LACC Theatre Acting Alumni
LACC Theatre Acting Alumni
- Maureen Aarons
- Shriff Abdur-Rasheed (Hasan)
- Jean Abel
- Alan Abelew - recently in Sliding Into Hades, Faust Projeckt and Good Woman of Setzuan with Beth Hogan at the Odyssey Theatre 70207
- William Abellav
- Sarah Abernethy
- Carmen Abeyta
- Don Abrams
- Marjorie Abrams
- Toneey Acevedo - Barefoot Boy with Shoes On at The Underground Theatre, Beep, Wardrobe Crew - How I Learned to Drive 31906
- Rick Ackerman
- Kenneth Ackles
- Peter Acosta - Sacred Fools Theatre
- Robert Acosta
- Rudolph Acosta
- Kaytee Adams
- Robert Adams
- Kathleen Addcox - Sharla - Coyote Woman, Hippie Zombie - Zombie Attack!, Teenage Greek Chorus - How I Learned to Drive, Paint Crew - Marisol
- Neil Addison
- Bruce Adel
- Helen Adkins
- Merlin Adkins
- Eugene Adley
- Eli Adovinac
- Arakie Adrian
- Srpuhie Agdaian - recently returned to attend the Academy's production of Within Us. 52707
- Ray Aghayan
- Joe Agnello
- Teresa Aguilera
- Sam Aguilar
- Florence Ahn
- Joyce Ailringer
- Leslie Aisenman
- Zackery Akda
- Bill Akerstein
- Alex Akpobome - The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel
- Barbara Alan
- Nadine L. Alanis (Annie Davis)
- Mac Alard
- Charles Alatorre
- Gregory Albanese - in Deceit, by Bruce Kimmel, Coming Attractions
- Connie Albers
- Arthur Alberts
- David Alboe
- Cruz Alderette
- Maurice Alevy
- Ray Alex
- Ava Alexander
- Khalik Alexander
- Melinda Alexander
- Margaret Allan
- Aldrich Allen - in Cirque Picnique directed by Tina Kronis at Sacred Fools Theatre. 5/17/04, Passed away April 2005. 05/03/05
- C. Allen
- Charlotte Allen
- Cosban Allen
- Douglas Allen
- Hadley Allen
- Harry Allen
- James Allen
- Jemetra Allen
- Paul Allen
- Paula Allen
- Regina Allen
- Robert Allen - For Services Rendered, Company -After the Fall, Blessing from Heaven - The Waiting Room, Billy - The Devil and Billy Markham, Gordon - Penguin Blues, Photographer - Night of January 16th, Wardrobe crew - Student Directed One-Acts, The Time of Your Life
- Sean Allenbaugh
- Genevieve Allison
- Elaine Alterman
- Alex Alvarez - continuing at CalArts
- Edward Alyn
- Ali Amad
- Bill Amador
- Kimberly Amadril
- Ricardo Amaya
- Steve Ambre
- David Ambrose
- Jon Amirkhan - working with Brendan Broms, Paul Stein and Brian Newkirk at Moving Arts One-Act Festival.
- Susan Amore
- Don Amtman
- Lisa Anderman
- Andrew Anderson
- Bob Anderson
- Ercelle Anderson
- Jim Anderson
- Roy Anderson
- Bettina Andresen
- Betty Andrews
- Robert Andrews
- Starra Andrews ;- appeared in 6 at Gardner Stages, author of "The Pursuit of Acting - Working Actors Share Their Experiences and Advice," recently spoke with Academy students.
- Frank Andrus
- Toni Angel
- Trevor Annicharico = Trevor Wilde, appeared in 6 at Gardner Stages, appeared in This Thing of Ours, a "pick of the Week" at Two Roads Theatre.
- Sam Ansyln
- Donald Antahy
- Mark Anzalone
- Steve Apmadoc
- Arthur G. Appell
- Phyllis Appleby
- Roger Appleby
- Elaine Appleman
- Dick Appleton
- Karina Aragon - playwright, Midnight Theatre, Bacchae, Love's Labour's Lost
- Arturo Aranda - co-founder Midnight Theatre, David - This Is How It Is, Wardrobe crew A Streetcar Named Desire
- Hugh Arbouin
- Elaine Archer
- Graham Archer
- Joan Arcucci
- Carlos Arellano
- Carl Arena
- Alberto Araiza
- William Arlen
- Joe Armerdariz
- Frances Armijos - Vixen - Dracula
- Charles Armin
- Dave Armstrong
- Vaughn Armstrong - Co-starred in Joanna's Husband and David's Wife at Fremont Centre Theatre. Directed A Vampire Reflects and produced and appeared in Fog of War, both at Ventura Court Theatre. 4/08/07
- Cathy Arnold
- Charlene Arnold
- Jacqueline Arnold
- Annette Arp
- Richard Arpen
- Gilbert Ramon Arribas
- Don Arrington
- Jose Arvizu
- Shereen (Ash) McDade
- Lesley Anne Asistio (Dodoyan) - authored Regrets. BA in Theatre Arts and Dance, Cal State, Los Angeles. 52707
- Faradj Assef-Vaziri
- Joseph Astor
- Naomi Astrachan
- Frank Atkins
- Gavin Atkins
- Terrence Atkins
- Ardith Atkinson
- Sue Atler
- April Audia - Appearing as a guest alumna in the Academy's production of The Odd Couple (female version) as well as in the recent City Playhouse production of Voir Dire, and as Charlotte Hay in Moon Over Buffalo; is a member of "The Theatre District" theatre company and recently appeared in Desdemona at Santa Clarita Rep and Godspell at Cal State Los Angeles (where she studied for her Bachelors in Music, Voice emphasis.) 92007
- Grace Auerbach
- Naomi August - Company - Bacchae
- Beatrice Aurelia - Company - Glittering Diamonds, FOH Staff - Big Love, Bus Stop, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Marjorie Austin
- Jean Avery
- Marcela Avila
- Moav Avital - Heidi - Fuddy Meers, Eileen - Moon Over Buffalo, Co-host - Drama Digest, Bella - Big Love, Philotis -& 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Mimi - Crew Hours, Amy - Foreplay, Or the Art of the Fugue (All in the Timing), House Manage r- Buried Child, Wardrobe Crew - Top Girls 60706
- Lenka Ayers
- Mimi Aylor
- Phyllis Ayvrie
- JaJa Azikiwe
- Kathy Baar
- Linda Baca
- Ethel Lou Backenheimer
- Paul Bachman
- Don Bacon
- Eli Badovinac
- George Badovinac
- Florence Baer
- Sam Baggetta
- Vince Baggetta
- Judy Bai
- Don Baile
- Bently Bailey
- Clifford Bailey
- David Bair
- Howard Baird
- Doyle Baker
- Inez Baker
- June Baker
- Lenore Baker
- Cindy Ballard
- Robert Ballenger
- Bonnie Balling
- Larisse Balonkita - Madeleine Beck - Loudspeaker Voice - English Made Simple (All in the Timing), Dawn - Seven Menus (All in the Timing), Karen - Crew Hours, Second Waitress, Jeanine - Top Girls
- Eileen Ban
- David Bancroft
- Vanesa Banister -
- Blossom Bankle
- Chris Banks
- Kenneth Banks
- Thomas L. Banks III
- Arnold Bankston
- Nita Banyaga
- Candelario Barajas
- Karen Barclay
- Omar Barba
- Teresa Bargelt
- Bill Barker - appeared in After the Fall, wrote Life is Like a Train..., and the one-act Love Letters in the Dirt
- Buff Barker
- Sissie Barker
- Marci Barker - living in Papua, New Guinea
- Edith Barman
- Kay Barnard
- Alicia Barnes
- Gene Barnes
- La Shanette Barnes (Dominique)
- Verow Barnes
- Emily Barnett
- June Barnett
- Marion Barnhill
- Valerie Barocio
- Julia Barr
- Maxine Barraclough
- Bob Barranco
- Jose Aaron Barrera - in Alice in Wonderland, Cabbie - Hot L Baltimore, Wardrobe Crew - Love's Labour's Lost, Wardrobe Crew - Manifest
- Michael Barrere
- Mary Ann Barrett
- Robert Barrett
- Terry Barrett
- Wilson Barrigar
- Christopher Barrios
- Ray Barrios
- Gene Barry
- Kevin Barry - Bill - Coyote Woman, The Lesson, Dull - Love's Labour's Lost, Durwood Peach - Landscape of the Body, For Services Rendered, Amanda - For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls, Wardrobe Crew - After the Fall, Hair & Makeup Design - The Waiting Room (KC/ACTF nomination)
- Steve Barry
- Marc Barsimontov
- Pat (Barsocchini) Barso
- Marilyn Bart
- Betty Barter
- John Bartlett
- Leslie Bartlett (Swartz) - appeared in Morning Star, and Mountains at Colony Studio Theatre, and in The Time of Your Life at LACC and directed Quick and Dirty for the Short Play Festival III
- Pauline Bartlett
- Anita Bartman
- Betty Jane Barton
- Vickie Bascoy
- Paul Basiner
- Elaine Bass
- Kevin Bass
- Warren Bassett
- Jeremy Bate
- Phil Bauer
- Jay Baumgardner
- Chiche Baur
- Frances Baur
- Chris Bavelles
- Clift Baxter
- Colin Baxter
- Tuana Bay
- Ronald Bayouth
- Betty Beal
- Lois Bean
- Edward Beanes
- Rebecca Beard
- David Beardsley
- Robert Bearmear
- Bruce Beaton
- Mark Beatty
- Herman A. Beaudry
- Al Beaudry
- John Beaumont
- David Beaver
- Kenneth Bebb
- Marjorie Beck
- Erma Becker
- Jerry Becker
- Reybin Beckles
- Joseph Beebe
- Joyce Beeby
- Margaret Beeby
- Theola Arlene Beech - Polly Warfield, longtime drama critic for the LA Free Press, DramaLogue and Backstage West, passed away October 2, 2003.
- Lisa Beezley-Lippman - nominated for an Ovation Award for Our Country's Good, in Justin Tanner's Happytime X-mas.
- Rudolph Behlmer
- Fred Belanger
- Marion Beling
- Frank Bell
- Joe Bell
- Cheryl Bellah
- John Bellah
- Jocelyn Bellamy
- Barbara Bellows-TerraNova - in Gypsy, Ladies in Retirement, Follies, Dylan, Man Who Came to Dinner...Worked in Salt Lake City, as Berta in The Emily Company's production of Hedda Gabler, directed by another former LACC student, from many, many years before (a friend of Jose Quintero), Mr. Don Garner, of St. Louis, who within the first few days of rehearsal, used such words as "definite" and "economic", so there we were, with the words of Mr. Blunt. He remembers when Mr. Norman Mennes arrived, as a costumer...
- Marlene Beltran (Aranda) - co-founder, Midnight Theatre, Hollywood; Jaquenetta - Love's Labour's Lost, Rosalie - Landscape of the Body, Alice - Manifest, Felice - After the Fall, Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Wardrobe crew A Streetcar Named Desire
- Jacqueline Bencit
- Valerie Beneviste
- Richard Benner
- John Bennes
- Celesteen Bennett
- Dorothy Bennett
- Edward D. Bennett
- Rose Bennici
- Jodi Benson
- Tony Benson
- La Verne Benstock Solkov
- Linda Bensusen
- Greg Bentley (Spencer?)
- Rick Bently
- Valerie Benveniste
- Verlea Bercutt
- Sonja Berezowsky
- David Berg
- Velma Berg
- Bille Berger
- Jerome Berghoff
- Susan Berglund
- Allison Bergman - directed Barbara McNair and William Knight (as L.B. Mayer) in Stormy Weather at the Tiffany Theatre, directed Uncle Sam's Umbrella, and Sharianne Greer's The First Bedroom
- Candys Berhane
- Joan Berk
- Samuel Berland
- Rhoda Berman
- Joseph Bernaba
- Egbert Bernard - Company - Within Us, Jackie Robinson - National Pastime, The Brain - The Brain from Planet X, Darryl Matthews - The Sandstorm, Wardrobe - Loose Ends, Fuddy Meers 110207
- Evelyn Bernard
- Joe Bernard
- Kay Bernard
- Robert Bernard
- Barbara Bernbaum
- William G. Bernel
- Dorothy Bernowsky
- Beatrice Bernstein
- Charles Bernstein
- Owen Berry
- Edward Bertie
- Donald Bess
- Mary Best
- Beto
- Ahmed Bey
- Roger Bezanis - performs with VTA (Ventura Sports Theatre) at The Livery Theatre, 34 N. Palm St., Ventura, CA, (805) 643-5701. He is also president of the health care division of the Pure Body Institute.
