Drama Club Students on Stage

LACC Theater Performances Archive

LACC Theater Performances Archive

Enjoy researching our extensive theater archives of past theater productions through our collection of original programs and photos.

Locate by year produced:

By Production Name1929-19391940-19491950-19591960-19691970-19791980-19891990-19992000-20092010-2019 • 2020-2029 • Technical Theatre

Locate by name of Play/Production:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U-V, W, X-Y-Z and NUMBERS


Abortion, O'Neill (1914) 1979-1980
Accent on Youth, Raphaelson 1936-1937
Acetylene, Ramsey 1999-2000
Actor from Vienna, Molnar 1953-1954
Actor's Nightmare, Durang 1986-1987
Actor's Nightmare, Durang 1993-1994
Actor's Nightmare, Durang 2006-2007
Adam Killed His Son 1933-1934 *
Adding Machine, Rice 1960-1961
Adding Machine, Rice 1965-1966
Affairs of Anatol 1931-1932
Affairs of Anatol 1960-1961
After the Fall, Miller 1966-1967
After the Fall, Miller 1999-2000
After Magritte, Stoppard 1982-1983
After You 1995-1996
Ah! Wilderness, O'Neill 1939-1940
Ah! Wilderness, O'Neill 1955-1956
Alias McMurphy 1946-1947 *
Alice In Wonderland 1993-1994
Alice in Wonderland, Carroll, Baker, Kimmel 1967-1968
All for Love 1953-1954
All My Sons, Miller 1948-1949
All My Sons, Miller 2011-20122
All of Us 1970-1971 *
All Summer Long, Anderson 1955-1956
All's Well That Ends Well, Shakespeare, 1998-1999
Allison's Lad 1932-1933 *
Am I Blue 1987-1988
Am I Blue 1991-1992
Amadeus 1985-1986
Amateur Night 1940-1941 *
Amazons 1941-192
American Dream, Albee 1965-1966
American Dream, Albee 1975-1976
American Dream, Albee 1980-1981
American Holiday 1990-1991
American Principles 1939-1940 *
Among the Guests 1946-1947 *

Anastasia 1956-1957
And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little, Zindel 1977-1978
And They Dance Real Slow In Jackson, Leonard 1986-1987
Angels Round My Bed, Bolton 1964-1965 *
Anna Christie 1950-1951
Antigone, Anouilh 1947-1948
Antigone, Anouilh 1956-1957
Antigone, Anouilh 1963-1964
Anton's Uncles, Ferreira, Kronis 2009-2010
Anton's Uncles and Checkhov's Sisters, Ferreira, Kronis 2009-2010
Anton In Show Business 2014-2015
Antony and Cleopatra 1953-1954
Apple Tree, Bock, Harnick, Coopersmith 1970-1971
Aria da Capo, Millay 1981-1982
Aria da Capo, Millay 1971-1972
Arizona Anniversaries 1995-1996
Arsenic and Old Lace, Kesselring 1970-1971
Arsenic and Old Lace, Kesselring 1978-1979
As You Like It, Shakespeare 1937-1938
As You Like It, Shakespeare 1982-1983
Assertiveness Training 101, Klass 1997-1998
At The Exit, Pirandello 1994-1995
At The Exit, Pirandello 2002-2003
August Afternoon, Orloff 1996-1997
August Afternoon, Orloff 1996-1997 (Encore)
Auto-Erotic Misadventure, Hartland2000-2001
Autograph Hound, Prideaux 1983-1984
AUTOPlay 2013-2014
AUTOPlay 2018-2019
Autumn Actress 1932-1933 *
Aye 1938-1939 *


Babel's In Arms 2000-2001
Bacchae, Euripides, Franklin 2001-2002
Bad Seed 1959-1960
Bald Soprano 1961-1962
Bald Soprano 1965-1966
Bald Soprano, Ionesco 1975-1976
Balleycastle 1996-1997
Balleycastle, Cahill 1996-1997 (Encore)
Barretts of Wimpole Street, Besier 1958-1959
Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel, The, Rabe 2007-2008
Beautiful People 1947-1948
Beautiful People 1953-1954
Beautiful People, Saroyan 1961-1962
Beauty And The Beast 1992-1993 *
Becket 1967-1968
Bed Time Story 1979-1980
Bedroom Farce 1981-1982
Bell, Book and Candle 1952-1953
Bellavita 1985-1986
Bells Are Ringing 1963-1964
Berkeley Square, Balderston 1931-1932
Berkeley Square, Balderston 1946-1947
Berkeley Square, Balderston 1962-1963
Best Wishes 1981-1982 *
Best Wishes 1982-1983 * (Encore)
Better Can Be 1937-1938 *
Beyond The Shores 1949-1950 *
Beyond the Horizon 1939-1940
Bible 2000-2001
Big Love, Mee 2004-2005
Bill of Divorcement 1934-1935
Billy Liar, Waterhouse, Hall 1963-1964
Binnorie, Nigro 2001-2002
Biography, Behrman 1939-1940
Birdbath 1991-1992
Birds (Aristophanes) 1984-1985
Birthday Party, Pinter 1969-1970
Bishop Misbehaves 1935-1936
Bleacher Bums 1983-1984
Blind Alley 1937-1938

Blind Alley, Warwick 1946-1947
Blithe Spirit, Coward 1945-1946
Blithe Spirit, Coward 1950-1951
Blood Wedding 1956-1957
Blood Wedding 1990-1991
Bloodstains 1932-1933 *
Bloody Red Heart, Goldwasser 2009-2010
Bloody Red Heart, Goldwasser 2010-2011
Blue Concerto, Seiger 1997-1998
Bluebird 1948-1949
Blues for Mister Charlie 1969-1970
Bohemian Seacoast, Nigro 2003-2004
Bolero, 2009-2010
Bontche Schweig 1966-1967
Boor, Chekhov 1983-1984
Both Your Houses 1959-1960
Boy Gets Girl, Gilman 2004-2005
Boy Meets Girl 1943-1944
Boy Meets Girl -1957
Brain from Planet X, Wechter, Kimmel 2006-2007
Brat 1931-1932
Brigadoon 1977-1978
Brighton Beach Memoirs 1989-1990
Bringing It All Back Home 1971-1972
Bringing It All Home 1985-1986
Broadway 1961-1962
Broken Hearts 1995-1996
Broomstick 1947-1948 *
Buried Child, Shepard 2004-2005
Bury the Dead, Shaw 1968-1969
Bury the Dead, Shaw 1986-1987
Bus Stop, Inge 1956-1957
Bus Stop, Inge 1975-1976
Bus Stop, Inge 2004-2005
But Not Bohemia 1937-1938 *
But Not Goodbye 1946-1947
Bye Bye Birdie 1962-1963


