LACC Theatre Entertainment Technology Alumni
- Alfonso Aceves - Knotts Berry Farm
- Georgios Adrianopoulos
- Christian Andrade
- Sevag Aivazian - Second Asst Stage Manager - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, KC/ACTF nomination for Scenic Design - Oleanna, Towards 2000, Continental Cable
- Chrissy Alvarado
- Tony Alvarado - 20th Century Fox Studios/ Fox Digital / a unit of Fox Television.
- Darrell F. Aranda - Member of IATSE local 33 Organizing Committee. CBS Scene Shop, Knightsbridge Theatre. Aiming for a career in special effects, Darrell has experience in carpentry, electrics, sound, life casting, and foam latex mask design.
- Sarah Atkinson - in BFA Stage Manager program CalArts
- Ralph Baez - Head of Rentals - Entertainment Lighting Services
- Andrew Bangs - Production - Princess Cruise Lines, Western Stage. KC/ACTF nomination for Sound Design - Unto You - PA - Levitation Films, Pyro Spectaculars. Seeking position as lighting designer, skills in light design, maintenance, and fixture placement.
- Aaryn Banks-Levine
- Thomas Banks
- Christina Bauelos
- Emil Barbadjanians - Stage Manager - Expecting Isabel, Edinburgh Fringe Festival
- Daniel Barbosa
- Stephen Barndt
- Drew Barnett - Great American Market
- Lisa Baty
- Connie Bautista
- Bridget Beaty Johnson
- Cayndis Berhane
- Oscar Betancourt
- Nicholas Binbeutel
- Derek Bjornson - Technical Director - A Noise Within, Glendale, CA Construction co-ordinator for 13 episode HBO series - The Best Sex Ever, Technical Director for Oasis Theatre Company - Steel, John Henry and the Shaker, resident technical director for Bottom's Dream Theatre Company, Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 1/25/2005
- Alan Blacher - visit online magazine Lighting Dimensions, June 2002 for interview re: Broadway lighting techniques & his work for the Rosie O'Donnell Show.
- Joseph Boodanian
- Tony Bradshaw
- Watson Bradshaw
- Carey Britton - has built sets for Cirque d Soleil in Las Vegas, is a Fire Department volunteer and Lifesafety 101 instructor, works in composites, fiberglass, foam and underwater welding. 06/22/2009
- Erik Brodin
- Charles Brown
- Kelly Bryant - Santa Rosa Summer Theatre
- Jeremy Bryden - Carpentry Crew - After the Fall, Assistant Stage Manager - Marisol, Paint Crew, Electrics Crew - All's Well That Ends Well
- Jeff Burton -& Sound Engineer - Disney Entertainment, CSULA
- James Calvo
- Gabriel Canez - Stage Manager - After the Fall, Master Electrician - Marisol, Assistant Sound Operator, Paint Crew, Electrics Crew, Deck Crew - All's Well That Ends Well
- Mark Castle - JEM FX, Knotts Berry Farm, CD audio technician, CSULA, Cerritos Performing Arts Center, UCLA
- David Cepeda
- Charles Choe - Guest Alumni Scenic Designer - Lost in Yonkers, Scene Designer - Half Court ( Regional KC/ACTF Design Finalist), Carpenter/ Stagehand - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Stage Manager The Shadow Box
- John Chuck - President - Entertainment Lighting Services
- Christian Cole
- Richard (Red) Colegrove - Technical Director The Rubicon Theatre, Ventura, CA. Set design - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Classical Theatre Lab, Santa Fe Opera, designs with Midnight Theatre (Deck Crew, Carpentry Crew - After the Fall, Carpentry Crew - Marisol) 1/25/2005
- Dirk Conrads
- Sylvia Contreras
- Efrain Corona - Currently Scene Shop Supervisor at LACC Theatre Academy, as well as working with San Gabriel Civic Center, formerly Project Manager, at Cinnabar 111907
- Ismael Corona -
- Richard Crawford -& with IATSE Local 122, San Diego, formerly with La Jolla Playhouse
- Brande Crockett -
- Gabby Cullen - Lighting Technician - Obie Production - EFX Theatre at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas. Lighting Designer - Student One Acts, Asst. Stage Manager - After the Fall, Lead Deck, Carpentry Crew - Marisol, Prop Master - All's Well That Ends Well
- Josh Daneshgar - Santa Rosa Summer Theatre
- Aaron Davis
- Jake DeWilde - Stagehand - Alex Theatre, ELS
- Ondina Dominguez - Santa Fe Opera, Stage Manager - Landscape of the Body, Paint Crew - After the Fall, Prop Crew - Marisol
- Amy Domjan
- Dwayne Douglass - Sound Engineer - Disney Entertainment
- Jason Eagan
- Darlene Easley
- Jesse Estrada - Entertainment Director for the past 3 years for The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas (most known for the Real World episodes). He owns 24-7 Productions and designs and promotes night clubs in Las Vegas. Production Coordinator - Blue Man Group - Westsun, Las Vegas. Previously worked in Seattle for Paul Allen (Microsoft) as Head Automation Tech at the Experience Music Project - installation, operation & upkeep of moving lights audio visual components and show control systems. Previously Technical Manager for Caesar's Palace - technical production and maintenance of three automated attractions, 3D IMAX ride, lighting effects, multiple video walls and the world's largest indoor fog system.