- Willie Bickerstaff
- Donald Bicknell
- Vivian Bigelman
- Billie Billman
- Larry Billman
- Phil Bingamon
- Wayne Binge
- Greg Binion
- Peter Binns
- Diana Birch
- Laurie Birmingham
- Tracy Birmingham
- Drew Birns
- Erik Bishop
- Jane Bishop
- Sue Bishop
- Leslie Bisno - recently in LACCTAA staged reading
- Geraldine Bivins
- Alan Blacher
- Graeme Black
- Lyn Blackburn
- John Blackman
- James Blackwell
- Rod Bladel
- Barbara J. Bladh
- Millie Lou Blaine
- Robin Blaines
- Lynn Blair
- Mike Blanc
- Trish Blanchard
- Christopher Bland
- John Bland - Mr. Marks - Intimate Apparel, Paul Baumer - Loose Ends, FOH Staff - Big Love, Bus Stop, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- George Blank
- Shirley Blank
- Grace Blinn
- Dick Bloch
- Pat Blough
- Earl Blount
- Phillip G. Bluhme
- Betty Lee Blum
- Irving Blum
- George Blumenson
- Douglas Blunk
- Carolyn Boand
- Robert Board
- Melinda Bob
- Anna Boccaccio
- Jack Bodin
- Jean Bogess
- Ruth Bogok
- Verdale Bolden
- Rosalie Bolivar
- Gail Bolton
- Gerre Bolton
- Pamela Bond
- Thomas Bond
- Lois Boneburg
- Bea Bonlware
- Bonnie Bonn
- Dolores Booher
- Jerry Boorda
- Ned Booth
- Nesdon Booth
- Lois Bootzin
- Rutheloise Borchardt
- Barbara Borg
- Tony Bosco
- Paul Bosseau
- Alfonso Botana
- Rosina Boulos
- Shirley Boulware Shinn
- Tarik Bourdoud
- Dominic Bowden
- Gerard Bowen
- Athena Bower -
- Lee Bower - d. April 26, 2004, appeared in Berkeley Square, First Lady, Miracle Worker, and Bye, Bye, Birdie while at LACC. Her daughter Athena also attended the Theatre Academy.
- Rob Bowers - has continued his relationship with the Academy, which has produced six of his musicals, including Fa, La, La, La, La!, The Silver Bear, and Peer. He has musical directed other productions as well as composing background scores, most notably the ACTF entry M'Lord and Lady and Peter Pan. He has performed on stage with Richard Chamberlain, John Carradine, and Sarah Miles; appeared in such as the Cinegrill and Regency Club; written five musicals, most recently the Cinderella-vampire romp, Bite Me!; directed and/or musical directed many productions and club acts, winning a DramaLogue Award for Tintypes; founded and performed with the Rock Salt Company for the past thirty years; was the LA Philharmonic's Narrator-Storyteller for the "Symphonies for Youth" series; and is in his twentieth year as a Master Teacher in Music Theatre for the LA Music Center Education Division. In 2001 he was honored with the prestigious "Professional Artists in Schools Award for Lifetime Achievement."
- Sara Bowers
- Viola Bowlby
- Laura Box
- Warren Boxer
- Erin Boyd
- George Boyd
- Hansel Boyd
- Jerry Boyd
- Norma Boyles
- Dave Bracken
- Mary Bracken
- Wallace Bradfield
- Jerry Bradley
- Wilma Bradley
- Georgene Bradshaw
- Sufe Bradshaw - part of the Emmy and SAG-AFTRA award winning ensemble of HBO's Veep, as President Meyer's secretary, Sue. At LACC - Neighbor - A Streetcar Named Desire, Clerk - Night of January 16th 10122015
- Jennifer Brake - Gwen - For Services Rendered, Grandma - Lost in Yonkers, Woman with Furs - Marisol, Narrator & Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Angelica - Penguin Blues, Dr. Kirkland, Prison Matron - Night of January 16th.
- Midge Brancker
- Richard Brandon
- Martin Brandt
- Al Bratton
- Bob Bray
- Diane Brazeal
- June Brazil
- Rosa Brazil
- Taylor Breaw
- Katherine Brecka
- Lorraine Breckenridge
- Bill Breeden
- David Breeden
- Toni Breen - Lucy - Dracula, Young Actress - Six Characters Looking for an Author, RAPS.
- Gudmundur Breidfjord
- Helena Brennan
- Philip Brennan
- Ann Breshears
- Michael Brian
- Neoma Briant
- Jack Briare
- Mary Brice
- Marcella Brich - Featured soloist in Glittering Diamonds with Bruce Kummel, Fred Fate and All Ross. Now a "soccer Mom" (her favorite role.) LACC Theatre-Dean's Highest Honor List 1986-89. Outstanding Academy Student 1988 & 1989. "Guys and Dolls" Colony Theatre: Sarah, Hot Box Girl-understudy, Abigail. Secrets with Lisa Beezley-Lippman (alumna) also w/ Third Rock's French Stewart. NYC/ regional - West Side Story: Maria, Carousel - Julie, & US tours, "Catskills OFF Broadway" Off-Off Broadway: Tony and Tina's Wedding. Features: Tin Cup, Turbulence. Nat. Commercials, voice-overs, and catalogue/still modeling. Currently on staff - Disney's Television Animation. Voice-overs for Disney's Video Premieres, Lion King as Timon's mother. Television: Pilot with Marlee Matlin. Flip Kobler's Wild Dust - published by Samuel French. Produced/directed the one-act play The Adoption Award (2001/PCT-Playwright's Festival) Also produced/directed: Last Summer At Bluefish Cove for NoHo Arts District, City of LA. Teacher of children's theatre, Burbank, CA. 123006
- Courtney Bridges (Laurie Delancey)
- Verna Brienholt
- Darlene Briere
- Mickey Bright
- Ron Bright
- Ruth Briller
- Kin Brion
- James Brisco
- Iola Brister
- Frank Brittain
- Hazel Britton
- Jack Broadcis
- Ronne Brock
- Raymond Brode
- Carole Brogdon
- Brendan Broms - recently in An Unhappy Woman
- Alison Brooks
- Dorothy Brooks
- Karmello Brooks
- Mary Lou Brooks
- Barbara Broun
- Edward Broun
- Palmer Broun
- Anna-Claudia Brown
- Barbara Brown
- Charles Brown
- Clinton Brown
- Edwin Brown
- Elisabeth Brown
- Eric Brown - Director - The Root of Chaos, Company- The Brain from Planet X, Tommy Adams - The Sandstorm
- Esther Brown
- Faye Brown
- Gerald Brown
- Hazel Brown
- Jackie Brown
- Jo Brown
- John Brown
- Lois Brown
- Merl Brown
- Ralph Brown
- Richard Brown
- Shirley Jean Brown
- Theola Brown
- Thornell Brown
- Walter Brown
- Kathy Browne
- Steve Browne
- Robert Browning
- Susan Brubaker
- Beverlee Bruce
- Lorraine Bruce
- Elisa Bruley
- Chandra Brun
- Candice Nicole (Candice-Nicole Bruning)
- Don Bruton
- Claude Bryant
- Barbara Buchanan
- Morris Buchanan
- Daniel Buck
- Fred Buck
- Marcia Buck
- Sprite Buck
- Rosalind Buckley
- Don BuDay
- Yale Budin
- Carrie Buehler - finishing degree at USC. Mommy - The Sandbox, Tammy - Rain, Jane Chandler, Stenographer - Night of January 16th, in A Stream in the Wasteland, Awarded "Honorary Tech' status, Wardrobe crew - The Time of Your Life
- Zev Bufman
- Shonte Buford - Waverly - Recent Tragic Events 042108
- Franzel Buhen
- Lon Buisch
- David Bulasky
- John Bullock
- June Bundy
- Joan Bunge
- Amy Buranen
- Alfred Dean Burck
- Ron Burd
- Dennis Burg
- Robert Burgener
- Dorothy Burgess
- John Burgess
- Sam Burgess
- Edwin Burghart
- Betty Burke
- Charles Burks
- Belinda Burkhardt
- Charles Burks
- Ed Burlando
- Barbara Burnett
- Nancy Burnett
- Mark Burnham - Co-starred as Junkie Jake in the Fox series Action
- Gary Burns
- Leo Burns
- Caesar Burres
- Bill Burroughs
- Nancy Burrows
- Margaret Burt
- Hali Burton
- Longdon Burwell
- John Buster
- James Butler
- Margaret Butler
- Rosita Butler
- Tanya Butler
- William L. Butler
- Winston Butler - Emeritus Chair of the Theatre Department, d. Apr. 2008 042008
- Dona Butts
- Gary Butts
- Lillian Buyeff
- Lorna Byer
- Carolyn Byerley
- Arthur Byham
- Robert Byrnes
- Gabriel Cabrera
- Maureen Calderwood
- Leda Calish
- Ed Calkins
- Marie Calkins
- Carmen Callizo
- Marie Callogher
- Gloria Calomee
- John Camburis
- Ed Cameron
- Edna Cameron
- Roy Cameron
- Carolee Campbell
- Charles L. Campbell
- Frederic Campbell - M.K. H.S.
- Gary Campbell
- Janne Campbell
- Joy Campbell
- Richard Campbell
- Richard Camphuis
- Fidel Campillo
- Bill Candee
- Linda Cano
- Reuben Canonge
- Diana Canova
- Sandra Cantor
- Jodie Caplan
- Marilyn Caplan
- Norma Caplan
- Antony Carbone
- Louis Cardenas - has his own theatre company in NYC, Millennium Talent Group working with Joe Pintauro.