Cabaret 1984-1985
Cacciatore, Pintauro 1996-1997
Caesar and Cleopatra, Shaw 1953-1954
Caesar and Cleopatra, Shaw 1958-1959
Cagebirds& 1993-1994
Caine Mutiny Court Martial 1954-1955
California Suite (Act II) 1987-1988
Calm Down, Mother, Terry 1973-1974
Camino Real 1964-1965
Camino Real 1965-1966
Candida, Shaw 1951-1952
Candida, Shaw 1958-1959
Candlelight 1944-1945
Canterbury Tales 1972-1973
Carousel 1965-1966
Cary's World 1996-1997
Case of the Crushed Petunias 1978-1979
Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Williams 2014-2015
Cavern 1971-1972
Ceiling Zero, Wead 1935-1936
Cell, Wales 1987-1988
Cell, Wales 1993-1994
Ceremonies in Dark Old Men 1978-1979
Chairs, Ionesco 1960-1961
Chalk Garden, Bagnold 1957-1958
Chalk Garden, Bagnold 1981-1982
Chamber Music, Kopit 1969-1970
Chamber Music, Kopit 1972-1973
Chamber Music, Kopit 1977-1978
Chamber Music, Kopit 1984-1985
Chamber Music, Kopit 1986-1987
Charley's Aunt 1978-1979
Charley's Aunt 1989-1990
Check, Please,
Chee-Chee, Pirandello 1999-2000
Cher Antoine, Anouilh 2003-2004
Cherry Orchard 1975-1976
Cherry Orchard 1980-1981
Cherry Orchard 2016-2017
Chiaroscuro, Rutherford 2012-2013
Children's Hour 1967-1968
Children's Hour 1978-1979
Children's Theatre Festival 1979-1980
Children's Theatre Festival 1980-1981
Children's Theatre Festival 1981-1982
China Cow 1932-1933
Chinese Wall 1964-1965
Chocolate Soldier 1931-1932
Chorus Line, Bennett, Kirkwood, Dante, Hamlisch, Kleban 1985-1986
Christmas Carol 1970-1971
Christmas Carol 1971-1972 *
Christmas Carol 1978-1979
Christmas Carol 1980-1981
Christmas Carol 1981-1982
Christmas Carol 1988-1989 *
Christmas Carol 1991-1992 *
Christmas Carol 1994-1995
Cinderella 1983-1984
Cinders 1985-1986
Cinema Child 1937-1938 *
Circus Lady, 2004-2005
Clarence 1934-1935
Class Reunion 1968-1969
Classyass, 2007-2008

Claudia, Franken 1945-1946
Claudia, Franken 1949-1950
Closet Madness, Schisgal 1986-1987
Cloud 9 1984-1985
Coal Diamond 1990-1991
Cocktail for One 1938-1939 *
Cocktail Party 1952-1953
Collection 1984-1985
Collegiana 1940-1941 *
Colored Museum 1991-1992
Come And Go 1988-1989
Come Back to the 5 and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean 1984-1985
Come Back, Little Sheba, Inge 1951-1952
Come Blow Your Horn 1967-1968
Comedy of Errors 1936-1937
Comedy of Errors 1939-1940
Comedy of Errors 1957-1958
Comedy of Errors 1966-1967
Comedy of Errors 1972-1973
Comedy of Errors 1976-1977
Comedy of Errors 2013-2014
Common Rooms, 2001-2002
Company 1976-1977
Confession 1995-1996
Confidential Clerk, Eliot 1955-1956
Cop-Out 1974-1975
Corn is Green, Williams 1944-1945
Corn is Green, Williams 1952-1953
Correct Address, Silvermann 1997-1998
Country Girl, Odets 1954-1955
Court Martial At Fort Devens 2021-2022
Cowboy Mouth, Shepard 1987-1988
Cowboy Mouth, Shepard 1991-1992
Coyote Woman, Tanner 2000-2001
Cradle Song, Sierra, Sierra 1935-1936
Cradle Song, Sierra, Sierra 1938-1939
Cradle Song, Sierra, Sierra 1947-1948
Crazy Eights, 2007-2008
Crime on Goat Island, Betti 1963-1964
Crocodile Seeking Refuge, Linden 2016-2017
      Crocodile Seeking Refuge Production Photos
Crowsnest 1931-1932
Crucible, Miller 1967-1968
Crucible, Miller 1988-1989
Crucible, Miller 2010-2011
Cry Havoc, Kenward 1943-1944
Cry of Players, Gibson 1971-1972
Curley, Corwin 1968-1969
Curtain Call, Mr. Aldridge, Sir 1973-1974
Curtain Rises, Kaye 1935-1936
Curtained Window 1932-1933


Dancing at Lughnasa, Friel 1998-1999
Dangerous Corner 1949-1950
Dangerous Corner 1955-1956
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, Shaw 1981-1982
Dark Of The Moon 1966-1967
Dark Of The Moon 1989-1990
Dark Tower, Wollcott, Kaufman 1934-1935
Darkness at Noon 1952-1953
Darwin Theory, Miller 1948-1949*
Day Must Not Be Missed 1938-1939 *
Day Of Calamity 1947-1948 *
Day of Absence 1970-1971
Dead End, Kingsley 1955-1956
Dead Man's Apartment, Baker 2006-2007
Dead Past 1946-47 *
Deadwood Dick 1986-1987
Dear Ruth 1946-1947
Death of a Salesman, Miller 1972-1973
Death of a Salesman, Miller 2013-2014
Death of Bessie Smith 1980-1981
Decision 1940-1941 *
Deep Are The Roots, D'Usseau, Gow 1948-1949
Deep Are the Roots, D'Usseau, Gow 1955-1956
Defending Matisse 1996-1997
Defending Matisse, Johnson 1996-1997 (Encore)
Identity Crisis, Durang 2003-2004
Deserter 1988-1989

Desire, Coates 1994-1995 *
Desk Set, Marchant 1958-1959
Detective Story, Kingsley 1956-1957
Detective Story, Kingsley 1958-1959
Detective Story, Kingsley 1968-1969
Devil, Nigro 1996-1997
Devil and Billy Markham, Silverstein 1998-1999
Devil and Daniel Webster 1971-1972
Devil Joe Chapman 1935-1936 *
Diary Of Adam And Eve 1988-1989
Diary of Anne Frank, Goodrich, Hackett 1959-1960
Dining Room, Gurney** 1994-1995
Dinner With the Family 1963-1964
Dirty Talk, Pintauro 1990-1991
Dirty Talk, Pintauro, 2006-2007
Division Street 1983-1984
Division Street 1983-1984 (Encore)
Doctor in Spite of Himself, Moliere 1936-1937
Do Over, Stroppel 1998-1999
Does The Tiger Wear A Necktie? 1986-1987
Dog Sees God 2011-2012
Doll's House 1931-1932
Dracula 1945-1946
Dracula 1967-1968
Dracula 1984-1985
Dracula, Dietz, 2002-2003
Drunkard 1976-1977
Dulcy 1931-1932
Dust in the Road, 2004-2005
Dwarfs 1988-1989
Dying Detective 1973-1974
Dylan 1971-1972


Early Frost 1973-1974
Eastern Standard 1990-1991
Edith Stein 1991-1992
Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, Zindel 1973-1974
Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, Zindel 1996-1997
Egad, What a Cad! or "Virtue Triumphs Over Villainy" 1970-1971
El Jardin, Morton 1994-1995
Electra (Euripides) 1936-1937
Electra (Giraudoux) 1960-1961
Electra 1931-1932
Electronic Nigger 1974-1975
Elephant Man** 1982-1983
Elephant's Graveyard 2015-2016
Elizabeth the Queen 1934-1935
Elizabeth the Queen 1939-1940
Elizabeth the Queen 1947-1948
Elizabeth the Queen& 1959-1960
Emperor Jones 1939-1940
Emperor Jones 1946-1947
Endgame 1961-1962
Enemy 1930-1931
Enemy 1933-1934
Enter, Larita 1931-1932
Eukiah 1995-1996
Evening with Bruce Kimmel, (Who?)* 1973-1974
Everyman 1970-1971
Exception and the Rule 1973-1974
Executive Dance 1995-1996
Expecting Isabel, Loomer 2001-2002
Eye to Eye 1995-1996


