Accessing your Student Portal & Canvas

Here are the instructions to help you create your Student portal account to access Canvas

  1. Go to the new portal URL at: https://mycollege.laccd.edu
  2. Enter your Student ID (COLLEGE ID) in the “Student ID or User ID” textbox.
  3. Enter your Default Password in the “Password” textbox. Your default passwords consists of: 88@ + the first character of your last name (capitalized) + the month and day of your birthdate (MMDD) For Example, Jane Doe, who was born on July the 4th, will have the default password: 88@D0704
  4. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be transferred to the Update Password page to select a permanent password.
  5. Re-enter your Default Password in the "Old Password" textbox.
  6. Create a new password for yourself which is at least 7 characters long, and enter it into the "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" textboxes.
  7. If your password is accepted, you will be transferred to the Password Registration page for confirmation and to select your security questions.
  8. Re-enter your new password in the "Password" textbox.
  9. On the next screen you will be asked to select 5 security questions, and provide answers. Be sure to provide memorable answers (easy to remember) to the questions you select. These questions will be used to help you reset your password, and perform other security functions with your account.
  10. If your questions and answers are accepted, you will be taken to a new page which reads "Completed: You are now registered"
  11. To access your account, close your browser and re-open it. Then visit: https://mycollege.laccd.edu and login using your new password.
  12. If you have any problems creating your account, change the browser and start all over again following the steps above.
  13. If the step above (#12) does not help troubleshoot, let the instructor know so he/she can send your information (student college ID, your full name, and your complete date of birth) to the IT department to reset your account.

Make sure to download the Canvas student version app if you’re going to be using your phone to complete your quizzes and exams.

Contact Us

Office Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


Jacqueline De La Rosa
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Email: delaroj@lacitycollege.edu

Vanessa Jimenez
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Email: jimenevd2@lacitycollege.edu

Email: dualenrollment@lacitycollege.edu
Phone: (323)953-4000 ext. 1335