- Alex Cardinale - is splitting his time between acting and performing, most recently at Highland Grounds. Zombie Attack!, Berowne - Love's Labour's Lost, Holahan - Landscape of the Body, Adek - Manifest, Jay - Lost in Yonkers, Rev. Harley Barnes - After the Fall, Wardrobe crew - A Streetcar Named Desire
- Annette Cardona - passed away Aug. 4, 2011. 8/4/2011
- Holly Cardone
- Lee Carey
- George Carillo
- Cynthia Carle
- Ed Carlin
- Murial Carlson
- Robert Carlson
- Dharles Carleton
- James Carleton
- Doni Carley
- Godfrey Carley
- Ryland Carmagnolle
- Bill Carnahan
- William Carnehan
- Mariann Carney
- Ann Carol
- Tom Carpenter
- Earle Carr
- Earnest Carr
- Harry Carr
- Joy Carr
- Norvell Carrere
- Richard Carrillo
- Dana Carroll
- Paul Carroll
- Bernard Carson
- Lance Carson
- Marvin Carson
- Tracy Carter
- Michele Cartier
- Hurant Cartozian - Houston Caryle
- Stephanie Cartwright
- Mary Carvellas
- Jun Casalme
- Edward Case
- Elberta Casey
- Mollie Casey
- Ralph Cashen
- Audrey Casper
- Miriam Cassady
- Eugene Castellani
- Kenneth Castillo
- Antonio Castro
- Ronald Castro
- Tom Castronova
- Jack Caswell
- Al Caswell
- Denton Catterlin
- David Caughill
- Elio Cava
- Sally Cavanaugh
- Don Cavanough
- Michael Cecilia - is writing screeplays. Bailiff - Night of January 16th, intern - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Wardrobe crew - Oleanna, program layout - Fall 1997 season, Negotiated 1999 Headshots of Academy Actors by 3D Advertising
- Linda Ceglia
- Evelyn Celic
- Christi Chaffee
- William Chalack
- Marvin Chalek
- Simone Chalfy
- Everett Chambers
- Horace Chambers
- Janice Chambers
- Phil Chambers
- Plato Chamis
- Lorraine Chancellor
- Mary Chancy
- Brook Chapin
- April Chapman - co-founder, Lame Dog Theatre Company, company member - The Laramie Project, Vinegar Tom 5/06
- Joe Chapman
- Lynne Charles
- Mervin Chase
- Adrian Chatman
- Caroline Chatman
- Richard Chavez
- Rose Chavez
- Herschel Chean
- Keith Childers
- Pamela C. Childers
- James Childs
- Marion Childs
- Peggy Childs
- Margrete Chism
- Ritter Chism
- Eugene Chernoy (Leach)
- Beverly Choichill
- Selette Cholodenko (Cole)
- Kathy Chou
- Adrian Christensen
- Glenna Christensen
- Lorraine Christensen
- Lee Christiansen
- Faith Christopher - in Stigmata
- Hope Christopher
- Jennifer Christopher - in The Architect
- John Christopher - Company - Within Us, Wendell Smith - National Pastime, Joseph Diamond - The Sandstorm, George - Intimate Apparel 110207
- Tony Christopher - attending Cal State L.A., starring in original So You Want To Urgle A House; John - Common Rooms, Tony - Zombie Attack!, Masked Man - Landscape of the Body, Moving on, Beep 52606
- Claudia Chung
- David Church
- Fred Church
- Vito Ciannella
- Linda Cilette (Joy Miles)
- Natalia Claire (Molina) - Sara - Stop Kiss, Sylvia - Two Wise Guys of Verona, Mina - Dracula
- Bobbie Clancy
- Jacquelyne Clapp
- Flora Clar
- Hazel Clardy
- Alexandra Clark
- Betty Clark
- Benjamin Clark - In the company of The Merchant Of Venice and The Taming Of The Shrew produced by Shakespeare by the Sea. Michael - Voir Dire, Director - Hello, Out There, Narrator/Professor Leder - The Brain From Planet X, David Cassavecchia - The Sandstorm, Richard - Fuddy Meers, Box Office - Glittering Diamonds, Wardrobe Crew Head-Big Love, Wardrobe-Bus Stop, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, All In The Timing & Crew Hours 081507
- Dick Clark
- Don Clark
- Elizabeth Clark
- Frank Clark
- Leslie Clark
- Lyle Clark
- Robert Clark
- Michael D. Clarke
- Marion Clarr
- Wilton Clary
- Tommy Claunch
- Gary Clausen
- Jane Claussen
- Harry Clay
- Richard Cleary
- Claudine Clemena
- Kristofel Clerckx
- Oliver Cliff
- Dick Clutter
- De Ann Coakley
- Alice Coaly
- Paul Coates
- Corrine Cobb
- James Coburn
- Jeanne Cochrane
- Patricia Cochrane
- William Cochrene
- Elsa Codrick
- Billy Coe
- Aundrea Cofield - Company - The Brain From Planet X, Asst. Stage Manager - Fuddy Meers 61807
- Gladys Cogswell
- Ed Cohen
- Josephine Cohen
- Louise Cohen
- Penrod Cohen
- Rebecca Cohen
- Sam Cohen
- Syd Cohen
- Sylvia Cohen
- Zach (Tzachi) Cohen - Appearing in the last three episodes of The West Wing, 2004 season, appeared in The Sneaky Little Muffin Man with Zombie Joe's, Company - Sage, Dracula - Dracula, Bacchae, TA 105 Host, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Pierce - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Crew - Landscape of the Body
- Edwin Colbert
- Lawrencia Colding - company - The Laramie Project
- Bob Cole
- Selette Cole
- Annette Coleman
- Marsha Coleman
- Toby Coleman
- Dorothy Anne Collier
- William Collier
- Ellen Collins
- Fern Collins
- Gene Collins
- William Collins
- Carmen Colunga
- Byington Colvig
- Vance Colvig
- Jack Colvin
- William Colwell
- Claude Conkrite
- James Connell
- Erin Connelly
- Helen Connolly
- Rich Connolly
- Donald Conreaux
- Jean Conreaux
- Antonio Contreras
- Eric Contreras
- Rey Contreras
- Doria Cook
- Eleanor Cook
- Esther Cook
- James Cook
- Maripat Cook
- Mary Cook
- Winifred Cook
- LaNita Cooley
- Sid Cooley
- Melvin Cooney
- Carroll Cooper
- Bill Cooper
- Guebri (Cooper) Jaigle - J.S. - Necessary Targets, Mrs. VanBuren - Intimate Apparel, Susan Steen - Loose Ends, Company - Glittering Diamonds, Wardrobe - Big Love, Foh Staff - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 61807
- Lauramay Cooper
- Paul Cooper
- John Copage
- Ross Copeland - Dada - Manifest, Company - After the Fall, Orderly, German Surgeon, Intern - The Waiting Room, Lavatch, Sgt., Gentleman - All's Well That Ends Well, Sam - This Is How It Is, Homer Van Fleet - Night of January 16th, Wardrobe crew - Unto You
- Kathryn Corbell
- Philip Corcoran
- Lotus Corelli
- Celia Corey
- Suzanne Corey
- Michael Cormier - wrote a musical Ah, George that was showcased at the Jewel Box Theatre in North Hollywood.
- Jacqueline Correa
- Michael Cortez
- Carolyn (Freppel) Corwin
- Celia Cory
- Lourdes Corzo
- Bobby B. Cosner
- James Costy
- Dava Cotlin
- Melissa Courter - Claire - Fuddy Meers, Coyote Woman - Coyote Woman, Asst. to the director - Love's Labours' Lost, Betty - Landscape Of The Body. Manifest, Nurse - After The Fall, Wardrobe Crew - Student One-Acts, Night Of January 16th 50206
- William Couser
- Monya Cousin
- Mildred Couzard
- Robert Covarrubias
- Barbara (Coven) Ellis - working with the Fox Theatre in Detroit, wed actor Paul Hopper, appeared in Falsettos, Look Back in Anger, and 'Night, Mother
- Richard Coven - Head of Theatre Department at Culver Academy, Indiana; PhD, Wayne State.
- Craig Cox
- Dennis Cox
- Jayarre Cox - Wardrobe - The Importance Of Being Earnest
- Vernon Cox
- Ria (Maria) Coyne
- Rhico Craddock
- Tharon Craigler
- Samuella Craiker
- Paul Crain
- Mike Crall
- Bruce Cramer
- Joe Crane
- Mark Crane
- Tom Crane
- David Cranton
- Jack Cravens
- Rose Cravea
- Arlene Crawford
- Dick Crawford - KFAC
- John Crawford
- Lisa Crawford - Beverly in The Shadow Box, The Wife in The Jewish Wife, Mary L. in The Time of Your Life (nominated for Irene Ryan competition), Carol in Oleanna, has moved to the San Francisco area.
- Elaine Cray
- Crayne, Dian Girard
- Laurie Creech
- Anne Creedon
- Teresa Crespo
- Janice Cressey
- Tharon Crigler
- Jackie Crilly
- Ruth Crispin
- E. Crocker
- Eleanor Crook
- Bob Crosby
- William Crosson
- Harold Crow
- Helen Crowell
- Richard Crowell
- Albert Crowly
- Charlotte Croxton
- Calvin Crumble
- Calvin Crumby
- Barbara Cruz
- Lena Cruz
- Malorie Cummings
- Josh Cummins
- Janet Cunningham
- Jean Cunningham
- Marjorie Cunningham
- Spurg Cunningham
- Suzy Curley
- Fred Cutler
- Ethel Cutner
- Dick Cutter
- Jackie Dabis
- Sheila Dabney - Teaching associate at NYU Theatre Program
- Debra Dado - Directed Fahrenheit 451 at the Steppenwolf in Chicago; married Andy Rothenberg, and is mother of Stella and Booker.
- Christene Daglas
- Barbara Dahmke
- Cat Dale - has relocated to the West Coast after having passed the Bar.
- Nadiene Dale
- Andy Daley - long time associate of the CAST Theatre, now freelancing
- Dick Dalley
- Danna D'Amore
- Lorie Dana
- Toni Danielle
- Ivan Daniel
- Harriet Jean Daniels
- June Daniels
- Lee Daniels
- Suzanne Daniels
- William Daniels - Satchel Paige - National Pastime, Drug King, Teller - Landscape Of The Body, Moving On, Wardrobe Crew - SD1A 42008
- Robert Danielson
- Angela D'Anna - Widow - All's Well That Ends Well, Stage Managed Ralph Tropf's production of his political drama Shadow Hour
- Joan Dapello
- Kalynka Dapova
- Cynthia D'Aries
- Richard Darnell
- Pelita Dasalla - Assistant Director - Big Love, Attendant/Servant - 'tis Pity She's A Whore, Phyllis - Seven Menus (All In The Timing), Mrs. Trotsky - Variations On The Death Of Trotsky (All In The Timing), Tonia - Crew Hours, Female admirer - Picasso At The Lapin Agile, Nurse - Stop Kiss
- Anne D'Aubray
- Robert Daugherty
- Sharon Daugherty
- Alexis Davidson - Unto You, Lorene in The Time of Your Life, performed in the costumed promotion for Ragtime
- Corianne Davidson
- Gaye Davidson-Podgorny
- Lita Davidson
- Michael C. Davidson
- Audrey Davis
- Carmen Davis
- Christian Davis
- Denise Davis (Rosas)
- Dolores Davis
- Jackie Davis
- James Davis
- John Davis
- Laura (Davis-Jaoui) Davis
- Leard Davis - NBC
- Lyle Davis
- Lyn Davis
- Margaret Davis - Mrs. Sewel
- Mary Lou Davis
- Meade Davis
- Michael Davis
- Olga Idriss (Sneed) Davis
- Shomari Davis
- Yoon Davis
- Yvonne Davis
- Robert Davison
- Adam Dawson
- Clark Dawson
- David Dawson
- Deanne Dean - Assistant Stage Manager - Bus Stop, Wardrobe - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore 31706
- Dennis Deal
- Don Dean
- Margo Dean - producing and directing in the Bay area. " I sure miss the level of talent at City College."
- Patricia Dean
- Anthony Debar
- Adela DeCastro
- Joe De Cenzo - Poet-Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga, CA.
- Vince De Cenzo
- Gail De Corai
- Robin Deery
- Anthony De Fonte - summer 2000 played Shylock; Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester; and the Host of the Garter at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Passed away July 19, 2004.
- Patrese De Freir
- Alan Deglin
- Freddie DeGrate - Aide Turkle - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Father Dewis - Buried Child 22406
- Bill Degrood
- Jacky De Haviland - Dialect coach, operates the Special Acting Group, a workshop for disabled actors.
- Charles Deitrich
- Jesse De Jesus - Detective Cole - Stop Kiss, Two Wise Guys Of Verona
- Glenn De Jong
- Laurie Delancey (Courtney Bridges)
- Dorothy De La Rocque
- Bonford De Lavallade
- Yolanda (Lloyd) Delgado -
- Rosemary De Liban
- Antonio Del Rivero - recently appeared in Amy Sebelius' Uncle Neb and the Gak at Glaxa Studio and This Thing of Ours, a "pick of the Week" at Two Roads Theatre.
- Linda Delton
- Lew De Mara
- Leonard De Marais
- Irene De Mario
- Beverly Denbo
- Estelle Dennis
- Jane Dennis
- Penrod Dennis
- Rosa Denson
- Frank Depalma
- Joan DePriest - Watchtower Zombie - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Crew - 5th Short Play Festival, Beep
- Jojo DeRodrigo - Wardrobe Crew - How I Learned to Drive
- John De Roo
- Michael De Salvio
- Felix Desio
- Danny Desmond - Dr. Danny Desmond for many years shared his skills and insights from his experiences in film, television and theatre. In theatre he directed productions in New York, Los Angeles, and countless venues in between, in Equity, Equity-waiver, summer stock and dinner theatres. He has been a casting director and a dialogue director for motion pictures, as well as a television director, winning the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge Award for a program he wrote, produced and directed for NBC-TV (4). As an actor, his credits span the range from stage to television and from film to variety artist. He appeared on the Camino stage in The Time of Your Life.
- George Devenney
- Donna de Vera
- Dolores Devine
- Harvey Dewar
- Marilyn De Weerdt
- Jerry De Wilde
- Christy Dewitt (O'Connor) -
- Harriet Dexter - see Leach
- Bernard Diamond
- Lewis Diamond
- Robb Diamond
- Abe Diaz - R.C. - Common Rooms, Love's Labour's Lost, Raulito - Landscape of the Body, For Services Rendered
- Johanna Diaz
- Gordon Dickenson
- Kathy Dickenson
- Barbara Dickerson
- William Dickerson
- Dmitri Dileanis
- Harold Dill
- Michael Scott Dill
- Carol Dillan
- John Dillingham
- Armando Di Lorenzo - recently in Life's Funny That Way at El Portal Circle Theatre. 9/03
- Fulya Diner - Stewardess, Inmate - Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?