F.M. 1988-1989
Fa, la, la, la, la* 1973-1974
Fair Roseamund and Her Murderer, Nigro 1997-1998
Family Album, Coward 1980-1981
Fantastiks 1969-1970
Fantastiks 1978-1979
Farce of the Worthy 1971-1972
Farrell Case, The, 2004-2005
Fashion 1931-1932
Fashion 1934-1935
Fashion** 1976-1977
Father 1950-1951
Father Uxbridge Wants to Marry 1970-1971
Fatherland, Holloway 2002-2003
Feast* 1973-1974
Federico 1978-1979
Feeding the Moonfish, 2009-2010
Fefu and Her Friends 1979-1980
Feiffer's People 1972-1973
Ferry Boat 1990-1991
Festival of Arts - Verse Choir* 1932-1933
Feydeau First and Last 1977-1978
Fiddler on the Roof 1972-1973
Fifteen Minute Hamlet, Stoppard 2000-2001
Fifth of July 1985-1986
Finian's Rainbow 1952-1953
Finian's Rainbow 1961-1962
Finian's Rainbow 1973-1974
First Lady, Dayton, Kaufman 1937-1938
First Lady, Dayton, Kaufman 1938-1939
First Lady, Dayton, Kaufman 1962-1963
First Nine Months Are the Hardest, Perskey, Denoff, Bowers 1968-1969*

First with the Last 1931-1932 *
Five O'Clock Appointment 1932-1933
Flight Into Egypt 1940-1941 *
Fly Away Home 1937-1938
Flyin' West 2014-2015
Flying Doctor 1979-1980
Flying Orchid 1950-1951
Follies 1973-1974
Follow the Leader 1974-1975 *
Fool For Love 1985-1986
Foolish Notion 1950-1951
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow Is Enuf 1979-1980
For Love or Money 1953-1954
For Services Rendered, Maugham1999-2000
Forest of Dreams 1973-1974 *
For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls, Durang 1999-2000
Forgive Us Our Presspassers 1934-1935 *
Four Rooms: The Man From Hollywood, Tarantino 2000-2001
Freddy 2017-2018
Fuddy Meers, Lindsay-Abaire 2005-2006
Fugue In A Nursery 1988-1989
Fumed Oak, Coward 1956-1957
Fumed Oak, Coward 1965-1966
Fumed Oak, Coward 1970-1971
Fumed Oak, Coward 1980-1981
Fumed Oak, Coward 1986-1987
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 1968-1969
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum 1976-1977
Future Is in Eggs or "It Takes All Sorts to Make a World, " Ionesco, Robbins 1968-1969


Gallow's Humor 1971-1972
Game, Noble 1992-1993
Gammer Gurton's Needle 1932-1933
Gap in Generations 1969-1970 *
Gaslight, Hamilton 1952-1953
Gemini 1984-1985
George and Margaret, Savory 1947-1948
George Washington Slept Here 1941-1942
George Washington Slept Here 1956-1957
Getting Out, Norman 1981-1982
Getting Out, Norman 2001-2002
Ghosts, Ibsen 1936-1937
Ghosts, Ibsen 1949-1950
Ghosts, Ibsen 1996-1997
Girls In Uniform 1934-1935
Girls in Uniform 1941-1942
Girls in Uniform 1944-1945
Gl Girls, Edition No. One 1943-1944 *
Gl Girls, Edition No. Two 1944-1945 *
Gladiators, Caliban 1996-1997
Glass Menagerie 1950-1951
Glass Menagerie 1960-1961
Glittering Diamonds 2005-2006
Glittering Gate 1931-1932
Glory Of Living 2015-2016
Go Get Your Man 1932-1933 *
Go Look 1995-1996
God 1980-1981
Gods of the Mountain - 1931-1932 curtain raiser, "The Crows nest"
Godspell 1974-1975

Godspell 1989-1990
Going Mad: Alice in Hollywoodland 2020
Golden Porcupine 1972-1973
Golden Porcupine 1980-1981
Good Doctor 1980-1981
Good Girl, Lewis 1997-1998
Good Hope, Heijermans 1932-1933
Good Hope, Heijermans 1934-1935
Good Woman of Setzuan, Brecht, Bentley 1968-1969
Goodbye Again 1931-1932
Goodbye My Fancy, Kanin 1955-1956
The Government Inspector 2017-2018
Graceful Exit 1937-1938 *
Graduation 1968-1969
Grapes of Wrath 1991-1992
Grapes Of Wrath 1992-1993 (Encore)
Grease 1980-1981
Great Nebula in Orion 1982-1983
Green Grow the Lilacs 1957-1958
Guardsman, Molnar 1935-1936
Guardsman, Molnar 1953-1954
Guys and Dolls 1960-1961
Guys and Dolls 1970-1971
Gypsy 1971-1972


Haiku, Snodgrass 1989-1990
Haiku, Snodgrass 1999-2000
Hairy Falsetto, 1968-1969
Half Court, Silberman 1999-2000
Hamlet 1933-1934
Hands Across The Sea 1970-1971
Hang Up Your Socks 1970-1971 *
Happy Birthday 1951-1952
Happy Birthday, Little Gracie, Gottchall 2000-2001
Happy Hunting Ground 1939-1940 *
Hard-Boiled 1995-1996
Harvey 1954-1955
Hasty Heart, Patrick 1948-1949
Hasty Heart, Patrick 1964-1965
Hasty Heart, Patrick 1974-1975
Hasty Heart, Patrick 1996-1997
Hay Fever 1947-1948
Hay Fever 1983-1984
Headlines 1932-1933 *
Heads I Win 1954-1955 *
Heart of a City, Storm 1942-1943
Heaven Can Wait 1949-1950
Hedda Gabler 1933-1934
Hedda Gabler 1961-1962
Hedda Gabler 1978-1979
Heidi Chronicles 1991-1992
Hell Bent Fer Heaven 1951-1952
Hello, Dolly 1972-1973
Hello, Out There, Saroyan 1979-1980
Hello, Out There, Saroyan 1985-1986
Hello, Out There, Saroyan 1990-1991
Hello, Out There, Saroyan 1996-1997
Hello, Out There, Saroyan 2006-2007

Henry IV, Part I** 1971-1972
Here Rita!, Gibbs, Griffith 1997-1998
Here We Are, Parker 1981-1982
Here We Are, Parker 2004-2005
Hidden in this Picture, Sorkin 2003-2004
High School 1966-1967
Hill 1970-1971 *
His Brother's Keeper 1938-1939 *
History of the American Film 1987-1988
Holiday 1930-1931
Holiday 1940-1941
Hollywood Red-Head 1932-1933 *
Holy Ghosts (Encore) 1986-1987
Holy Ghosts 1986-1987
Home Fires 1972-1973
Home Free 1994-1995
Home of the Brave 1947-1948
Hoodoo, Davis 2000-2001
Hopscotch, Horowitz 1981-1982
Hopscotch, Horowitz 1995-1996
Hostage 1967-1968
Hostage 1977-1978
Hot l Baltimore, Wilson 1974-1975
Hot l Baltimore, Wilson 1979-1980
Hot l Baltimore, Wilson 2001-2002
Hot l Baltimore, Wilson 2018-2019
Hotel Paradiso, Feydeau, Desvallieres 1969-1970
Hound of Fate 1938-1939 *
House of Bernarda Alba 1950-1951
House of Bernarda Alba 1954-1955
House of Bernarda Alba 1959-1960
House of Bernarda Alba 1974-1975
House of Bernarda Alba 1978-1979
House of Blue Leaves, Guare 1972-1973
House of Blue Leaves, Guare 2012-2013
How I Learned to Drive, Vogel 2000-2001
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying 1967-1968
Hundred And First 1974-1975 *


