Drama Club Students on Stage

2024 -2025 Theatre Season & Events

This image contains four posters framed in gray wooden frames. Each poster represents a unique theatrical production or event.
Past Seasons: Spring 2024
This image features four additional posters, each in a gray wooden frame, showcasing distinct theatrical events or productions.
  Fall 2023 
This image contains four posters framed in gray wooden frames. Each poster represents a unique theatrical production or event.

Spring 2023 

The culmination of theatre training is presenting public performances. This presentation of one-acts was directed, performed, and designed by the students of the Los Angeles City College Theatre Academy.

Student Directed one Acts 2023 March 2-4
Poster - Student Directed One Acts

Awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Drama,
LACC Theatre Academy presents:

poster How I Learned to Drive
Poster- How I Learned To Drive
kinky boots poster 2023
kinky boots poster info


Winter 2022 Session


Flyer About the Theatre Academy Event

Spring 2022

March 24-26, March 31- April 2
Melancholia by Jose Luis Valenzuela
in collaboration with LATC/ Latino Theater Company

Melancholia Poster
Actress Performing in Melancholia Show


Flyer About the Upcoming Spring Shows

The Taming by Lauren Gunderson, Directed by Clarinda Ross

 The Taming

Photo of Taming Show

Tweetering, pandashrews, and undying giddiness for James Madison—what else could you expect to find at a Miss America pageant?

In this hilarious, raucous, all-female “power-play” inspired by Shakespeare’s Shrew, contestant Katherine has political aspirations to match her beauty pageant ambitions.

All she needs to revolutionize the American government is the help of one ultra-conservative senator’s aide on the cusp of a career breakthrough, and one bleeding-heart liberal blogger who will do anything for her cause. Well, that and a semi-historically accurate ether trip.
Here’s lookin’ at you, America.

Lobby Hero by Kenneth Lonergan
Directed by Nicholas Kauffman

Photo of the Lobby Hero Show
Photo of the Lobby Hero Show

What happens when emotions come in conflict with principles, and how do choices under pressure define who we really are? The lobby of a Manhattan apartment building is much more than a waiting area for four New Yorkers involved in a murder investigation. It’s a testing ground for what happens when personal and professional personas find themselves at odds. A young security guard with big ambitions clashes with his stern boss, an intense rookie cop, and her unpredictable partner in a play from the 2017 Oscar-winning writer of Manchester by the Sea.


Three Actresses Acting On Stage
Three Actresses Acting On Stage

This bittersweet comedy is an astute, snapshot-sharp chronicle of the lives of three Texas girls. In 1963, Joanne, Kathy, and Mary are aggressively vivacious cheerleaders. Five years later in their college sorority house, they are confronting their futures with nervous jauntiness. In 1974, they reunite briefly in New York. Their lives have diverged and their friendship, which once thrived on assumptions as well-coordinated as sweater sets, is strained and ambiguous. Old-time banter rings false. Their attempts at honest conversation only show they can no longer afford to have very much in common.

May 14, 16, & 19, 2022 @ 8 pm

Fall 2021 Season

  • Court-Martial at Fort Devens by Jeffrey Sweet (Oct. 28, 29, Nov. 3, 4, 5, 6, 2021)

When a group of young black women join the Women’s Army Corps during WWII, they’re promised training as medical technicians. But a racist Colonel at Fort Devens has other ideas, and demotes them to cleaning duty. The battle of wills leads to a confrontation in which the colonel makes comments so offensive that the WAC’s pull an immediate strike. Though a visiting general is able to compel most of the women to go back to work, two refuse and are held for trial. Defended by a civilian lawyer who’s never tried a court-martial, they embark on an uphill fight to change the status quo. Based on a true story, this gripping and inspiring drama explores the complexities of standing up for one’s rights.

  • Pinot Roux
  • Fall Film Project

Presentation of a Theatrical Court Martial

Memories of Past Productions

Theater Production Archive


Theater Department Office

Theater Arts Building 208

To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2970
Email: lacc-@email

Visitors and playgoers: Please visit LACCD Check-In before arriving






Theater Department Box Office:
To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2990
Email: @email

Acting Program:
Costume Design Program:
Eddie Bledsoe
Email: @email

Department Chair:
Eddie Bledsoe

Technical Theater Entertainment Technology Program:
Johnny Garofalo
Email: @email