- Margaret Dippenbrock
- Stephen Dirk
- Doug Dirkson
- Raul DiscKuas
- Dorothy Disney
- Rejan Disparte
- Linda Di Stefano
- Marcelya Dixon
- June Dobrin
- Jonathan Anderson (Holliday) Dodd
- Jerry Dodson
- Jill Dolan
- Frances Dolce
- Rex Dollar
- Pete Dompe - NY
- John Donaldson
- Mary Beth Donaldson
- Artin Donikian
- Marci Donley
- Belva Donnaldson
- Heather Donaldson
- James Donohue
- Debbie Donovan
- Mike Donovan
- Vince Dopulos
- Randi Doran
- Eugene Dorian
- David Dormedy
- Chris Dorn
- Sondra Dorn
- Shirley Dorsett
- Katherine Dorsey - Olympia - Big Love, Harriet - Boy Gets Girl, Alma - Foreplay, Or The Art Of The Fugue (All In The Timing), Mary - The Philadelphia (All In The Timing), Nancy - Crew Hours, Shona/Third Waitress - Top Girls
- Jack Douglas
- John Douhaime
- Gene Dow - LA Pierce College
- Denise Dowling
- Joseph Drago
- Jessica Drake - is a member of the originating Company of the Theatre Academy. She subsequently received her BA in Drama from The Juilliard School and began her career as an actress Off Broadway, in regional theatre and in television. As a speech and dialect coach she was also a faculty member for the LACC Theatre Academy in the 1980's. She has coaxed vowels and consonants, offering sound advice for many feature films including; Click, Misson: Impossible III, Silent Hill, Memoirs Of A Geisha, Forrest Gump, The Pink Panther, The Green Mile, Catch Me If You Can, What's Love Got To Do With It & La Confidential, to name a few. Television credits include; Nip/Tuck, Six Feet Under, Band Of Brothers, Path To War, Wallace, Truman, A Streetcar Named Desire, and many others. 42406
- Robert Drake
- Jerry Draper
- David Driver - is doing post-production, producing and editing children's television, documentaries and films. Just finished a short called Jake, and is currently working on two feature films. Owns 24Post, a post house in Studio City as well as a studio and 20-seat screening room, sound booth, etc.
- Faber Dropp
- Alice Drucker
- Jeff Drucker
- Ann (Henry) Dryg
- Richard Dublin
- Anita Dubinsky
- Claudia DuBois
- Richard Du Boise
- Robert Duckworth
- Stephen Dudley
- Nicole Duet
- Skyler Dufelmeier
- Bob Duff
- Florence Duff
- Sheena Duff - Tracy Lord - The Philadelphia Story, Long Beach City College, Company - Within Us, National Pastime, Stage Manager - The Brain From Planet X 81607
- Brainard Duffield
- Ross Dugan
- Bob Duggan
- Evelyn Dulen
- Katherine Duling
- Ginny Dultz
- Francine Dumas
- Kathy Dumont
- Thomas Dunbar
- Ann Duncan
- Edith Duncan
- Laurence Duncan
- LaVerne Duncan Deal
- Lucille Duncan - in New York , performed in The Donkey Show (adaptation of "Midsummer") and in Stucco People at Glaxa Studios.
- Russell Duncan - FOH Staff - Big Love 31706
- Bob Dungee
- Dennis Dunn
- Jaki Dunn
- Phil Dunn
- Harold Durham
- Luther Durham
- Kathryn Dusenbery
- Gary D. Dutton
- Ann Dvorak
- Jack Dye
- Virginia Dyer
- Carmen Dymek
- David Dysart
- Darlene Easley
- Pat Easley
- Cheridan Eastlyn
- LaVonne Eaton
- Charlene Ebert
- Keith Eberwine
- Ann Ecckston
- Max Edler
- Marquez Edmond
- Dermott Edmundson
- Esther Edwards
- Georgine Edwards
- Karen (Stegelman) Edwards
- Larry Edwards - is a clinical psychologist in Oakland, CA. 6/21/2004
- Tiffani Edwards
- James Egea
- Sally Eggleson
- Lee Egishian
- Shyla Ehredt
- Joe Ehring
- Susan Ehrlich
- Don Eiber
- James Eiler
- Luba Eiman
- Gabriella Eisenbeitel (Gigi Eis)
- Sol Eisenberg
- Gary Elbaum
- Joyce Eleanor
- Chanan (Brian) Elias - married Geluah, January 1999 in Jerusalem!
- Richard Elkins
- Jean Elliot
- Ruth Jean Elliot
- Stephen Elliott
- Arma Ellis - in Proposals
- Jack Ellis
- Ken Ellis
- Mary Ellis
- Robert Ellis
- Joy Ellison
- Tamara Ellison
- Luba Elman
- Marietta El Powell
- Verne Elston
- Bill Ely
- Elzie Emanuel
- Dennis Enfield
- Lorie Enfinger
- Arthur Eng
- William Engeler
- Gerrit Engelke
- Norman Engen
- Julie Engfer
- Sue England
- Thomas Engler -
- Dorothy English
- Eugene English
- Connie Ensign
- Blair W. Ensor
- Ben Epstein
- Nattia Epstein
- Lee Erdman
- Joanna Erdos
- Robin Eriksen
- Elin Eriksson
- Barbara Erion
- Sheila Erskine
- Sabine Esmaili
- Primi Sam Esparza
- Phil Essman
- Kichaven Esther
- Julie Etcheverry
- Carol Ann Etter
- Henry Eubanes
- Betty Eugster
- Jim Eustermann (James Hurley) - Red Barber - National Pastime, Mitch - A Streetcar Named Desire, Klein - Sticks and Stones, in Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA
- Alice Evans
- Ann Evans
- John Evans
- Jon Evans
- Malaika Evans
- Jo Evens
- Bill Ewing
- Carl Fabrizio
- Beth Fagan
- Myrna Fahey
- Sheree Falk
- Sara Fannelle
- Diane Fantell
- Howard Farell
- Lynn Farina
- David Farmer, Jr.
- Dick Farmer
- Joan Farnum
- Fred Farone
- Dorothy Farrell
- Brian Faulkner
- Earl Faullin
- Roland Faux
- Marilyn Faye
- Kenneth Fearing
- Lorraine Feather
- Lawrence Feder
- Cecil Feeney
- Jerry Feheley
- Howard Fein
- Lynn Feinlieb
- Nanci Feldman
- Rick Feldman
- Virginia Feldman
- Richard Felty
- Joe Fenwick
- Gilamen Fera
- Lynn Ferguson
- Sue Ferguson
- Ron Ferrara
- John Ferrell
- Marsha Ferri
- Warren Ferryman
- Paul Feuer
- Carol Field
- Liza Field
- Romanie Fielding (Leach)
- Chuck Fiese
- Ken Figeroid - in The Berlin Cabaret at River Stage, Sacramento, Louis - Angels in America.
- William Fillmore
- Barbara Fine
- Max Fine
- Kevin Finister - N_____ With Attitudes...and Big Guns.
- Joe Finkel
- Sara Finkel - Franklin, Reseda H.S.
- Shirley Finkler
- Michelle Finnegan
- Harry Fischbach
- Janice Fischburg
- Jane Fischer
- Lynn Fischer - appeared in Oleanna at South Coast Rep.
- Peter Fish
- Benjamin Fisher
- Curtis Fisher
- Cindy Fisher
- Dorothy Fisher
- Jay Fitts (Joe Wesley Fitts)
- Amy Fitzgerald
- Jane Fitzgerald
- Kathy Fitzgerald
- Millie Fitzgerald
- Jas. Reed Fitzsimmons
- Louie Fizzell
- John Flaherty
- Betty Flanagan
- Melyssa Flanery - created The Quest Company Players (working with April Audia and Karla Ojeda), wrote a short play, directed A Stream in the Wasteland for the Short Play Festival III, performed in LACCTAA staged reading, working with Theatre Americana, Pasadena
- Irene Fleming
- Rick Fleming
- Norma Flewelling
- Regan Floria
- Merrill Flores
- Reyna Flores
- Kimberly Flowers - Wardrobe Crew - Landscape of the Body
- Kari Leigh Floyd - past editor of the LACCTAA newsletter, appeared in Rhonda's Self-will Run Riot, directed Here Rita! for the Short Play Festival III
- Henry Flynn
- Jackie Flynn
- James Flynn
- Ken Fogel
- Charlene Foggie
- Rodney Foglio
- Lawrence Foley
- Robert Fong (Allen)
- Sam Fontana
- Robert Forbes
- Claudette Ford
- Sherey Ford
- Pat Forgues
- Kathleen J. Fornason
- Anthony Foronda
- Berdell Forrest
- Scott Forrest
- Sharon Forrest
- Phill Foss
- Barbara Foster
- Gene Foster
- Jack Foster
- Marilyn Fotheringham
- Barbara Fox
- Hyman Fox
- Jean Fox
- Gray Foy
- Marilyn Frahm
- Walter Frajacic
- Gene Frambach
- Alec "Coyote" Franco - recently in production at the Odyssey Theatre Ensemble.
- Eric Franco - is on the auditioning circuit in New York, Bertram - All's Well That Ends Well, Directed - 12:21PM, Steve - A Streetcar Named Desire, in The Tarantino Variation and The Sin-Eater, Mark - The Shadow Box, Jeff - Correct Address, Falkland - The Rivals, in Unto You
- Jaime Franco - in The Time of Your Life, Unto You
- Rosalee Franco
- Tom Frandsen
- Barbara Frank
- Goldie Frank
- Constance Franklin
- David Franklin - Stage Manager at the Los Angeles Music Center.
- June Franklin
- Phil Franklin
- Sooren Franklin
- Danny Franzen
- Stanley Frazer
- Charles Fredeen
- Fred Frederick
- Karen Frederick (Karen Fredrik) - has done over 20 national commercials and worked as reoccurring actress on many soaps, etc.
- Al Freeman
- Jackie Freeman
- Morgan Freeman - Five nominations, one Oscar (for role in Million Dollar Baby), five Golden Globe nominations, two golden Globes plus Cecil B. DeMille award (outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment)
- Scott Freeman
- Jo Freilich
- Sherman Freilich
- Annette French
- Elleen French
- Marjorie French
- Carolyn (Freppel) Corwin
- John Frere
- Charles Freshwater
- Frances Frey
- Phillip Frey
- Sylvia Frey
- Mike Frias
- Steve Fridland
- Larry K. Fried
- Suzy Fried
- Erica Friedhofer
- Harriet Friedman
- Oscar Friedman
- Clark Friegang
- Paula Fritz
- Judith Frizzell
- Lois Frizzell
- Jean Frost
- Terrie Frost, Jr.
- Daniel Fry
- Phil Fry - NY
- Suzanne Frydman
- Henry Fuches
- Emmy Ann Fuchs
- Sylvia Fuchs
- Neil Fuerst
- Fujuye Fugikawa
- Joe Fulghum
- Harvey Fuller
- Jimmee Fullerton
- Priscilla Fully
- Barbara Fulton
- Paul Furey
- William Furman
- Cindy Furnace
- Joyce Gadiot
- Deanna Gaffner
- Susan Gageby
- Adam Gainey - Larry - The Waiting Room, De Palma - Sticks and Stones, Larry Regan - Night of January 16th
- Sheri Galan - recently in The Stuff
- Marjorie Gale
- Bernice Gallagher
- Richard Gallegos - recently in Amy Sebelius' Uncle Neb and the Gak
- Albert Gallo
- Triana Gamaza -
- Don Gamble
- Rina Gambos
- Patricia Gameros
- Kimberleey Gammon
- Brett Gandy - TA 105 co-host, Director - No Exit, Bacchus - Bacchae, Vinegar Tom, Company - THE LARAMIE PROJECT, Pizza Guy - Hot L Baltimore, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Wardrobe Crew Head - Student One Acts, Wardrobe crew - Night Of January 16th. Died March, 2006. 31906
- Alessandro Garcia
- Alfred Garcia
- Amparo Garcia - Company - Sage
- Gabriel Garcia
- Margie Garcia
- Mike Garcia - Jesus - The Odd Couple, Wardrobe Crew - Intimate Apparel 042108
- Ramiro Garcia
- Dean Gardanier
- Michael Gardiol - recently in LACCTAA staged reading
- Anne Garman
- Don Garner - of St. Louis, directing Barbara Bellows - TerraNova as Berta in The Emily Company, Salt Lake City production of Hedda Gabler.