I Am A Camera 1971-1972
I Have No Wife 1962-1963 *
I Hear You 1978-1979 *
I Hear You 1979-1980 (Encore)
I Knock at the Door 1960-1961
I Rise In Flame Cried The Phoenix 1993-1994
I Saw Him First 1946-1947 *
I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus 1976-1977 *
Icarus' Mother 1987-1988
Ideal 1938-1939 *
Identity Crisis 1985-1986
Idiot's Delight, Sherwood 1938-1939
If You Know What I Mean 1933-1934 *
I'm Dreaming, But Am I?, Pirandello 1999-2000
Imaginary Invalid 1934-1935
Imaginary Invalid 1940-1941
Imaginary Invalid 1950-1951
Imaginary Invalid 1967-1968
Imaginary Invalid 1977-1978
Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde 1931-1932
Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde 1939-1940

Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde 1958-1959
Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde 2003-2004
Impromptu 1968-1969
Impromptu 1972-1973
Impromptu 1993-1994
Incident at the Standish Arms 1979-1980
Indian Wants the Bronx, The, Horovitz 1979-1980
Indian Wants the Bronx, The, Horovitz 1987-1988
Indian Wants the Bronx, The, Horovitz 2005-2006
Infancy, Wilder 1983-1984
Informer 1969-1970
Informer 1984-1985
Inherit the Wind, Lawrence, Lee 1967-1968
Inspector Calls 1949-1950
Inspector General, Gogol, Anderson 1936-1937
Intercession, The, May 2000-2001
Interference 1931-1932
Intermission 1987-1988
Interrogation 1995-1996
Intimate Apparel, Nottage 2006-2007
Investigation, Weiss 1968-1969
Iphigenia in Taurus, Euripides 1934-1935
Iphigienia, Euripides 1932-1933
It Pays to Advertise 1931-1932
It's Called The Sugar Plum, Horowitz 1994-1995
It's Our Town, Too, 2009-2010
Ivory Door, Milne 1934-1935


J. B. 1961-1962
Janus, Green 1958-1959
Jewish Wife, Brecht 1997-1998
Jimmy Shine, Schisgal 1970-1971
Jimmy Shine, Schisgal 1978-1979
Joan Of Lorraine 1946-1947
John Brown's Body 1966-1967
John Brown's Body 1975-1976
July 7, 1994, Margulies 2006-2007
July 7, 1994, Margulies 2012-2013
June Moon 1933-1934
Juno and the Paycock 1957-1958
Just a Little One 1932-1933 *
Just Suppose 1929-1930
Just Women 1932-1933


Keep Tightly Closed in a Cool Dry Place 1973-1974
Kennedy's Children 1976-1977
Kentucky Cycle 1994-1995
Killing Time, Angelini 1997-1998
Kind of Alaska 1991-1992
King Henry IV, Part I 1935-1936
King's Romance 1931-1932
Kiss And Tell 1946-1947
Kiss in Xanadu 1932-1933
Kiss the Cook, Musto 1997-1998
Kleptomaniac 1932-1933
Knickerbocker Holiday 1940-1941
Knickerbocker Holiday 1945-1946
Knickerbocker Holiday 1959-1960
Krush, Nesenger 2000-2001


LAAT 4 th Annual Theatre Festival 1979-80 *
f LAAT 5 th Annual Theatre Festival 1980-81 *
LAAT 6 th Annual Theatre Festival 1981-1982 *
LAAT 7 th Annual Theatre Festival 1982-1983 *
LAAT 8 th Annual Theatre Festival 1983-1984 *
LA Now And Then 2015-2016
Laburnum Grove 1936-1937
Lad for Lorraine 1938-1939 *
Ladies in Retirement 1941-1942
Ladies in Retirement 1945-1946
Ladies in Retirement 1949-1950
Ladies in Retirement 1973-1974
Lady of Larkspur Lotion, Williams 1978-1979
Lady of Larkspur Lotion, Williams 2003-2004
Lady's Not for Burning 1979-1980
Laff That Off 1931-1932
Landscape of the Body, Guare 2000-2001
Landscape of the Body, Guare 2009-2010
Laramie Project, The, Kaufman, Tectonic Theater Project 2002-2003
Laramie Project, The, Kaufman, Tectonic Theater Project 2012-2013
Lark 1973-1974
Last Days of Judas Iscariot, The, Guirgis 2008-2009
Last Days of Judas Iscariot, The, Guirgis 2008-2009 (at Odyssey Theatre Ensemble)
Last Summer at Bluefish Cove, Chambers 1985-1986
Last Summer at Bluefish Cove, Chambers 1996-1997
Last Supper, Haworth 2000-2001
Late Christopher Bean 1933-1934
Laundry 1977-1978
Leader 1988-1989
Lesson, The, Avostolina 2000-2001
Let Ruckus Reign*, Summers 1972-1973
Let Ruckus Reign 1973-1974 (Encore)
Let Us Entertain You 1968-1969
Letters to Lucerne, Rotter, Vincent 1942-194
Levi! 2017-2018
Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, Edgar 1983-1984
Life With Father 1949-1950
Life With Father 1975-1976
Light Up the Sky 1950-1951
Light Up the Sky 1953-1954
Light Up the Sky 1955-1956
Light Up the Sky 1977-1978
Li'l Abner 2013-2014
Limpy 1946-1947 *
Line 1978-1979
Line, Horowitz 1981-1982
Lion in Winter 1970-1971
Little Foxes 1944-1945
Little Foxes 1949-1950
Little Foxes 1975-1976
Little Guillotine 1988-1989

Little Mary Sunshine 1969-1970
Little Murders, Feiffer 1993-1994
Live 1984-1985
Live Spelled Backwards 1974-1975
Lobby Hero 2021-2022
Lone Star 1984-1985
Lone Star 1987-1988
Lonesome Train, Lampell, Robinson 1948-1949
Long Goodbye, The, Williams 1969-1970
Long Goodbye, The, Williams 1978-1979
Long Goodbye, The, Williams 2005-2006
Long Stay Cut Short, or the Unsatisfactory Supper 1978-1979
Look Back In Anger 1972-1973
Look Back in Anger 1962-1963
Look Homeward, Angel 1966-1967
Loose Ends, Weller 2005-2006
Lorin Solo 1981-1982 *
Los Vendidos 1994-1995
Lost And Unsung In Boston 2011-2012
Lost Harvest 1940-1941*
Lost in Yonkers, Simon 1999-2000
Lou Gehrig Did Not Die of Cancer 1982-1983
Louder, Please 1932-1933
Love From a Stranger 1944-1945
Love's Labors Lost 1980-1981
Love's Labour's Lost, Shakespeare/Rossi 2000-2001
Loveliest Afternoon of the Year, Guare 1983-1984
Loveliest Afternoon of the Year, Guare 1983-1984
Lovers and Other Strangers 1971-1972
Loves of Anatol, Schnitzler, Barker 1942-1943
Lu Ann Hampton Laverty Oberlander 1981-1982
Lunch Time 1976-1977
Lycanthrophobia 1996-1997
Lycanthrophobia, Pelfrey 1996-1997 (Encore)
Lynette at 3:00 AM 1995-1996
Lynette Has Beautiful Skin 1995-1996
Lysistrata 1969-1970
Lysistrata vs.Toxic Masculinity 2018-2019


