Theater Arts Students Practicing

LACC Theatre Academy Admissions

LACC Theatre Academy Admissions

Please review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page prior to beginning the admissions process.

* There is NO application fee to LACC Theatre Academy *

  1. Select the appropriate link below for your area of interest.
  2. Complete an online application in your specialty.
  3. If accepted to the Academy, students must also apply and be accepted to Los Angeles City College
    Apply to Los Angeles City College

LACC Theater Academy Programs


Theater Department Office

Theater Arts Building 208

To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2970
Email: lacc-@email

Visitors and playgoers: Please visit LACCD Check-In before arriving






Theater Department Box Office:
To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2990
Email: @email

Acting Program:
Costume Design Program:
Eddie Bledsoe
Email: @email

Department Chair:
Eddie Bledsoe

Technical Theater Entertainment Technology Program:
Johnny Garofalo
Email: @email