- Lynn Garrett
- Weldon Garrett
- Harold Garver
- Pat Garvey
- Samuel Garza - Capt. Jack Absolute in The Rivals
- Johnie Gast
- Darlene Gaston
- Mary Jane Gaston
- Gretchen Gates
- Gina Gavin
- Lynda Gay
- Michael Gegna
- Jerry Geiser
- Cathy Geml
- Bob George
- Linda Georges
- Milada Gerabek
- Dian Gerard
- Ann Gerchik
- Joan Geringer
- Sharon Gerst
- Merle Gesford
- Charles Getts
- Dita Giannos
- Virginia Gibbons
- Isabelle Gibbs
- Jesse Gibbs - Limping Man - Fuddy Meers, Phil - Loose Ends, Shane Mungit - Take Me Out, Oed - Big Love, Randle Patrick McMurphy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Donado - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, Bradley - Buried Child, House Manager - All In The Timing & Crew Hours 60706
- Thelma Gibbs
- Richard Gibson
- Lois Giesler
- Carol Gilbert
- Pat Gilbert
- Ron Gilbert
- Rowleen Gilbert
- Bruce Gill
- Harriette Gill
- Tim Gilleland
- Carol Gillett
- Deborah 'Babe' Gilliam
- Barry Gillis
- Bob Gillowitz
- John Gilroy
- Sandra Gimpel
- Delta Giordano - still acting, in St. Paul Minnesota
- Lissa Giossi - Designed costumes for The Lion In Winter at the Elite Theatre Company
- Dian Girard
- Jacques Girard
- Terri Girvin
- Kristina Gisladottir
- Rod Gist
- Don Glassman
- Seymour Glassner
- Carol Glazer
- Gina Glazer
- Gayl Gleason
- Kathryn Gleason - in Europe and San Francisco, Directed - The Sandbox, Chris - Dancing at Lughnasa, Assertiveness Training 101, Elsie - The Time of Your Life, in Unto You
- Darlene Gloor
- Carole Gluckman
- James Goddard
- Pat Goddard
- Brian Goede
- Andre (Goeritz) Marcus - worked with touring children's theatre company out of Missoula, Montana, completed General Education requirements before transferring to CSULA to complete his degree.
- Betti Jaw Goland
- Sam Goland
- Steve Gold
- Gareth Goldberg
- Elizabeth Golden
- Ted Goldenberg - artistic director, producing theatre for youth - Golden Theatre.
- Elizabeth Golden
- Gerry Goldman
- Lyla Goldman
- Gerald Goldsmith
- Jeff Goldsmith
- Stanley Goldstein
- Judy Goldstone
- Emily Goldworm
- Varrae Golt
- Ruth Gomah
- Jerry Gomes
- Robert Gondell
- Aleyda Gonzalez - Company- The Brain From Planet X, Nurse Flinn - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Wardrobe Crew - Boy Gets Girl 12107
- Carlos Gonzales
- Henry Gonzales
- Ivan Gonzales - has formed a band; appeared in Killing Time, and The Tarantino Variation for Short Play Festival III, recently in LACCTAA staged reading. Earned his SAG card and played Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet with East LA Classic Theatre.
- Gonzalo Gonzales
- Aleyda Gonzalez
- Lorenzo Gonzalez - starred in Richard III with the Independent Shakespeare Co. 07/30/05, earned an MFA from the Professional Theatre Training Program at the University of Delaware, worked with Oregon Shakespeare Festival six years, Abraham in Peter Hall's Romeo & Juliet, also works as a traveling theatre teacher for LA Unified School District.
- Nellie Jo Goodale (Leach)
- Mike Goodes
- Micheal Goodrow - won, with sister Robin Goodrow, 2003 Gold Medal NAPPA Award (National Parenting Publications Award) (children's music 4 years & older category) for children's cd/album "Amazing!"
- Dean Gordanier
- La Vaughn Gordanier
- Charles Gordon
- Dorothy Gordon
- Gary Gordon
- Hal S. Gordon
- Harlene Gordon
- Jim Gordon
- Lee Gordon
- Marietta Gordon
- Bob Gordon
- James Gore
- Sidney Gorelick
- Alan Gorg
- Ron Gorow
- Mickey Lee Gose
- Christian Gossett - in Little Murders and previously in Rhinoceros, both at the Odyssey
- Norma Gottlebe
- Helen Gould
- Karsen Gould
- Stanford Gourman
- Maggie Gousse - recently in Song of Rice, Song of Life: A Tale of Japan
- Betty Jo Grabtree
- Gordon Graff
- Lyla Graham
- Felicia Grant
- Frank Granville
- Joan Granville
- Scott Grap
- Kimberly Graves
- Debbie Shapiro Gravitte
- Donald Gray
- Helen Gray
- Lorraine Gray
- Ricardo Gray
- Gerald Grayson
- Jo Evelyn Grayson
- Maxine Grayson
- Frank Greek
- Barry Green
- Herschel Green
- Laurel Green - award-winning comedic actress has been seen in Justin Tanner's Happytime Xmas, Coyote Woman, Zombie Attack!, Pot Mom, Bitter Women, Teen Girl, Hot Property, The Strip, nominated for an LA Weekly Theatre Award, recently interviewed by Rob Kendt for a featured article in BackStage West.
- Shelley Green
- Sam Greenbaum
- George Greenberg - is a successful lawyer in Las Vegas. 03/01/05
- June Greenberg
- Harry Greene
- Roberta Greene
- Rita Greengrass
- Gayle A. Greening
- Richard Greenquist - died February 11, 1964 in Boston, Mass. 06/12/2006
- Gayle Greenwood
- Freek Greer
- Sharianne Greer - Wrote The First Bedroom
- David Gregory
- Randell Grenier
- Janice Gressey
- Jim Grey
- Joan Grey
- Alice Gribble
- Donna Jo Gribble
- Dorothy Griesel
- Randolph Griffith
- Carleton Grimes
- Sabrina Grimes
- Larry Grindstaff
- Jack Grinnage - still based in LA.
- Nicholas Grippo
- Miriam Grody
- George Grogan
- George Groher
- Mack Groher
- Jerry I. Grollnek
- Karla (Groseclos) Rose
- Olaf Gross
- Richard Gross
- Helen Grossman
- Robert Grovenor
- Jerry Groves
- Felicia Grunfeder
- Clio Guarnier
- Miriane Guenther
- Ciji Guerin
- Lola Guimond
- Norman Gunther
- Robert Gunther
- Charles Gunnell
- Roy Gunter
- Susan Guralnik
- David Gustafson
- A. Guterman
- Virginia Guthrie
- Daniel Guttenberg - Millet - Fuddy Meers, Ben - Loose Ends, Co-host - Drama Digest, Skipper - Take Me Out, Piero - Big Love, Charles Atkins Cheswick III - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Bonaventura - 'Tis A Pity She's A Whore, Wardrobe Crew Head - All In The Timing & Crew Hours, Wardrobe - Cher Antoine 60706
- Daniel Guzman
- Suzanne Habbershaw
- Hal Hackel
- Delpha Hacker
- John Hacker
- Rebecca Haddad - Company - Glittering Diamonds, The Laramie Project, Vinegar Tom, Top Girls, Shakespeare's Women, The Most Massive Woman Wins, 27 Wagons Full of Cotton. Perfoming stand-up comedy at Women's Club of Hollywood and teaching music. 12/3/05
- Carol Haffner
- Karen Hagaman
- Gene Hahme
- Stephen Hahn
- Richard Haimowitz
- Gilbert H. Haimsohn
- Marion Haines
- George Hale
- Joseph Haley
- Eugenia Hall
- Maurine Hall
- Ruth Hall
- Sharon Hall
- Frank Halley
- Sean Hallinan
- Miriam Halperin
- Evelyn Halpern
- Pat Halphide
- Janet Hamer
- Mark Hamill - returned to the Company of Glittering Diamonds. 12/3/05
- Frank Hamilton
- Michael Martinez Hamilton - For Services Rendered, Regional Irene Ryan finalist, Eddie - Lost in Yonkers, Douglas - The Waiting Room, Staff - Rain, Pablo Gonzalez - A Streetcar Named Desire, Elmer Sweeney - Night of January 16th, Intern - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Wardrobe crew - Short Play Festival III, The Rivals, The Time of Your Life, Unto You
- Wayne Hamilton
- Gilbert Hamisohn
- Phyllis Hammerman
- Sara Hammerman - appeared in The Lesson
- Greg Hammond - Company - Glittering Diamonds 12/3/05
- Roger Hampton - past president of LACCTAA, wrote a short one act Family Man, which was staged by LACCTAA, directed Michael Cormier's musical Ah, George.
- Davis Hanck
- Waldo Handy
- Johucee Hanft
- Don Hanks
- Parker Hanley
- Joshua Hannaford - Love's Labour's Lost, Bert- Landscape of the Body
- Eric Hannah
- Sean Hannon
- Donna Hanor
- Otto Hansen
- Phyllis Hansen
- Steve Hanson
- Thomas James Hanson
- Torrey Hanson
- James Hantze
- Jessuli Haracich
- Julie Harasta
- Kirt Harding
- Kay Hardman
- Charles Hargrove
- Irving Harkarvy
- Hope Harmatz
- Ginger Harmon
- Kaye Harness
- Jack Harpman
- Estelle Harrie
- Mary Lou Harrington
- Chris (McCristol) Harris
- Darryl Harris
- Estelle Harris
- Harriet Harris
- Hazel Harper Harris
- Jean Harris
- Jim Harris
- Joseph W. Harris - Wardrobe - Within Us
- Robert Harris
- Stella May Harris
- John Harrison
- Patricia Harrison
- Ray Harryhausen
- Adalyne Elyn Hart
- Allan Hart
- Linda Hart
- Tammy Hart - Debbie - Coyote Woman, Love's Labour's Lost, Manifest, Carrie - After the Fall, Wardrobe Crew - Student One Acts
- Pat Van Hartesveldt
- Albert Hartfeld
- Cynthia Hartline
- Dorothy Hartnett
- Donna Hartzell
- Harry Harvey
- Shriff (Abdur-Rashid) Hasan - graduated from CalArts, set up Theatre program at Tuskegee, and is now building theatre program at Grambling State University.
- Louise Hasendahl
- Sam Hasson
- Charles Hastings
- Jeffrey Hatch - Company - Sage, Marcade - Love's Labour's Lost, Peck - How I Learned to Drive, For Services Rendered, Young Man - The Sandbox, Devil - The Devil and Billy Markham, District Attorney Flint - Night of January 16th, in Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Wardrobe crew - The Rivals
- Josette Hatfield
- Wyatt Haupt
- Michael Hausner - Tubal - The Merchant Of Venice, Ron - Recent Tragic Events, Clyde Sukeforth, Fred "Dixie" Walker - National Pastime, General Mills - The Brain From Planet X, Russell - Loose Ends, Assistant Stage Manager - Big Love, FOH Staff - Bus Stop 011308
- Charna Haven
- Sindy Hawke
- Rita Hawkins
- Walter Hawley
- Ken Haworth
- George Haydel
- Ellsworth Hayden
- Victor Hayden
- James Hayes
- Lou Hayes
- Pat Hayes
- Leslie Haynes - completed degree at USC in family law.
- Regina Haynes
- Rex Haynes
- Wil Haynes
- Virginia Hays
- Martin Head - selected as an Ovation Fellow for the LA Stage Alliance. 101509
- Ken Heaps
- Marna Hearst
- Donald L. Heflin
- Leslie Hefton
- Beverly Heilig
- Thomas Heisler
- Kathy Heitala - d. 1998
- Esther Heller
- Les Heller
- Lola Heller
- Mel Helman
- John Hemler
- Beverly Hemsley
- Nina Henderson
- Gloria Hendry
- Alvina Henkel
- Sharon Hennagin
- Bob Henri
- Bill Henry
- Mary Lou Henry
- Dorothy Henson
- Ruchelle Henson
- Alex Henteloff - Company - Glittering Diamonds 12/3/05
- Florence Herdan
- Gordon Herigstad - appeared as the train conductor on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
- Chris Hermening
- Armando Hernandez
- Erica Hernandez
- Henrietta Hernandez
- Margo Rose Hernandez
- Michelle Hernandez - Working with Midnight Teatro, Countess - All's Well That Ends Well, Directed - Penguin Blues, Defense Attorney Stevens - Night of January 16th, Rose - Dancing at Lughnasa, 187, Roseamund - Fair Roseamund and Her Murderer, in Unto You, costumed promotion for Ragtime, tutored for Upward Bound summer session.