M'Lord and Lady 1973-1974 *
Macbeth, Shakespeare 1932-1933
Macbeth, Shakespeare 1976-1977
Madame Sand 1933-1934
Madwoman of Chaillot, Giraudoux 1951-1952
Madwoman of Chaillot, Giraudoux 1963-1964
Magic Fundoshi, The 2007-2008
Magic Window 1931-1932
Magnificent Deception 1937-1938 *
Maids, Genet 1960-1961
Major Barbara, Shaw 1968-1969
Major Barbara, Shaw 1981-1982
Maker of Dreams 1931-1932 *
Maker of Dreams 1932-1933 (Encore)
Male Animal, Thurber, Nugent 1945-1946
Male Animal, Thurber, Nugent 1949-1950
Male Animal, Thurber, Nugent 1955-1956
Male Order, May 2000-2001
Malefactor's Bloody Register, Nigro 2001-2002
Malt Shop Follies 1974-1975 *
Man and Superman, Shaw 1966-1967
Man of La Mancha, Wasserman, Leigh, Darion 1969-1970
Man of La Mancha, Wasserman, Leigh, Darion 1970-1971
Man Who Came to Dinner, Hart, Kaufman 1943-1944
Man Who Came to Dinner, Hart, Kaufman 1945-1946
Man Who Came to Dinner, Hart, Kaufman 1953-1954
Man Who Came to Dinner, Hart, Kaufman 1966-1967
Man Who Came to Dinner, Hart, Kaufman 1972-1973
Man Who Came to Dinner, Hart, Kaufman 1978-1979
Man Who Couldn't Dance 1995-1996
Man Who Couldn't Dance& 1996-1997
Man Who Married a Dumb Wife, France, Robbins 1968-1969
Man Who Turned Himself into a Stick (Death), Abe 2003-2004
Man With A Flower In His Mouth 1991-1992
Man's a Man 1980-1981
Manhatta 1947-1948 *
Manifest, Silberman 1999-2000
Manikin and Minikin, Kremyborg 1931-1932
Manikin and Minikin, Kremyborg 1936-1937
Manny And Jake 1993-1994
Marisol, Rivera 1999-2000
Marriage is Arranged 1932-1933 *
Marriage Proposal, Chekhov 1981-1982
Marriage Proposal 1988-1989
Mary of Scotland, Anderson 1935-1936
Mary the Third 1931-1932
Mask Of Angels 1989-1990
Masque of Kings, Anderson 1938-1939
Master, Pierre Patelin 1971-1972
Matchmaker, Wilder 1958-1959
Maybe Some Day, Williams 1936-1937 *
Me Nobody Knows 1973-1974
Medea, Euripides 1980-1981
Medieval Romance 1985-1986
Melancholia 2021-2022
Member of the Wedding 1956-1957
Membranous Croup 1989-1990
Memorial Day 1937-1938 *
Merchant of Venice, The, Shakespeare 1961-1962
Merchant of Venice, The, Shakespeare 2007-2008
Merry Widow 1930-1931
Merry Wives of Windsor 1941-1942
Merry Wives of Windsor1987-1988
Merton of the Movies 1982-1983

Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare 1965-1966
Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare 1984-1985
Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare 2015-2016
Mikado 1929-1930
Milestones 1936-1937
Mime Co. 1976-1977
Minick 1930-1931
Miracle Worker 1962-1963
Mirrors, O'Brien 2012-2013
Misalliance, Shaw 1954-1955
Misalliance, Shaw 1981-1982
Miss Julia, Strindberg 1951-1952
Miss Martin's Mouth 1996-1997
Miss Reardon Drinks A Little, Zindel 1977-1978
Modern Minstrel Show 1934-1935 *
Model Behavior 2016-2017
Molehills 1981-1982 *
Molly and James, Walsh 2007-2008
Monsieur Felix Fox Fly, Arnold 2000-2001
Montserrat 1963-1964
Moon is Blue, Herbert 1955-1956
Moon Over Buffalo, Ludwig 2005-2006
Mooncalf 1937-1938 *
Moonchildren 1978-1979
Moor Born, Totheroh 1938-1939
Moor Born, Totheroh 1945-1946
Morning, Noon and Night 1974-1975
Most Massive Woman Wins, Claire 2002-2003
Most Massive Woman Wins, Claire 2012-2013
Mother Courage and Her Children, Brecht 1965-1966
Mother Courage and Her Children, Brecht 1979-1980
Mother of Jack the Ripper 1974-1975
Motherlove, Strindberg 1981-1982
Mountain Language 1989-1990
Mousetrap 1962-1963
Mr. Big 1990-1991
Mr. Roberts 1953-1954
Mr. Roberts 1979-1980
Much Ado About Nothing 1931-1932
Much Ado About Nothing 1932-1933
Much Ado About Nothing 1955-1956
Mud in Your Eye 1933-1934 *
Murder Has Been Arranged 1932-1933
Murder In The Cathedral, Eliot 1948-1949
Museum 1992-1993
Music Man 1973-1974
Mute 1937-1938 *
My Secretary 1996-1997
My Secretary, Fortson 1996-1997 (Encore)
My Sister Eileen, Fields, Chodorov 1956-1957
My Three Angels, Spewack, Spewack 1955-1956


Naomi in The Livingroom 1991-1992
Narrow Road to the Deep North, Bond 2008-2009
National Pastime, Harnetiaux 2006-2007
Native Son 1979-1980
Nature in the Raw 1932-1933 *
Necessary Targets, Ensler 2006-2007
New Faces of '73- We Keep Coming 1972-1973 *
New Vacation 1939-1940 *
New World 1970-1971
New York Minute, Palermo 1995-1996
Next 1982-1983
Next 1989-1990
Next Contestant 1984-1985
Nicholas Nickleby, Life and Adventures of, Edgar 1983-1984
Night Must Fall 1937-1938
Night Must Fall 1944-1945
Night Must Fall 1954-1955
Night Must Fall 1988-1989
Night of January 16 th 1939-1940
Night of January 16 th 1945-1946
Night of January 16 th 1988-1989
Night of January 16 th, Rand Reeid 1998-1999
Night of the Iguana 1963-1964
Night School 1969-1970
Nina in the Morning, Durang 1998-1999
Nina in the Morning, Durang 2003-2004
Ninth Guest 1933-1934
No Exit, Sartre 1982-1983
No Exit, Sartre 1987-1988
No Exit, Sartre 2002-2003
No Place to Be Somebody 1976-1977
No Place to Be Somebody 1983-1984
No Why? 1971-1972
Noises Off 1988-1989
Nook 1988-1989
Normal Heart 2017-2018
Nothing Aroused 1937-1938 *
Nuts 1982-1983