- Jessica Estrada
- Peter Falco - Freelance Technician, former TD - Falcon Theatre, Stage Manager - Colony Theatre
- Amber Feinstein - Los Angeles Valley College
- Joe Ferrulli - JEM FX, Knotts Berry Farm, CSULA, Pyro Spectaculars, Falcon Theatre
- Rick Figueroa - Equity Stage Manager - East/West Players, Knotts Berry Farm, CSULA
- Jovany Flores
- Phil Gebhardt - Broadway Stage Manager, Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera
- Mark Gebhardt - Set Carpenter - Scene Design Setters Corp. and IDF Studios, both in Burbank. Carpenter - Scenic Express. Scenic Technician - Proscenery, Knotts Berry Farm.
- Robert Gjerde
- Bryant Golden
- David Graves
- David Gritzner
- Paul Gustie
- Geronimo Guzman
- Jose Guzman - IATSE Local #33, carpentry and special effects The Tonight Show, sets and special effects Days Of Our Lives, standby carpentry and special effects for Ellen Degeneres Show, Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, ROCK STAR INXS, pyro on The Ten Commandments, formerly with Pyro Spectaculars 9905
- Roy Heath
- Gilbert Hernandez - Burns Audio, Freelance Light and Sound Designer
- Julian Hill
- Gabriel Holquin
- Christina Hutton
- Jaime Inostroz
- Dan Johnson - Shop - Entertainment Lighting Services, Stage Manager - Lost in Yonkers, Carpentry Crew - After the Fall, Moving Light Operator - Marisol, Asst. Master Electrician/ Projections - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Carpentry Crew - All's Well That Ends Well, Prop master Student Directed One-Acts
- Gerald Johnson - Knotts Berry Farm, CSULA, Freelance for independent films, Pyro Spectaculars
- Geraldine Johnson - Electrics Crew - After the Fall, Carpentry Crew - All's Well That Ends Well, Prop/ Running Crew - Shakespeare Festival/LA
- John Jones
- James Jonson -
- Karen Jordan
- Dietrich Juengling - MFA in Lighting Design, Boston University, assisted John Tedesco on the lighting design for Batman & Robin, toured through India and China with Yanni, now head lighting designer for Universal Osaka Universal Studios Theme Park. He recently returned to the Academy to create the lighting design for The Rivals.
- Erica Kaumeyer
- David Kearns - Production Crew - Loose Ends
- Jonathan Kidd - Working with San Gabriel Civic Center, Production Crew - Loose Ends 111907
- Jackie Kim - Electrics Crew - After the Fall, Scenic Artist - Marisol, Electrics Crew - All's Well That Ends Well
- Jung Kim
- Ki Hong Kim
- Dennis Kimble -
- David King - Santa Fe Opera
- James King - Asst. Technical Director - Cerritos Performing Arts Center, Asst. Technical Director - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, LACC Theatre Academy Stage Attendant, Technical Director-East/West Players, CSULA, KC/ACTF region VIII Lighting Design Barbizon Award Winner Scene Shop Supervisor, was a National Finalist in the Kennedy Center/ American College Theater Festival for Lighting Design. He has experience in most major technical positions at East West Players, Cerritos Performing Arts Center, Los Angeles Theatre Center, and the Luckman Fine Arts Complex.
- Lori Kline - Stage Manager - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Classical Theatre Lab, Santa Fe Opera, Paint Crew - After the Fall, Prop Crew - Marisol
- Eric Knight - Eric Knight Band performing at Paladino's May 29, 2004
- David Knox - Guest Lighting Designer - All's Well That Ends Well, Stage Manager - A Streetcar Named Desire, Towards 2000 - Status Cue Guru, Status Cue/ Video Operator - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Master carpenter Student Directed One-Acts, Stage Manager - The Rivals
- Megen Kozak - Sound Designer - Loose Ends
- Robert Kyle - Technical director, Colony Theatre, Burbank, CA. Prop Master - After the Fall, Carpentry Crew - Marisol, Paint Crew - All's Well That Ends Well. (11/15/2004)
- Joe Leach - Freelance
- David Leitner - worked on HBO feature Jockey, now working as a photographer
- Benoit Laberge - Earned MFA at USC; Scenic Designer - Student One Acts, Assistant Sound - After the Fall, Prop Master - Marisol, Prop Crew - All's Well That Ends Well 111907
- Joseph Leach
- David Leidner
- Alicia Leiva
- David Libow - Advanced Entertainment Technologies
- Judith Lopez - Downey Civic Light Opera, Draper/ Stagehand - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Knotts Berry Farm
- Rodrigo Lopez
- Henry Lowe IV
- Miguel Loya
- Carlos Lucio
- Doane Lucio
- David MacMurtry - President and Principle Designer for Advanced Entertainment Technologies, which specializes in show action equipment and flame effects for the theme park industry.