- Stephanie Hernandez
- Jack Herrin
- Irving Herron
- Mark Herron
- Benie Hershon
- Florence Hershon
- Jenie Hershon
- Eugenia Herson
- John Herzog
- William Hesson
- Vickory Hexter - studied in workshop with Anne Bogart and Tadashi Suzuki at LAAT
- Dagmar Heydendahl
- Horace Heydendahl
- Tommy Hickey
- Eddie Hicks
- Bertha Hidalgo
- Melanie Higdon
- Camille Higgens
- William Higgs
- Audrie Hilburn
- Margaret Hilkey
- Allen Hill
- Barbie Hill
- Julian Hill
- Nancy Hill
- Rex Hill
- Sherry Hill
- Stephanie Hill
- Suzanne Hill
- Gene Hillard
- Rennee Hillman
- Ferdinand Hilt
- Diana Hines
- Paula Hirschi
- Victor Hite
- David Hodgson
- Lillian Hodgson
- Karen Hoekstra
- Evelyn Hoffman
- Marvin Hoffman
- Richard Hoffman
- George Hogg
- Ryan Hogrefe - Buda - Zombie Attack!, Love's Labour's Lost, Male Greek Chorus - How I Learned to Drive, For Services Rendered, Scenic Artist - Marisol, Wardrobe Crew - Student One Acts
- Carole Hohenstein
- Victor Holchak
- Tom Holder
- Bill Holland
- Iris Holland
- Lisa Holland
- Mable Holland
- Bert Hollis
- Lisa Hollis
- Robert Hollis
- Edward Holmes
- Maureen Holmes
- Mary Alice Holmstrip
- Donna Holsapple
- Joan Holt
- Bernice Holtzman
- Neysa Holveck
- Kenneth Hom
- Ian Horn
- Yvonne Hom
- Rick Honey
- Sarah Honor-Westlake - Costume Construction - Theatre Of Operations, Intimate Apparel, Wardrobe - Moon Over Buffalo, Company - Glittering Diamonds 042507
- Jean Hood
- Ben Hooper
- George Hoover
- Herb Hoover
- John Hoover
- Pat Hopkins
- Brown Hoppe
- William Hopson
- Richard Horine
- Ian Horn
- Kenneth Hom
- Yvonne Hom
- Rosemary Horne
- Harry Horowitz
- Russell Horton
- Lori Hosepian
- Allen Hoskins
- Mary Houston
- Barry Howard
- Clare Howard
- Connie Howard
- James Howard
- Judy Howard
- Katherine Howard
- Margaret Howard
- Mary Howe
- Roberta Hoy
- Betty Hoyt
- Marine (Hryntsevich) Walton - Wardrobe Crew - Theatre Of Operations 81607
- Yousri Hsairi - Company - The Laramie Project, Getting Out
- Lo Chin Huang
- Paul Hudson
- Betty Huff
- Laura Huff
- Beatrice Huguet - Company - Glittering Diamonds 12/3/05
- Kay Hughe
- Bill Hughes
- Geoffrey Hughes
- Irene Hughes
- Myra Hughes
- Richard Hughes
- Helen Hull
- Maud Ann Hull
- Lucy Hummel
- Barbara Humphries
- Arlington Hunt
- Audrey Hunt
- Curt Hunt
- Kathryn Hunt
- Clair Hunter
- Diana Hunter
- Erica Hunter
- Frank Hunter - Dr. - Texas University
- Graham Hunter
- Sandra Hunter
- Scott Hunter
- James Huntoon
- Annette Hurley
- Dorothy Hurwitz
- Louis Hurwitz
- Mary Husted
- Raquel Hyden
- Fox Hyman
- Robert Iglauer
- Carol Imus
- Erika Ingersoll
- Donna Inglima
- Rosemary Inman
- Elaine Ireland
- Bill Irving
- Anne Irwin
- Elson Eugene Irwin - Attended LACC in the 1946-48 era when James Coburn was there, knew him and contributed to a fund which gave Coburn the opportunity to try the New York scene in the early 50's. Subsequently kept in touch with him over the years and his first wife, Beverly. Was involved in a small way with a musical Heads I Win, an original LACC production. Acted with students Emily Kuglen, Olga Schliapin; Jerry Blunt was head of the department. Went on to Long Beach State, and is now the artistic director of SOS (Seniors On Stage) in Hemet, California and produces several large shows annually. Attended Franklin High School and knew Marni Nixon and Colleen Townsend and Joseph Bluth. Took writing classes with Richard Greene and wrote The Dolls And Eve for Penthouse Theater.
- Natalie Isaacson
- Lupe Isais
- Doris Ivanoff
- Barbara Ivers
- Sanne Iversen - Love's Labour's Lost, Wardrobe Crew - All's Well That Ends Well
- Steve Izay
- Victor Izay
- eanne Jack
- Lesa Jacks - Nancy - Recent Tragic Events, Esther - Intimate Apparel, Asst. Stage Manager - Moon Over Buffalo 042108
- Harriet Jackson
- Jean Jackson
- Jo Ann Jackson
- Michael Jackson
- Stephanie Jackson
- Tina Jackson
- Betty Jacobs
- Matt Jacobs
- Neal Perry Jacobs
- Ralph Jacobs
- Ethel Jacobson
- Darlene Jaeger
- Guebri (Cooper) Jaigle - J.S. - NECESSARY TARGETS, Mrs. VanBuren - Intimate Apparel, Susan Steen -& Loose Ends, Company - Glittering Diamonds, Wardrobe-Big Love, FOH Staff - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 61807
- Connie James
- Helen James
- Jerid (Van Over) James - Dexter Haven - The Philadelphia Story, Long Beach City College, Company - Within Us, Harold "Pee Wee" Reese, Officer - National Pastime, Director - A Dead Man's Apartment, Shane Smith -The Sandstorm, Kenny - Fuddy Meers, Company - Glittering Diamonds, Wardrobe - Big Love, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 81607
- Michael James
- Thurston L. James - author of The Prop Builder's Molding & Casting Handbook and The Prop Builder's Maskmaking Handbook
- Betty Jan
- Tara Janicki
- Zelda Janko
- Chester Jaques
- Todd Jasmin
- Jerry Jazyk
- Lindsey Jeffers
- Judith Jefferson
- Marie Jeffries
- Mary Jeffries
- Robert Arthur Jenkins
- Gilda Jennings
- Joe Jennings
- Richard Jennings
- Tom Jepperson
- Milada Jerabek
- Gladys Jerah
- Ruthie Jerkins
- Margaret Jewell
- Christy Jimmerson
- Carla Johansen
- Jeannine Johns
- Laura Ann Johns
- Diane Johnson
- Genevieve H. Johnson
- Harvey Johnson
- James Johnson
- Marilyn Johnson
- Valerie Johnson - McDonald's Zombie - Zombie Attack!, Love's Labour's Lost
- Adaline Johnston
- David Johnston
- Vivian Johnston
- Arthur Jones
- Clinton Jones
- D. Jones
- Edward Jones
- Harold Jones
- Marilyn Jones
- Page Jones
- Quentin Drew Jones
- Vern Jones
- Vivian Jones
- Jackie Joseph
- Nichole Joubert
- Barbara Judkins
- Ruth Jump
- Bill Jurck
- Aron Kader - recently featured in Newsweek and the Los Angeles Times, can be seen regularly at The Comedy Store, as well as performing in Axis of Evil Comedy Tour featured on Comedy Central. 61807
- Shirley Kadner
- Nanette Kagan
- Laurun Kai
- May Kaia
- Nikki Kaiser
- Laurissa Kalinowsky
- Dorothy Kamins
- Kachina K'ang - is a labor Doula and owns a water birth tub service for homebirths. She is also the president and co-founder of a non-profit group called Birth Year Network, educating families about their birthing options and alternatives in S. Nevada. She now has two children, and has been with LATA alum Jesse Estrada since 1995.
- Toby Kanich
- Linda Joy Kaplan
- Carl Karish
- Estelle Karchmer
- Alexander Karim - is now working in Europe in several film productions. He has written, directed and starred in the Cannes-nominated short The Apple Tree. Wrote and starred in Cannes-nominated Malcolm, and stars in three feature films for 2005 European release. At Academy - Adam Dunn in Correct Address 3/15/05
- Toby Karl
- Simon Karlinsky
- Edwin Karp
- Ella Marie Karr
- Norman Karstensen
- Norberto Kasner
- Lyn Katsev
- Helen Katz
- Norrie Katz
- Ray Katz
- Susan Katz
- Ara Kauffman
- Karen Kay
- Kris Kay
- Martin Kay
- Muriel Kay
- George Kayzers
- Sate Kazazian - Isabella, Charmian - Shakespeare's Women, "Assistant Stage Manager" - Six Characters Looking For An Author, Wardrobe Head - The Laramie Project
- Susan Ke
- Lafayette Keaton
- Margaret Keefe
- Christina Keenan
- Eugene Keene
- Peter Keene
- Betty Keeney
- Ernest Kehenhofer
- Sylvia Kehn
- Andrew Kell
- Phil Kellard
- Koris Kelly
- Lenore Kelley
- Carol Kellner
- Jeanne Kellogg
- Ross Kelsay
- Joan J. Kendall
- Melissa Kendall
- Merle Kendall
- Tom Kennedy
- Brooke Kenney
- Donald Kenney
- Ed Kenney
- Katheryn Kenney
- Larry Kenyon
- Nobra Kerstner
- Lynn Kevin
- Stan Key
- Geraldine Keys
- Ray Khan
- Faith Khodigan
- Edith Khovry
- Esther Kichaven
- Tony Kienitz
- Kimberly Kierulff
- Stanley Kiesel
- Laurence Kilby
- Marjorie Killion
- Ruts Kilmonis
- Larry Kilty
- Bruce Kimmel - recently returned to direct his new musical The Brain From Planet X. 61807
- Marilyn Kinder
- Diane King
- Gerry King
- Glen King
- Janet King
- Joan King
- Lettie King
- Minnette King
- Rhoda King
- Florence Kinsey
- Willeen Kinsey
- John Kirby
- Mary Katherine Kircher
- Ned Kirkham
- Albert Kirkpatrick
- K. Byron Kirksey
- Jim Kirkwood
- Terrance Kirkwood
- William Kirschner
- Svetlana Kisiyan - Nancy - Recent Tragic Events, Company - Within Us, Company - The Brain From Planet X, Azra - Necessary Targets, Stage Manager - Moon Over Buffalo
- Arthur Kitnick
- Beatrice Kittower
- Grace Kitty
- Betty Klein
- Eleanor Klein
- Hinda Kleinmuntz
- Manny Kleinmuntz
- Marilyn Kleist
- Jim Klem
- Carol Kline
- Jean Kline
- Roy Kling
- Ray Klinge
- Juli Klingenberg
- Jennifer Klinger
- Evelyn Klissner
- Don Knapp
- J. Levi Knapp - Lear - Shakespeare's Women, Don - Two Wise Guys of Verona, MC - TA 105, Bacchae, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Wardrobe Crew - Coyote Woman, Biker Zombie, Wardrobe Co-Crew Head - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Co-Crew Head- Love's Labours Lost
- Betty Knatza
- Richard Kneeland
- Robert Knepper
- Margaret Knight
- Teatrice Knight
- William Knight - in Body Snatchers...The Musical, in Fool for Love, in Mr. Allen, Mr. Allen with Jack Riley starring, played L.B. Mayer in Stormy Weather starring Barbara McNair and directed by Alison Bergman, Dogberry in All's Well at LA Classic Theatre, in The Time of Your Life
- Sonora Knott
- Sue Knott
- Patricia Knotts
- Shelby Kocee - Elma Duckworth - BUS STOP, Annabella - 'Tis A Pity She's A Whore, Betty - All In The Timing: SURE THING, Ellen - The Philadelphia (All In The Timing), Leigh - Crew Hours, ASM - Shakespeare's Women, ASM & servant girl - Cher Antoine
- Richard Koch
- Gloria Kodil
- Bill Kodison
- Emanuel Koenig
- Mendie Koenig
- Ethel Koerner
- Kurt Kopplin
- Ilene Korsen
- Aaron Koslow
- Kathleen Koss
- Dan Kotoff
- Tatiana Koslowa
- Dorothea Kovales
- Paul Kozlenko
- Walter Krajacic (Krajack)
- Anne Kramer
- George Kramer
- Lillian Kramer
- Sherry Dee Kramer
- William Kramer
- Raynee Krebs
- John Kreiter (Alec Harris)
- William Kresick
- Janice Kresse
- Janet Krieg
- Karen Krieger
- Ilona Krikava
- James Kroning
- Reiko Kuboi - Nurse - After the Fall
- Loren Kuehl
- Sandy Kulman
- Joe Kummerman
- Betty Kuney
- Harriet Kurland
- Carol Lacy
- Geraldine Lackey
- Susie Lackey
- Ed Lacy
- Jerry Lacy
- Mary Virginia La Fonde
- Ted La Grosse
- Hilde Laiblich
- Leonore Laifman
- Jerry Lail
- Persephone Laird - recently appeared in LACCTAA staged reading, and in The Threepenny Opera at A Noise Within
- Gary B. Lamb - recently adapted Godspell with William Reilly.