Odd Couple (female version), Simon 2007-2008
Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck 1943-1944
Offspring 1979-1980 *
Oh, Dad, Poor Dad, Mama's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad 1976-1977
Oh, Men! Oh, Women! 1957-1958
Oh, What a Lovely War 1969-1970
Oklahoma! 1966-1967
Old Lady Shows Her Medals 1965-1966
On the Town 1953-1954
On Tidy Endings, Fierstein 1994-1995
On Tidy Endings, Fierstein 2005-2006
Once Around the Block, Saroyan 1995-1996
Once In A Lifetime 1987-1988
Once Upon a Mattress, Thompson, Barer, Fuller, Rodgers 1968-1969
Once Upon a Mattress, Thompson, Barer, Fuller, Rodgers 1971-1972
Once Upon a Mattress, Thompson, Barer, Fuller, Rodgers 1972-1973
Once Upon a Playground 1973-1974
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Wasserman 1975-1976
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Wasserman 2004-2005
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Wasserman 2015-2016
One For the Road 1988-1989
One Hundred Women 1995-1996
On Our Way Cross Country, Morello 2000-2001
Order by Mail 1937-1938 *
Orpheus Descending 1959-1960
Othello, Shakespeare 1963-1964

Other One 1931-1932
Other Wise Man* 1931-1932
Other Wise Man 1935-1936
Our American Cousin 1933-1934
Our Country's Good 1992-1993
Our Country's Good 1993-1994 (Encore)
Our Lady Of 121st St 2014-2015
Our Most Memorable Christmas 1990-1991 *
Our Town, Wilder 1939-1940
Our Town, Wilder 1941-1942
Our Town, Wilder 1945-1946
Our Town, Wilder 1948-1949
Our Town, Wilder 1961-1962
Our Town, Wilder 1970-1971
Our Town, Wilder 1975-1976
Out at Sea, Mrozek 1973-1974
Out of the Frying Pan, Swann 1942-1943
Out of the Frying Pan, Swann 1946-1947
Out of the Ordinary 1937-1938 *
Outlaws 1995-1996
Outward Bound 1932-1933
Outward Bound 1944-1945
Outward Bound 1969-1970
Over 21 1945-1946
Overtones 1956-1957
Overtones 1985-1986


Pajama Game 1964-1965
Papa's Daughter, Ahmad 1968-1969
Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction 1979-1980
Patterns in Poetry 1935-1936 *
Pearl Harbor Day in Muncie, Ingraffia 19979-1998
Peer 1982-1983 *
Peking Man, Tsao-Yu (C.P. Wan) 1948-1949*
Pelican 1985-1986
Penguin Blues, Philips 1998-1999
Penthouse Rumours 1932-1933 *
Period of Adjustment, Williams 1963-1964
Perplex't No More 1947-1948 *
Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as performed by the inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis de Sade 1967-1968
Persian Perversion 1949-1950 *
Peter Pan, Barrie 1977-1978
Petrified Forest 1961-1962
Petticoat Fever, Reed 1935-1936
Petticoat Fever, Reed 1938-1939
Petticoat Fever, Reed 1944-1945
Phantasmagoria 1932-1933*
Philadelphia, Here I Come, Friel 1968-1969
Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Martin 2003-2004
Picnic 1954-1955
Picnic 1976-1977
Picnic At Hanging Rock 2011-2012
Piece Of My Heart
Pigskin 1932-1933 *
Pillow Talk 1995-1996
Pillow Talk, Pielmeier 2000-2001
Pinocchio 1984-1985 *
Pinocchio 1985-1986

Platanov 2018-2019
Play's the Thing 1949-1950
Playboy of the Western World 1934-1935
Plough and the Stars 1937-1938
Poetry Festival 1931-1932
Poetry Hour Around the Campfire 1936-1937 *
Poetry Recital 1940-1941 *
Poison 1995-1996
Pomp & Circumstance 1996-1997
Pomp and Circumstance 1995-1996
Poor Aubrey 1931-1932
Portrait of a Madonna, Williams 1996-1997
Portrait of Madonna 1970-1971
Post Pinocchio 2019-2020
Potato Creek Chair of Death, The 2004-2005
Power Breakfast 1996-1997
Power Breakfast, Noxon 1996-1997 (Encore)
Prelude and Liebestod, McNally 2009-2010
Present Tense, McNamara 1992-1993
President 1953-1954
President 1957-1958
President, Molnar 1965-1966
Pride and Prejudice, Jerome 2009-2010
Pride and Prejudice, Jory 2017-2018
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1969-1970
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1978-1979
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1987-1988
Private Life of the Master Race 1979-1980
Private Lives 1951-1952
Problem, Gurney 1999-2000
Private Wars 1984-1985
Purification, Williams 1968-1969
Purlie Victorious 1982-1983
Pursuit of Happiness 1935-1936
Pygmalion, Shaw 1932-1933
Pygmalion, Shaw 1950-1951
Pygmalion, Shaw 1958-1959
Pyramus and Thisbe 1974-1975 *


Queen's Husband, Sherwood 1929-1930
Queen's Husband 1932-1933
Queen's Husband 1951-1952
Questioning of Nick, Kopit 1983-1984
Quick and Dirty, Riedy 1997-1998
Quiet Cries 1971-1972 *
Quiet Torrential Sound 1995-1996


Rabbit Hole, Lindsay-Abaire 2008-2009
Radio Pictures 1934-1935
Radiosis, Andrews, Dodson, Boggess 1938-1939 *
Rain, Randolph, Colton 1962-1963
Rain, Williams 1998-1999
Rain, 2005-2006
Rainmaker 1966-1967
Raisin in the Sun, A, Hansberry 1979-1980
Raisin in the Sun, A, Hansberry 2012-2013
Raps, Romanus 1996-1997
Raps, Romanus 2002-2003
Raps, Romanus 2009-2010
Rats 1985-1986
Real Inspector Hound, Stoppard 1982-1983
Rebound, Stewart 1934-1935
Recent Tragic Events, Wright 2007-2008
Red Noses 1990-1991
Red Peppers, Coward 1980-1981
Rehearsal, Morley 1936-1937
Restaurant, Greenburg 1986-1987
Rhapsody in Brown 1936-1937 *
Rhinoceros, Ionesco 1962-1963
Rhythm Of Torn Stars 1989-1990
Rich, Full Life, Delmar 1951-1952
Riddle for Mr. Twiddle 1941-1942
Riders To The Sea 1991-1992
Right You Are (If You Think You Are), Pirandello 1958-1959
Rimers of Eldritch 1975-1976
Rimers of Eldritch 1989-1990
Ring Round the Moon, Anouilh, Fry 1953-1954
Rites, Duffy 1992-1993
Rivals, Sheridan 1936-1937

Rivals, Sheridan 1997-1998
Road, Tesich 1981-1982
Road, Tesich1988-1989
Road, Tesich1989-1990
Road from Hiroshima 1985-1986
Roar of the Greasepaint -The Smell of the Crowd, Bricusse, Newley - July 1968
Roar of the Greasepaint -The Smell of the Crowd, Bricusse, Newley - Oct. 1968-1969
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare 1933-1934
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare 1939-1940
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare 1978-1979
Root of Chaos, Soderberg 2006-2007
Rope, Hamilton 1947-1948
Rose Tattoo, Williams 1956-1957
Rose Tattoo, Williams 1973-1974
Rose Tattoo, Williams 1993-1994
Royal Family 1931-1932
Royal Family, Kaufman, Ferber 1952-1953
Royal Family, Kaufman, Ferber 1979-1980
Royal Gambit 1982-1983
Ruckus, (Let Ruckus Reign), Summers 1972-1973
Rumors, Simon 1990-1991
Running Deer, Ganem 1997-1998
R.U.R., Capek1930-1931


