Student Group Walking for School


The P2P Mentor Program matches first-year students with successful, trained, and empathetic peer mentors to answer questions, connect new students to the campus community, and support them in their transition to become successful college students. The program achieves this through specific programming and activities to create a community for first-year students and through one-on-one peer support and relationships.

Program Goals

  • To improve student self-perception with effective peer to peer relationships
  • To retain 100% of the first-year students involved in P2P
  • To increase students’ self-efficacy through:
    • Academic success workshops (mastery)
    • Peer observation
    • Peer support (verbal & physiological)
    • Engagement in “beyond the classroom” activities


  • Diversity: We understand the importance of bringing students from diverse backgrounds together in an environment where they can succeed.
  • Community: We recognize the strength in building a community during the first year of college. Peer Mentors help build positive relationships between students, faculty, and staff on campus.
  • Commitment to Student Success: We thrive in directing first-year students to the proper resources in order to help them succeed from the very beginning, giving them the tools needed to excel throughout their time at LACC.
  • Integrity: Above all, we provide our services with highly ethical standards, respect, and honesty.

How does it work?

Peer Mentors are LACC students that volunteer their time to mentor others. These students are screened and interviewed and exhibit a commitment to their own academic success. In addition, these students are knowledgeable about campus resources.

Incoming students who are interested in receiving a Peer Mentor should complete a Mentee application. This short application will help to create the best match between students and mentors.

Pairing will be done within the first 3 weeks of Fall and Spring semester or as soon as the application is completed and turned in.

Important Peer2Peer Mentor Program Facts for Mentees

  • The program provides Peer Mentors for a whole year.
  • We will have important workshops on topics like time management, stress relief, and others.
  • Throughout the semester, the Peer mentors and the mentees will have one on ones where the mentees can ask the Peer mentors any questions and/or go over concerns that the new students might have throughout the semester and/or year.
  • Two social events, three workshops and one volunteer service learning activity will be planned for the semester.
  • We help build relationships with other new students and with the office of student life.

Mentee Responsibility

Mentees are expected to maintain a productive relationship with their mentor. They should make frequent contact to utilize the academic expertise and knowledge of the mentor. One should determine the best times to make contact with the mentor and be prepared to make the most of the scheduled meetings. Mentees should be willing to attend and participate in various college events.

Join the Peer Mentor Program now!

Coming Soon

Office of Student Life

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Union SU 219

Contact Us

Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2450

For Commencement Questions:
Please contact @email