- Kathleen Lambert - recently in Faithful, Eastern Standard 43006
- James Lambo
- Gary Lamoin
- Rosamund Lancaster - Cara - Common Rooms, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Wardrobe Crew - Coyote Woman, SD1A
- Caleb Land - Paul - Recently in Slither at Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre, returned as Guest Artist in Two Wise Guys of Verona, Common Rooms, Nick - Expecting Isabel, Speed - Zombie Attack!, Costard - Love's Labour's Lost, Donny - Landscape of the Body
- Alice Landedorf
- Irene Lanier
- William Landis
- Sylvia Lane
- Jack Langdon
- Avon Langley
- Christopher Langley
- Mary Langley
- Pat Langlois
- Jim Lanman
- Soraya Lanyri
- Emile Laperouse
- Charles Laraway
- Diana Larios - Crystal - Zombie Attack!, Love's Labour's Lost, Young Woman - Marisol, Wardrobe crew - Night of January 16th
- Bonnie Larkin
- Janice Larsen
- Walter Larsen
- Ellsworth Larson
- Vivien (Alison) Latham - moved to London in 1991 and studied theatre and improv. After moving back to LA, she co-founded the improv troupe “Witness Protection Theatre” and performed at the Comedy Store in Hollywood. She has worked with several theatre companies including Company of Angels, Ojai Art Centre Theatre, Ojai Shakespeare Festival, the Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival, Santa Susanna Repertory Company, Elite Theatre, Gothic Productions, Shakespeare in the Park, Conejo Players Theatre, Moorpark High Street Theatre, and Traverse Theatre. She doubled as Judy Garland in Down With Love and starred as Judy Garland in the award-winning musical Judy’s Scary Little Christmas. 110207
- Candice Latimore
- Romney Latko
- John La Touche
- Cynde La Tulip
- Michael Laufer
- David Lawrence
- James Lawrence
- Jo Lawrence
- Lynn Lawrence
- Mittie Lawrence
- Wand Lawrence
- Marjorye Lawson
- Leslie Lazaro
- Eve Lazzerene
- Sterling B. Leach
- Cassaundra Leavitt
- Lee Le Cour
- Ellen Leddy
- Jorge Ledezma - recently in The Time of Your Life
- Carl Ledic
- Leon Ledin
- Maurice Le Dous
- Betty Lee
- George Lee
- Michael Lee
- Myra Lee
- Nancy Lee
- Patricia Lee
- Peggy Lee
- Ronald Lee
- Susane Lee - Company - Sage, Company, Bacchae, The Laramie Project
- Terry Lee
- Esther Leech
- Loring Leeds
- John Lees
- William Leffert
- Marie Leger
- Sara Leiber
- Fronda Leigh
- Alicia Leiva
- Robert Lekven
- B.J. Lelles
- Michael Lembeck - was born in Brooklyn, New York to Harvey Lembeck and Caroline Lembeck, both in show business. After course sin drama at Beverly Hills High School and his drama studies at Los Angeles City College and Cal State, he studied singing and dancing. He toured with the original National company of Grease, with John Travolta. Following his television debut in the 1969 movie Gidget Grows Up, Michael guest appeared on a number of television shows including The Partridge Family, THE ROOKIES, HAPPY DAYS and Barney Miller, and as a regular in The Krofft Supershow and the long-running sitcom One Day At A Time. In 1989 he turned to directing, taking on episodes of over 30 series, including Coach, Major Dad, and Mad About You. In 1996 he won an Emmy for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Directing for a Comedy Series for his work on the hit series Friends. Mr. Lembeck made his feature debut with The Santa Clause 2, starring Tim Allen, followed by the comedy Connie And Carla. 12/3/05
- Marcia Lenack
- Eva Lengyel
- Esther Lenz
- Marcia Lenook
- May Tom Leon
- David Leonard
- Phil Leonard
- Gene Leonetti
- Melvin Lertzman
- Sydney Lessick
- Virginia Lester
- Stephen Levi
- Leanie Levin
- Norman Levine
- Henry Levingston III - is married and graduating with a Masters' in Interdisciplinary Studies in Arts Communication and Marketing Management from Cal State L.A. He will be wirking on a second Masters' in Urban Education and Entertainment Management. He is developing an after-school crime prevention performing arts program called S.T.O.P. (Students Theatrically Offering Peace.) 52606
- Leon Levy
- Ronnie Levy
- Abbot Lewis
- Brad Lewis
- Carl Lewis
- Carrington Lewis
- James Lewis
- Jan Lewis Gist - is with the Alabama Shakespeare Festival in Montgomery
- Jarma Lewis
- John Lewis
- Marvin Lewis
- Michael T. Lewis
- Minnie Lewis
- Pat Lewis
- Sandi Lewis
- Sergio Leyva - Getting Out, Wardrobe Crew - Expecting Isabel
- Phillip G. Lichterman
- Gabriel Liebeskind
- Dorothy Liggett
- Beverly Lightman
- Barbara Lightstone
- Kathi Lightstone
- El Mable Lilly
- Dacre Lincoln
- Harry Lincoln
- George Lindaki
- Richard Lindenaur
- Tyler Lindsay - working with Missoula Children's Theatre, King - All's Well That Ends Well, Directed - Rain, Sigurd Jungquist - Night of January 16th, in Dancing at Lughnasa, Julius Caesar, Here, Rita! and Two Guys Moving Heavy Stuff, Interviewer in The Shadow Box, "Fag" in The Rivals. Worked with LDS.
- Vachel Lindsay
- Laura Gail Lipnick
- Harlan Liss
- William Lithgow
- Chuck Litman
- Ksenia Litomisky - Company - The Brain From Planet X, Seada - Necessary Targets 110207
- Gaby Litsky
- Yolanda Littleton
- Maxine Livesay (Fox)
- Marvin Livingston
- Gavin Lloyd
- Howard Lloyd
- Jackie Lobland
- Althea Lockwood
- Carl Lodjic
- Sherrie Lofton
- Emanuel Lombard
- Patricia Lombard
- Mario Lomeli
- Beverly Long
- Pete Loomer - married Alicia Martin
- Anthony Lopez
- Ardis Lopez
- Betty Lopez
- Carol Lordo
- Julia Lorenz
- Marianne Loris
- Bela Losmandy
- Jack Lott
- Mario Loucel
- Nancy Louis
- Rafiel Love
- Victor Love - Victor selected a piece from The Marriage Proposal by Anton Checkov to use as his audition piece for the LACC Theatre Academy. The year was 1975, Donna summer was the number one recording artist and platform shoes and leisure suits were the fashion. Checkov could not have had any idea what time and disco would do to his classic piece of theatre. Vic arrived in a pair of ivory colored platform shoes, with a matching leisure suit (polyester and a perfect three inch Afro) and he became a member of the Los Angeles Theatre Academy. At his interview he met Sanford Robbins, who told Mr. Love that he was accepted into the Academy on two conditions, A) that he get extra vocal coaching, (Mr. Love had a very serious back placement problem and was swallowing all his sounds) and B) that he pay special attention to his speech as he "...sounded like a middle class African American. His response was: "But I am a middle class African American!" Mr. Robbins said, "Yes, but one day you may be called on to play a Russian peasant! With training an actor can do anything." Mr. Love didn't say this out loud, but he thought "Yeah, sure." A few years later in a production of Gorky's The Lower Depths, Vic garnered tremendous critical acclaim as Vaska Peppel...a Russian peasant. In a career that is going into its third decade Mr. Love's acting has taken him all over the world; he has performed in every medium and in every style of acting. He credits LACC with planting the seed of The Possible. 12/3/05
- Kellie Lovelace
- Joan Lovell
- Sherrill Lovit
- Penelope Lowder
- Michelle Lowe
- Tommy Lowe
- Ed Lozano
- Suzanne Lozano
- Jerry Luboviski
- Tina Lucarelli
- Molly Lucchesi
- Michael Luckerman - recently in The Time of Your Life.
- Al Ludwick
- Tanya Lugo
- Mark Lukan
- Barbara Luke
- Jack Lukes
- Eric Lumbard
- H. H. Lumpkin, Jr.
- Phyllis Lund
- Jack Oscar Lundberg
- Cherette Lunsford
- Michael Lunsford
- Joe Lustig
- Joanne Lustman
- Maggie Lutcher
- Donna-Jean Luttecke
- Christian Lutz
- Stacy Lyles
- Lola Lynch
- Pat Lynch
- Ronda Lynch
- Ronda Lynn
- Stephanie Lynne
- Patricia Lyvengoode
- Marilyn MacCarny
- George MacDonald
- Wardean MacGruder
- M'Lisa MacLaren - has been acting and producing theatre in the Los Angeles area for more than twenty-five years. While in the LACC Theater Department, she performed in roles ranging from a "nearly nude" spear-carrying stripper (with classmate Diana Canova) in Gypsy to Phyllis Rogers in Follies. Other musicals at LACC include Stages (including the cast album), A Funny Thing Happened. . ., Fiddler on the Roof, Feast, and Peer. M'Lisa is currently the producer-partner in a theatrical production company where The All Night Strut, a 1930's-1940's musical revue, will be starting its thirtieth anniversary tour next spring. 12/3/05
- Theodora MacManus
- Geordie MacMinn
- Peggy McAlexander
- Laura McCabe
- Mary McCall
- Amanda McCann - Sandy - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Attendant/Servant-'Tis Pity She's A Whore, Wardrobe crew - Top Girls
- Larry McCardel
- Edward J. McCary
- Lenore McCarthy
- Melinda McCarthy (Stahlman) - in St. Paul, Minnesota
- Edward McCary
- Peggy McCasland
- Ron McCawley - Raps
- Lennoy McClannahan
- Marjorie McClay
- Pat McClelland
- James McCloskey
- Richard McComb
- Cameron McConnell
- Aileen McCormack
- Timothy McCormack
- Dan McCormick
- Frank McCoy
- Virginia McDaniel
- Peggy McDermott
- Michael McDonagh
- George McDonald
- Michelle McElrath
- Barry McGee
- Jason McGee - Love's Labour's Lost, Lucas - After the Fall, Wardrobe crew - A Streetcar Named Desire
- William McGill
- Catherine McGowan
- Bob McGrath - Co-founder and Director of Ridge Theater. He has directed theater, opera, and ballet at venues including BAM, Lincoln Center, American Repertory Theater, Carnegie Hall's Zankel Hall, Kimmel Center-Verizon Hall with The Philadelphia Orchestra, Krannert Center, Vineyard Theater, Arts at St. Ann's, La MaMa E.T.C., and The Kitchen. His direction abroad includes Queen Elizabeth Hall (London), Cite de la Musique (Paris), Muziekebow (Amsterdam), Oi Casa Grande Theater (Rio de Janeiro), and De Singel (Antwerp). Bob has collaborated with composers, writers, and conductors including John Adams, Gavin Bryars, Ben Katchor, Philip Glass, Michael Gordon, Neil LaBute, David Lang, Warren Leight, Mark Mulcahy, Ben Neill, Yannick Nezet-Seguin, Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR), Susan Sontag, Robert Spano, DJ Spooky, Mac Wellman, and Julia Wolfe. He is an Associate Professor at Virginia Tech, and has taught at UC Davis, Sarah Lawrence College, and NYU. Bob has been awarded three OBIE awards for Direction, Best Production, and Sustained Achievement. 10122015
- Doug McHargue
- Georgiana McIntosh
- Lynn McIntyre
- Kathie McKee
- Sara McKinney
- I. McLaughlin
- Katie McLaughlin
- Colleen McLean
- Douglas McManigal
- Mary McNally
- Lillian McNeil
- William McNoughton
- Doug McPherson
- Phillip McPherson
- William McQueen
- John McRae
- Brian Mack
- Ilse Mader
- Carl Madick
- Eric Madison
- Patricia Madison
- Harris Maffett