Safe Sex 1993-1994
Sage 2002-2003
Sailing 1987-88
Sally Sees the Light, Lindsay 2000-2001
Salt 2011-2012
Sandbox, Albee 1980-1981
Sandbox, Albee 1985-1986
Sandbox, Albee 1998-1999
Sandstorm, Huze 2006-2007
Sandstorm, Huze 2019-2020
Satin Cushion 1932-1933
Savage in Limbo 1989-1990
Scapino 1981-1982
Scapino 1983-1984
Scarecrow, MacKaye 1948-1949
Scarecrow 2000-2001
Seagull 1962-1963
Seagull 1985-1986
Seagull 2015-2016
Second Man, Behrman 1937-1938
Secret Life of Mildred Wilde 1987-1988
School For Scandal 2010-2011
1974-1975 *
Seeing Double 1974-1975 *
Seeing Double 1974-1975 (Encore)
Selection, Montgomery 2000-2001
Senior Prom 2000-2001
Separate Tables 1960-1961
Separate Tables 1977-1978
Serpent 1969-1970
Seven Pound Look 1990-1991
Seven Year Itch 1959-1960
Sganarelle 1971-1972
Shadow Box, The, Cristofer 1980-1981
Shadow Box, The, Cristofer1997-1998
Shadow Box, The, Cristofer 2012-2013
Shakespeare's Women 2003-2004
Shannons of Broadway 1930-1931
Shape Of Silence, Shinn 1951-1952
Shape of Things, The, LaBute 2008-2009
Shattered Glass, Guerin 1992-1993*
Shay Duffin as Brendan Behan 1977-1978
She Must Be Strong 1938-1939*
She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith 1934-1935
She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith 1954-1955
Shirt 1982-1983
Shirt 1988-1989
Shirt, Melfi 1992-1993
Shoes, Milligan 1999-2000
Shooter's Bible 2018-2019
Short Play Festival II 1996-1997
Show Shop 1932-1933
Show-Off 1950-1951
Shrikers 1989-1990
Shut Up, He Explained, Lardner, Kimmel 1968-1969
Sick, Sebelius 1997-1998
Side by Side by Sondheim 1979-1980
Side-Show Rag, Bowers 1979-1980*
Sign in Sydney Brustein's Window 1969-1970
Sign of the Greasy Spoon 1933-1934 *
Silver Bear, Bowers 1970-1971 *
Silver Cord, Howard 1951-1952
Silver Whistle 1950-1951
Sin-Eater, Nigro 1997-1998
Sing America 1941-1942 *
Sing to Me Through Open Windows 1972-1973
Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You 1987-1988
Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello 1957-1958
Six Characters in Search of an Author,Pirandello 1964-1965 **
Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello
Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello 1996-1997
Six Characters in Search of an Author, Pirandello 2002-2003

Size of the Cell 1996-1997
Skin of Our Teeth 1953-1954
Skin of Our Teeth 1972-1973
Skin of Our Teeth 1990-1991
Skylark, Raphaelson 1948-1949
Slave With Two Faces, Davies 1999-2000
Slight Ache 1972-1973
Snafu 1945-1946
Snow Angel, Carlino 1986-1987
Snow Angel, Carlino 1991-1992
Snow Queen 1986-1987
Snow White 1971-1972 *
So Tell Me About This Guy 1996-1997
So Tell Me About This Guy, Whiskeyman 1996-1997 (Encore)
Sociability 1972-1973
Soft Dude 1990-1991
Some Place Nice 1939-1940 *
Something Unspoken 1978-1979
Son Come Home 1971-1972
Sonny Dee Ree's Life Flashes Before His Eyes, 2007-2008
Sorry, Jenkins 2007-2008
Sorry, Wrong Number 1989-1990
Soul Gone Home, Hughes 1968-1969
Soul Gone Home, Hughes 1992-1993
Speakeasy 1974-1975 *
Spirits 1932-1933 *
Spiritual Hospital 1996-1997
Spring Dance, Barry 1936-1937
Spring O' the Year 1932-1933
Spring O' the Year 1933-1934
Springtime 1932-1933 *
Springtime 1991-1992
St. George 1982-1983
Stage Door, Ferber, Kaufman 1937-1938
Stage Door, Ferber, Kaufman 1940-1941
Stage Door, Ferber, Kaufman 1943-1944
Stage Door, Ferber, Kaufman 1988-1989
Stages 1978-1979
Stalag 17 1952-1953
Stand (Martin Luther King, Jr.) 1981-1982
Stand And Deliver, 2019-2020
Star To Follow, Rodgers 1948-1949*
Start at the Top 1971-1972 *
Statements After an Arrest Under the Immorality Act 1979-1980
Sticks and Stones, McWeeny, Swan 1998-1999
Still Alarm 1984-1985
Stop Kiss 2003-2004
Stop the World - I Want to Get Off 1966-1967
Story of the Other Wise Man, Van Dyke 1935-1936
Strawberry Envy 1985-1986
Stream In The Wasteland, Staniloff 1997-1998
Streamers 1980-1981
Street of David 1931-1932 *
Street of David 1932-1933
Street Scene 1954-1955
Street Scene 1987-1988
Streetcar Named Desire 1957-1958
Streetcar Named Desire 1975-1976
Streetcar Named Desire, Williams 1998-1999
Student Prince 1933-1934
Suddenly Last Summer 1978-1979
Summer and Smoke 1951-1952
Summer and Smoke 1971-1972
Sun-up 1931-1932
Sundance, Ribalow 1986-1987
Sunny Wise 1938-1939 *
Suppressed Desires 1971-1972
Swan 1931-1932
Sweet Charity 1986-1987


Taffy's Taxi 1989-1990
Take Her, She's Mine& 1964-1965
Take Me Along 1975-1976
Take Me Out, Greenberg 2005-2006
Tale of Chelm 1966-1967
Tale of Two Kingdoms or "Our Love Will Surpass All This", Bowers, Carle, Coulson, Habbershaw, Robertson 1968-1969
Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen, Williams 1978-1979
Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen, Williams 1983-1984
Talk to Me Like the Rain and Let Me Listen, Williams 1986-1987
Talking With... 1989-1990
The Taming 2021-2022
Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare 1934-1935
Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare 1938-1939
Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare 1950-1951
Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare 1964-1965
Tango 1932-1933 *
Tarantino Variation, Kramer 1997-1998
Tartuffe 1937-1938
Tartuffe 1953-1954
Taste of Honey 1970-1971
Tavern 1940-1941
Tea and Sympathy 1955-1956
Teahouse of the August Moon 1956-1957
Tell Me Another Story, Sing Me A Song 1987-1988
Tell Pharaoh 1974-1975
Tempest 1975-1976
Ten Memories of My Mother, In the Order I Can Remember Them, Derry 2000-2001
Tender Trap 1956-1957
That All of Us Should Be Fed 1995-1996
There's Always Juliet, Van Druten 1934-1935
There's Always Juliet, Van Druten 1951-1952
These Little Hands 1944-1945
They Dance Real Slow In Jackson, (And), Leonard 1986-1987
They Knew What They Wanted 1949-1950
Thirteenth Chair 1931-1932
This Is How It Is, Moses 1998-1999
This Property Is Condemned 1978-1979
This Property Is Condemned 1982-1983
This Property Is Condemned 1987-1988
Three Cornered Moon 1933-1934
Three Cornered Moon 1935-1936

