For K-12 Partners

Important Information

The LACC, charters, private and LAUSD calendar dates do not correspond exactly, please be aware of discrepancies.

  • Please sit down with your LACC instructor and go over the calendar carefully.
  • Arrangements for access to classrooms should be made so that the instructor doesn't have to look for a person with a key. Media (Projector, speakers and Screen) should be ready for use. Instructors must have internet access in the room assigned.
  • The contact must be present at the first meeting.
  • Once class has begun, instructors should be able to print out a roster by the end of the first or second week and should continue checking roll for ten weeks. You should ask for a copy and compare it to your list of students. Discrepancies should be brought to the Dual Enrollment Department immediatly.
  • Students who feel they cannot handle the work for any reason should notify the instructor and ask the instructor to drop them from the class the first week, students may drop online as well.
  • The class will run using the LACC calendar which is similar to the LAUSD/charter calendars with some exceptions. Faculty will generally teach when LAUSD is in session.
  • Schools are responsible for textbooks for classes offered. Amazon is a great source. Books should be ready for the first day of class. LACC does have books for some classes.
  • All packets must be must be delivered to admissions office at LACC by the scheduled date.
  • Do not use color paper on any form. Do not highlight, scanning makes copy black.

Dual Enrollment Checklist

  • A room has been identified with a capacity of and seats for at least 40 students
  • LACC instructor(s) will have access (keys) to appropriate instructional facilities and RESTROOM! . Depending on the course requested, may include: AV equipment, a projector, dry-erase board, WiFi, etc.
  • The high school will provide required text(s) and/or other materials listed by the instructor/academic department. This includes media equipment. Art classes have an additions student fee.
  • Non-high school students enrolled in the course will have access to the course during the scheduled course hours, with the exception of AB 288 classes. Only high School students will be in AB 288 classes.
  • Affected high school personnel are informed or trained as to the nature of the course. For example, security personnel, teachers, counselors, and main office staff.
  • LACC instructors will have access to a copy machine for class material, or 24 hours turn around for copy material. LACC administration does not allow faculty to use copy codes for high school classes.
  • Counseling staff is trained as to the screening procedure and policy for prospective students
    • Upon request for “Supplemental Application for Admission of Students in Grades K-12” form for counselor’s signature:
      • No “F” grades in the last semester in A-G
      • Students must have a 2.0 GPA
      • Students are not taking the course as “credit recovery”
      • No extracurricular activity may conflict with class scheduled time, including athletics.
  • Primary contact at the high school will implement final screening process:
    • Contact collects, vets, and returns forms and facilitates online registration
    • Students complete LACC online application correctly
    • Contact should screen transcripts to assure eligibility based on criteria listed above.
    • Occasionally LACC auditors may request transcripts
    • Ability to commit to hours and days of instruction for the course
    • Understanding as to benefits and potential hazards of taking a college course while in high school
    • Orientation should be given to prospective college students. Please discuss the Suggested level of decorum, behavior and maturity for a college class.
    • Successful strategies for studying and completing college level work should be emphasized

Contact us

Office Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed


Jacqueline De La Rosa
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Email: delaroj@lacitycollege.edu

Vanessa Jimenez
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Email: jimenevd2@lacitycollege.edu

Email: dualenrollment@lacitycollege.edu
Phone: (323)953-4000 ext. 1335