Diane Sisko

Diane Sisko is a professor emerita of the Los Angeles City College Theatre Academy, Professional Costume Program. Holds a degree in Theatre from Purdue University, in a theatre program very similar to LACC' Theatre Academy. In addition to teaching and having developed and revised most of the costume classes, taught Stage Makeup and SFX Makeup. Has acted as well as sung, especially with the Odyssey Theatre Ensemble, and co-authored a historical (Medieval) romance novel. Currently holding asynchronous Intro to Theatre and maintaining the Academy website.

Life at LACC

Learn more about the Theater Arts program at LACC by following our Student Blogger Rachel!

Course Descriptions

Academic Programs: Theater Arts / Theatre Academy [PDF] (Theater awards & certificates, p. 76)
College Catalog (Theater class descriptions pp. 191-197)

Class Schedules

Class Schedule Spring 2022

Contact Us




Theater Department Office
To leave a message:
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 X2970​​​​


Box Office
To leave a message:
Phone: (323) 953-4000 X2990
Email: boxoffice@lacitycollege.edu


Louie Piday, Acting Program
Email: @email


Eddie Bledsoe, Costume Design Program
Email: @email

TA 202

Johnny Garofalo, Technical Theater Entertainment Technology Program
Email: @email

TA 208

Eddie Bledsoe, Department Chair
Email: @email

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