Three Penny Opera** 1974-1975
Three Sisters 1992-1993
Thumbelina,* Bowers 1968-1969
Thunder Rock 1949-1950
Tiger at the Gates, Giradoux, Fry 1957-1958
Time Flies, Ives 2009-2010
Time of Your Life, Saroyan 1952-1953
Time of Your Life, Saroyan 1958-1959
Time of Your Life 1971-1972
Time of Your Life, Saroyan 1997-1998 photos, costumes
Tiny Closet 1988-1989
'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Ford 2004-2005
Tis the Season 1972-1973 *
Titanic, Durang 2001-2002
To Be Young, Gifted, and Black 1973-1974
Todd and Guy Go Camping, Lindsay 2000-2001
Together Again 1982-1983 *
Tom and Jerry 2005-2006
Tonight at 8:30 1953-1954
Too Many Doctors 1977-1978
Top Girls, Churchill 1989-1990
Top Girls, Churchill 2016-2017
Tourist Season 1937-1938 *
Tovarich 1941-1942
Toyland on Strike, Timbs, Ommanney 1938-1939 *
Trafford Tanzi, the Wrestling Musical, Luckman, Monks 1995-1996
Travelers, Coven, Tanner 1986-1987
Tremulous, Wilhelm 2000-2001
Trial of Mary Dugan 1932-1933
Triplet, Johnson 1994-1995
Triplet, Johnson 2001-1902
Trojan Women, Euripides 1935-1936
Trojan Women, Euripides 1974-1975
True Side 1937-1938 *
Trysting Place, Tarkington 1968-1969
Twelfth Night, Shakespeare 1939-1940
Twelfth Night, Shakespeare 1974-1975
Twelve Pound Look, Barrie 1997-1998
Twenty-Seven Wagons Full of Cotton 1978-1979
Twenty-Seven Wagons Full of Cotton 1989-1990
Twisted Rib 1996-1997
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Musical) 1974-1975
Two Guys Moving Heavy Stuff, Riedy 1997-1998
Two Wise Guys of Verona, Shakespeare 2002-2003
Typists, Shisgal 1981-1982


U.S.A. 1966-1967
Under Milkwood 1980-1981
Under the Balcony, Kane 2012-2013
Under the Gaslight 1932-1933
Unseen Hand Shepard 2010-2011
Untitled Warhol Project, Ferreira, Kronis, Alger 2012-2013
Universal Hotel 2019-2020
Unto You *, Ferriera 1997-1998, photos, designers


Vagabond King 1932-1933
Vanities 1979-1980
Vanities 2021-2022
Verse Choir 1936-1937
Viet Rock 1970-1971
Vinegar Tom, Churchill 2002-2003
Virginia Woolf? (Who's Afraid of), Albee 1975-1976
Virtual Greenroom 2020
Visit, Duerrenmatt 1960-1961
Visit, Duerrenmatt 1968-1969
Visiting Dad 1995-1996
Visitor From Forest Hills, Simon 1996-1997
Vivien 1989-1990
Voir Dire, Sutton 2006-2007


Wait Until Dark 1969-1970
Waiting, Coen 2012-2013
Waiting for Godot, Beckett 1965-1966
Waiting for Godot 1978-1979
Waiting for Lefty, Odets 2012-2013
Waiting for Lefty, Odets 2016-2017
Waiting Room, Loomer 1998-1999
Waltz of the Toreadors 1967-1968
Wanda's Visit, Durang 2000-2001
Wanda's Visit, Durang 2012-2013
War, Bozzone 2003-2004
Warrior's Husband, Thompson 1936-1937
Warrior's Husband, Thompson 1942-1943
Warrior's Husband, Thompson 1952-1953
Warrior's Husband, Thompson 1970-1971
Waxworks 1957-1958
Way of the World, Congreve 1968-1969
Way of the World, Congreve - benefit 1968-1969
Ways and Means 1956-1957
Ways and Means 1970-1971
Ways and Means, Coward 1980-1981
West Side Story 1977-1978
Whappin' Wharf 1932-1933
What a Life, Goldsmith 1940-1941
What Every Woman Knows 1933-1934
What Price Glory? 1959-1960
What She Found There 1995-1996
What Wasn't Said, What Didn't Happen 1995-1996
When God Comes for Breakfast You Don't Burn the Toast 1982-1983
When The Day Is Done, Lilliford 1997-1998
When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder? 1983-1984
Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?, McNally 2005-2006
Where Have All the Lightning Bugs Gone?, Catron 1996-1997
Where Have All the Lightning Bugs Gone?, Catron 1999-2000

Which Is Witch? 1969-1970 *
Whistling in the Dark 1933-1934
White Liars 1984-1985
White Steed, Carroll 1939-1940
White Steed, Carroll 1951-1952
White Uniform, Vodanovic 1996-1997
White Whore And The Bit Player, Eyen 1994-1995
Whiteheaded Boy, Robinson 1934-1935
Who Was That Lady?, Krasna 1960-1961
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Albee 1975-1976
Wild Oats 1982-1983
Will Someone Please Tell Me What's Going on Here? 1970-1971 *
Will the Real Jesus Christ Please Stand Up? 1971-1972
Willow Tree 1933-1934
Willy Wallace Chats with the Kids, Milligan 2003-2004
Wind and the Rain, Hodge 1936-1937
Windows 1972-1973
Winged Man, Rivera 2002-2003
Winners 1969-1970
Winterset 1936-1937
Winterset 1959-1960
Witches' Bridegroom 1931-1932 *
Within Us, Ferreira, Kronis 2006-2007
Within Us, Ferreira, Kronis 2007-2008
Wonderful Land of Oz, Baker, Haberman 1969-1970 *
Wizard of Oz 1977-1978
Woman's Day Parade 1974-1975 *
Women 1942-1943
Women 1944-1945
Women of Troy, Grote 2006-2007
Working 1988-1989
World of Carl Sandburg, Corwin 1968-1969
World of Carl Sandburg, Corwin 1976-1977
World of Sholom Aleichem 1966-1967
World of Tennessee Williams 1978-1979
Would Be Gentleman 1956-1957
Woyzeck 1971-1972

X - Y - Z and NUMBERS

Years Ago, Gordon 1948-1949
Yerma 1964-1965
Yes And No 1946-1947
You and I 1932-1933
You Can't Take It With You, Kaufman, Hart 1938-1939
You Can't Take It With You, Kaufman, Hart 1944-1945
You Can't Take It With You, Kaufman, Hart 1950-1951
You Can't Take It With You, Kaufman, Hart 1965-1966
You Can't Take It With You, Kaufman, Hart 1978-1979
You Can't Take It With You, Kaufman, Hart 1991-1992
"You Know" What's Coming to Dinner, 2007-2008
You Touched Me 1952-1953
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown 1971-1972
Young And The Fair 1951-1952
Youngest One Among Us 1950-1951
Your Life Is a Feature Film, Minieri 1996-1997

Zombie Attack!, Tanner, Daley 2000-2001
Zoo Story 1976-1977
Zoo Story 1980-1981
Zoo Story 1987-1988

12 Angry Men 1994-1995
12 Angry Men 2016-2017
12:21 P.M., Hartland 1998-1999
12:40 1996-1997
12:40, Brodsky 1996-1997 (Encore)
17th of June, The, 2007-2008
187, Rivera 1997-1998
1984 2013-2014
27 Wagons Full of Cotton, Williams 2004-2005


Theater Arts Building 208

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