Louie Piday

Louie Piday is a founding member of the pioneering Los Angeles troupe The Company Theatre. She has performed in New York theatre in both Broadway and off-Broadway plays; including Oh, Calcutta!, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and The Karl Marx Play. Her work in film began in commercials and voice overs and then in television series and features both in New York and Hollywood. After a return to academia for an MFA in Drama from USC she began a career directing plays in both the academic and professional theatre, here and in Europe. She has acted and directed at the Edinburgh Festival and theatre festivals in Berlin, Amsterdam, Zurich, Brussels, and Paris. She has also taught at USC, Long Beach Community College, and South Coast Repertory Conservatory.

Course Descriptions

Academic Programs: Theater Arts / Theatre Academy [PDF] (Theater awards & certificates, section 5)
College Catalog (Theater class descriptions section 6)

Class Schedules

Summer 2023
Fall 2023

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Life at LACC

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Contact Us:

Theater Department Office

Theater Arts 208

To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext.2970
Email: lacc-@email

Theater Department Box Office:
To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2990
Email: @email

Visitors and playgoers, please visit LACCD Check-In before arriving

Department Chair:
Eddie Bledsoe
Email: @email

Acting Program:
Costume Design Program:
Eddie Bledsoe
Email: @email

Technical Theater Entertainment Technology Program:
Johnny Garofalo
Email: @email