- Nick MacPearson
- Joan Mahon - is working as a motion picture studio grip (Local 80) primarily on Warner Bros. lot.
- Ricardo Maldonado - Light Operator - After the Fall, Electrics Crew - Marisol, Carpentry Crew, Deck Crew - All's Well That Ends Well
- Mary Mandese
- Larry Marquette - Black Sheep Enterprises, theatrical drapery and hardware. 70207
- Jesse Marquez -
- Jim Mathews - Project Manager - Advanced Entertainment Technologies, former Scene Shop Manager - LACC Theatre Academy
- Richard Medvitz - President - Premiere Lighting
- Ryan Midel - Santa Rosa Summer Theatre
- John Merana - Freelance
- Michael Miller - Downey Civic Light Opera, Stage Manager - Night of January 16th, Sound Operator - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Sound Board operator Student Directed One-Acts
- Steve Miller - Steve Miller Productions & FX's
- Ramon Miranda - Carpenter - Knotts Berry Farm, Master Carpenter - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, LACC Theatre Academy Stage Attendant, freelance tech - CSULA, Pyro Spectaculars, Luckman Fine Arts Complex, Colony Studio Theatre, HBO, East West Players, and Bell High School.
- Aki Miura - Santa Rosa Summer Theatre
- Miyuna Miwa - Electrics Crew - After the Fall, Lead Scenic Artist - Marisol, Lead Painter - All's Well That Ends Well
- Kari Morales - Provisional Stage Attendant - LACC Theatre Academy, Scenic Artist - Glendale City College Theatre Arts, Prop Master - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Master Electrician Student Directed One-Acts
- Gabe Ochoa
- David Olson - Owner of production Company, Eclipse Production Services - corporate lighting, sound & audio visuals in Albuquerque, NM. University of Arizona, Technical Direction
- Daniella Oropeza -
- Benyamin Osipo - Santa Fe Opera
- Frank Otello - working as Rhyno & Mad Dog
- David Ramirez - Santa Rosa Summer Theatre
- Vincent Ramirez
- Raul Ramos
- Dale Rees - Master Carpenter - Loose Ends
- Chris Reidhammer - Working with San Gabriel Civic Center; Entertainment Lighting Services; Stage Manager - All's Well That Ends Well; Light Board Operator - Shakespeare Festival/LA 111907
- Tyler Rinek
- Luis Rios
- Ligo Rodriguez - Angstrom Lighting
- Mario Rodriguez& - Stagehand - South Bay Musical Theatre, Electrics Crew - After the Fall, Asst. Lighting Designer - After the Fall, Stage Manager - Marisol, Master Electrician - All's Well That Ends Well
- Miguel Rodriguez
- Darren Rogholt - Staff Carpenter - CSULB, Stage Manager - Student One Acts, Sound Engineer/Operator, Jazz Consultant - After the Fall, Light Board Operator - Marisol, Electrics Crew - All's Well That Ends Well
- Marge Romans - Former President - Olesen
- Latanya Roquemore
- David Rudelson
- Paul Ruhman
- Guillermo San Jose - Advanced Entertainment Technologies
- Rick Sands
- Hadgy Segura - AV Technician - USC, Sound Design - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Rental Manager, Burns Audio, Pyro Spectaculars
- Jeanette Serrano - Revolutionary Lighting, President, Co-Founder and Design and Technical Supervisor. Intelligent Lighting Specialist previously with Entertainment Lighting Services, Master Electrician - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Universal Studios, George and Goldberg
- Seung-il Shin
- Fernando Shuya
- Charles Smith
- Derrick Spenser
- Catrina Strickland
- Fred Taylor
- Juan Torres - Light Crew/Followspot - Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Light design, board operator - Student Directed One Acts, Freelance Tech
- Cindy Tsugi - Props, Osaka Universal Studios Theme Park
- Teresa Vahdani
- Frankie Valdivia - Master Electrician - After the Fall, Special Props - Marisol, Sound Operator, Electrics Crew - All's Well That Ends Well, Asst. Stage Manager - Night of January 16th, Light Crew/ Follow Spot - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Sound Board operator Student Directed One-Acts
- Nick Vincenti - Stagehand - South Bay Musical Theatre, Carpentry Crew - After the Fall, Master Carpenter - Marisol, Assistant Stage Manager - All's Well That Ends Well
- Tanesha Walker - lives in Belgium.
- Matthew Walters - Freelance Technician, Master Carpenter - After the Fall, Sound Engineer - Marisol, Light Board Operator - All's Well That Ends Well
- Carter Weathers -working as Technical Support for A.C.T Lighting, Inc. 81709
- Fred Wenzlaff - 2002 Los Angeles Drama Critics' Circle Award - light design La Gioconda, BA - USC in scenic design, Freelance Scenic Designer
- Matthew Williams
- Shannon Whitmore
- Rick Yatman - Head of Sales - Acey Decy Equipment
- Jason Yontef
- Flor Zuniga