Course Substitutions

Faculty Purviews

Major course requirements for local degrees and certificates of achievement may be substituted or waived solely at the discretion of academic department faculty, provided that the major requirement units do not fall below 18 units for the local degree or 16 units for the certificate of achievement. Course substitutions need not be stated in the college catalog, student information system, TES, or any other database that houses academic program requirements in order to be valid. Course substitutions for major requirements for Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADTs) may be recommended by academic department faculty, but must be reviewed and approved by the college Articulation Officer.

Submit a Course Substitution Petition (Students or counselors may submit to the appropriate faculty to review and determine if a substitution for a listed major requirement in a certificate of achievement, local degree, or ADT can be approved.)

TES Database

The TES database is an internal tool used by LACC counselors, faculty, and the Articulation Officer to compare external coursework taken at other colleges with courses offered at Los Angeles City College. TES provides faculty guidance primarily for GE "pass along" purposes, including applicability to meeting CSU GE Breadth and IGETC requirements. Acceptance of coursework required to meet any general education and graduation competency requirements (e.g., Math, English, Ethnic Studies) is solely at the discretion of the Counseling faculty or Articulation Officer where the Articulation Officer has final determination. The course equivalencies identified in TES are intended only for internal use by LACC counseling faculty and are not official articulation agreements between Los Angeles City College and other institutions. Official articulation agreements between Los Angeles City College, California State University campuses, and University of California campuses are posted online in ASSIST ( Please keep in mind that our repository of courses can be modified or updated from time to time. It does not replace proper academic advising. 

Appropriate credit will be awarded when your transcripts are officially verified and when you submit a graduation petition and/or transfer certification request. Your official transcripts and/or external exams from other institutions must be sent directly to LACC’s Admissions and Records. For Pass Along Credits, we do not accept credit posted to a third-party institution’s transcript. Credit is only considered from the original institution’s official academic record.

CSU GE-Breadth

CSU GE-Breadth certification is the process by which the community college verifies that a student has completed all the required coursework for the CSUGE pattern (partial completion is possible for each Area), which is sent directly to the transfer institution. If CSU GE-Breadth is not certified, students will be subject to the lower-division general education requirements at the campus to which they transfer. CSU GE-Breadth certification shall be completed by the Counseling department and approved/signed off by the appropriate counseling faculty. To get CSU GE-Breadth certification, make an appointment with your counselor or request online.

CSU GE-Breadth Petition (The student may request counseling faculty who will review and can grant approvals for Admissions and Records to annotate on the student transcript. Note that the Articulation Officer has final determination of course review and application of credit for CSU GE-Breadth certification.)


IGETC certification is the process by which the community college verifies that a student has completed all the required coursework for the IGETC pattern, which is sent directly to the transfer institution. (Partial completion is possible if the student is missing up to two courses or subject areas). If IGETC is not certified, students will be subject to the lower-division general education requirements at the campus to which they transfer. IGETC certification shall be completed by the Counseling department and approved/signed off by the appropriate counseling faculty. To get IGETC certification, make an appointment with your counselor or request online.

IGETC Petition (The student may request counseling faculty who will review and can grant approvals for Admissions and Records to annotate on the student transcript. Note that the Articulation Officer has final determination of course review and application of credit for IGETC certification).

General Counseling

Office Hours

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:30AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Fridays to Sundays: Closed


Chair, Counseling
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2062

Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2250