprentices they mentor for verification purposes.
  • Apprentices will be eligible to take the certification and/or license exam under the specific field

Are LACC's Apprenticeship Initiative services tuition-free?

All services provided by the Apprenticeship Initiative are paid for by the California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) through grant funding allocated to increase the number of apprenticeships in California.

I'm a business looking to create a Registered Apprenticeship. What happens after the grant ends?

The Apprenticeship Initiative's goal is to help you create a program that is self-sustaining. This is done through continuous collaboration with a relevant LACC department(s) that meet your apprenticeship needs. Additionally, students will have continued access to wrap around support services offered by Los Angeles City College during their time as a student.

What are the advantages of creating an apprenticeship for your business?

  • An apprenticeship creates a pool of potential employees whose skills are custom tailored to your company's needs. An apprenticeship ensures that students are training in your business' specific operations, logistics, and procedures, and therefore learning exactly what you need them to. Additionally, as apprentices, these students contribute to your team's ongoing work at a lower cost than hiring a new full-time employee.
  • Offering a paid apprenticeship creates healthy competition in the community, encouraging the active participation of highly motivated program students interested in your field of work. They'll also be learning at the same time which will allow them to apply what they've learned directly to work improving information retention.
  • This can also generate a growth mentality and appreciation for training and teaching among current employees, especially those who have been in the same position for several years and may be interested in new challenges.

How does LACC work to increase retention?

Students who secure apprenticeships are highly motivated to continue in their studies since they are being paid to engage in work they are interested in, on a path to earning credentials, and are motivated by the potential for achieving stable employment. However, at LACC we recognize that life events can disrupt students' progress toward academic and career goals. Los Angeles City College faculty and staff are ready and equipped to guide students toward the college resources and services made available to support student success, including but not limited to mentoring, counseling, and financial aid.

Part of our role includes working with apprentices, apprenticeship sites, and faculty to ensure that students learn to communicate their struggles and difficulties. Teams who are trained to reach out to students for routine check-ins will actively work to address the needs and difficulties of students, thereby maximizing the number of apprentices who complete their apprenticeship.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

LS 211
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM – 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2594

If you have any questions or concerns, please visit our Administration and Staff page for contact information, and email our team today!