- Tony Maggio - graduate and now faculty member of the Theatre Academy, has recently appeared in Citizen: An American Lyric, written by Claudia Rankine, and adapted for the stage by Stephen Sachs, another alum and co-founder of the Fountain Theater. He has appeared in Around The World In Eighty Days, Bea[U]Tiful In The Extreme and The Laramie Project, with Colony Theatre, co-directed Short Play Festival V, and played Quentin in After The Fall. 10122015
- Joie Magidow
- John Magnella
- Bea Mahan
- Jacquelyn Mainella
- George Maisel
- Gary Majchrzak
- Joseph Mallard
- Mitzi Mancou
- Mary Mandigian
- Victoria Mangram
- Gerald Maniag
- Jeff Manning
- Roger Manning
- Nicole Mansour - Since graduation, she has been seen in her recurring roles on The Gilmore Girls and 8 Simple Rules. Guest starring roles have been on Malcolm Inthe Middle, Girlfriends, and Without A Trace. At the Theatre Academy she played Janet - Coyote Woman, Princess of Monaco - Love's Labour's Lost, Margie - Landscape Of The Body, Regional Irene Ryan finalist for Wanda in The Power And The Glory, Sheila - 4-One Hundredths, Terry - Of Mice And Women, Mary - The Red Coat, Company - After The Fall, Wardrobe Crew - Student One Acts. Recently appeared in Front Street at the American Renegade. 61807
- Ian Mantha - Dennis - Do Over, Young Collector - A Streetcar Named Desire, First Policeman - Night of January 16th, Wardrobe crew - The Time of Your Life
- Carlie Mantilla
- Donna Marie Mantoan
- Patrick Mapel - Peter - Stop Kiss, Young Actor - Six Characters Looking For An Author, Raps, Company - The Laramie Project
- Riley Mapel - Bo Decker - Bus Stop, Crew: Stage Manager - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, Set & Lighting Production - Top Girls. Died August 2005. 8/17/2005
- Marian Mapstone
- Jack Marbow
- Bonnie Sue Marcus
- Ratafia Marcus
- Dorothy Marcy
- Elizabeth Margolis
- Ruth Margules
- Ricardo Marin - working with Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre, co-founded Coyote Mountain Dance Theatre, working on a Musical script, filmed two commercials, one Spanish, one English, for Miller Genuine Draft, performing Benedick with East LA Classic Theatre, was co-choreographer for opening act for the LA Weekly Awards (performing as a trapeze artist), in Fabulous Monsters' Voluptuous Madness, A.S.K. Theatre Projects' Common Ground Festival
- Lena Marinaro
- Stella Maris
- Gloria Markowitz
- John Marks
- Paul Marks
- La Vada Markussen
- Mary Lou Marletta
- Louise Marmo
- Edmund Marquez
- Beverly Marsh - For Services Rendered, Gert - Lost in Yonkers, Angry Woman, Masseuse, Orderly - The Waiting Room, Mary - Rain, Prison Matron, Dr. Kirkland - Night of January 16th
- Bill Marsh
- Frank Marsh
- Raymond Marsh
- Jack Marshall
- Sid Marshall
- Skyler Marshall - Billy Bibbitt - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Poggio - 'Tis A Pity She's A Whore, Lane - The Importance Of Being Earnest, Alexandre - CHER ANTOINE, Orlando - Shakespeare's Women
- Vickie Marshall
- Margery Marston
- Alicia Martin Loomer
- Dave Martin
- Ed Martin
- Gina Martin
- Harrell Martin
- William B. Martin III
- Wilson Martin
- Joie Martine
- Bill Martinez
- Charles Martinez
- Les Martinez
- Michael Martinez-Hamilton - in Quake at Actor's Theatre, in seven different roles, including a nude corpse and an angel. 03/01/2005
- William Martinez
- Sid Martoff
- Mason Marvin
- Randy Maryott
- Eric Marx
- Pablo Marz in The Bungler
- John Marzilli - in To Kill A Mockingbird
- Jackie Masciola
- Janice Maslow
- David Mason
- Lawrence Mason
- Allen Massey
- Bill Massey
- Kineta Massey - Has won a prestigious acting award in Dallas. Directed - The Devil and Billy Markham, Karen Andre - Night of January 16th, in Sick, Felicity - The Shadow Box, Kate - The Twelve Pound Look, in The Rivals, in Unto You. 8/28/06
- Charles Master
- Jerry Masterson
- Rose Matas
- Bruce Matchett - teacher, University H.S.
- Leon Matevosian
- Janet Matherly
- Ona Mathes
- Kay Mathews
- Trina Mathews
- Pat Mathewson
- Audrey Mathiew
- Lorraine Mathis
- Gary Matlin
- Floyd Matlovshy
- Adele Mattewson
- Ann Matthews
- Chris Matthews
- Ed Matthews
- Ludmila Mattos
- Jo Ann Maurizi
- Sundra Maximova
- Morris Jo Maxwell
- Art May
- Barbara May
- Brooks May
- Marshall May
- Natalie May
- Ardeth Maye
- Marion Mayer
- David Mayhan
- Robert Mayne
- John Mays
- Violetta Mazzer
- Jack Mead
- Kay Joy Mead
- Lenny Means
- Richard Medvitz
- Frances Meehan
- Kenneth Melendez (Castillo) - recently appeared in This Thing of Ours, a "pick of the Week" at Two Roads Theatre.
- Estelle Melton
- Zachary Memos
- David Mendelson
- Margaret Mendenhall
- Marcie Mendez
- Lynn Mendleson
- Nina Meng
- Manny Meralovitz
- Gary Mercer
- Mary Merck
- Oliverose Meredith
- Audrey Merola
- Manny Merrill
- Tim Merrill
- Ray Merritt
- Tatiana Merry
- Brian Metzger
- Ilah Meuller
- Mike Meyer
- John Meyers
- Lynn Meyers
- Nancy Meyers
- Gerri Meyler
- John Michael
- Oscar Michael
- Suzanne Michael
- Eva Michaels
- Melinda Michaels
- Todd Mignola
- Darrell Miklos
- Steve Miles
- Vincent Miley
- Arlene Miller
- Arule Miller
- Betty Miller
- Bob Miller
- Catherine Miller
- Claire A. Miller
- Greg Miller
- Jeanette Miller
- Jeanie Miller
- Jim Miller
- Joan Miller
- June Miller
- Leonard Miller
- Linda Miller
- Mary Miller
- Mary Jo Miller - Blanche DuBois - A Streetcar Named Desire, in Dancing at Lughnasa, Here Rita! and A Stream in the Wasteland, Kitty - The Time of Your Life, in Unto You
- Morris Miller
- Nancy Miller
- Naomi Miller
- Sibyl Miller
- Jacqueline Millett
- Michael Millikan
- Alden Milliken
- Walter Mills
- Bill Mims
- Amy Minakakis
- Neal Mince
- Rene Minnifee
- Sue Mirkovich
- Rose Miroballi
- Paul Misken
- John Mitchel
- Alistair Mitchell
- Cara Mitchell
- Chad Mitchell
- Courtny Mitchell - Grace - Bus Stop, Crew: Assistant Stage Manager - Boy Gets Girl, Wigs - Top Girls 31706
- Darlene Mitchell
- Donald Mitchell
- Jim Mitchell
- Leigh Mitchell
- Richard Mitchell
- Sherry Mitchell
- Sy Mitchell
- Mina Mittelman
- Nataline Modler
- Robin Moeller
- Louanne Moldovan
- Jon Molin
- Natalia Molina (Claire) - Sara - Stop Kiss, Sylvia - Two Wise Guys of Verona, Mina - Dracula
- Janel Moloney
- Mildred Monagan
- Harold Monro
- Marc Monroe - in a band, Soul Shine. Lord Domain - All's Well That Ends Well, Directed - This Is How It Is, Stanley Kowalski - A Streetcar Named Desire, in Dancing at Lughnasa, When Day is Done and 187, Nicky - Blue Concerto, Tom - The Time of Your Life, in Unto You, appeared in staged reading of alumni written musical, worked in intern program at CityLights
- Virginia Monroe
- David Moody
- Gerald Moore
- Herman Moore
- J. Paul Moore - hosting Palace Of Mystery at the Magic Castle. 70207
- Jerry Moore
- Mike Moore
- Pat Moore
- Philip Moore
- Carlos Madrid Mora - in Ramayana 2K3. Toured with the Travelling Lantern Theatre Co. (children's theatre), worked with Western Stage in Salinas. 2nd Domain - All's Well That Ends Well, Directed - Do Over, in Julius Caesar - Shakespeare Festival/LA, The Tarantino Variation, The Rivals, Wesley - The Time of Your Life, in Unto You.
- Amily Morales - For Services Rendered, Regional Irene Ryan finalist, Marisol - Marisol, Cerise, Masseuse, Orderly, Attendant - The Waiting Room, Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Nancy Lee Faulkner - Night of January 16th, Wardrobe crew - Unto You
- Amily Morales
- Antonio Morales
- Anthony Morales
- Jose-Antonio Morales - Wardrobe - Big Love, Wardrobe Crew Head - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Wardrobe - Buried Child 31706
- Sylvia Morales
- Eylse Moran
- Marjorie Moran
- Debbie Moradzadeh
- Hector Moreno
- Dixie Morgan
- Jack Morgan
- Jean Morgan
- Jenn Brake Morgan
- Joan Morgan
- Lois Waag Morgan
- Traci Morgan
- Louis Morheim
- Eugene Morison
- Beverly Morley
- Arlane Morris
- Claire Morris
- Flora Morris
- James Morris
- Martha Morris
- Lea Morrison
- Lydia Morrison
- Randall Morrison
- Shelly Morrison
- Via Morrow
- Milena Mortati - Company - Sage, Wardrobe Crew - How I Learned to Drive
- William Morton
- Larry Moskowitz
- Budd Moss
- Toni Moss
- Myra Mossman
- Phil Mote
- Chris Motyka - Renfield – Dracula, Jogger Zombie - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Crew - Love's Labours Lost
- Kent Mount
- Kirk Mouser
- Deane Moxley
- Brian Mullaney
- Donnabelle Mullenger
- Richard Mumper
- Ric Munhall
- Marcela Munoz
- John Munson
- Leo Munzon
- Kirk Muriyan
- Tom Muro
- Cason Murphy - now starring as the Emcee in Cabaret at Class Act Theatre. Awarded his Two Year Certificate of Completion, Cason also completed his AA and served as Valedictorian for Los Angeles City College. While at the Academy he directed - July 7, 1994, and appeared as Zuebrik - The Brain From Planet X, Tracy Waters - The Sandstorm, Paul - Moon Over Buffalo, Company - Glittering Diamonds, Stage Manager - Big Love, Wardrobe Crew Head - Buried Child. Acting since age five, he first appeared as the "Sandman" in Hansel And Gretel. Over the next fifteen years he trod the boards at the Tin Building Theatre in Clifton, Texas and the Ruth Street Theatre and Prescott Fine Arts Theatre - both in Prescott, Arizona. 70207
- William Murray
- Mark Myers
- John Naccarato
- Monica (Ray) Nadeau - Company - Sage
- Mickie Nader
- Pat Nagel
- Mary Najarian
- Robert Nanjoks
- Joshua Napierkowski - At LACC: George Hays - Moon Over Buffalo, Company - Glittering Diamonds, Arnold - Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?, Frank Scanlon - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Florio - 'Tis A Pity She's A Whore, Giuliano - Big Love, Harry Fatt - Waiting For Lefty, Wardrobe Crew - Cher Antoine. Other stage credits: John Proctor - The Crucible, Motel Kamzoyle - Fiddler On The Roof, Bernard - Hold Me!, Lloyd Dallas - Noises Off and Albert - The Secret Garden. He was also seen in Cinderella, The Wizard Of Oz, Alice In Wonderland, Footloose and Stage Door. Josh dipped his hands in Children's Theatre for two summers at the Culver Academies in Indiana, directing The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe and travelling with the Culver group and their production to the Edinburgh Festival. 82906
- Art Nava
- Dan Navratil
- Carla Neal
- William Nearhoff
- Mike Negrini
- Kathleen Neill
- Jeff Neiman
- Doris Neiss
- Dolph Nelson - J. Cuedel Prod.
- Donna Nelson Tollefson
- Elaine Nelson
- Gene Nelson
- Norak Nelson
- Richard Nelson
- Robert Nelson
- Traci Nelson
- Celeste Neochea
- Stuart Nesbit
- Ben Nesman
- Mildred Nettleship
- Leslie Neumann
- Albert Newbury
- Randy Newell
- Brian Newkirk
- Alice Newman
- Pamela Newman
- Patricia Newman
- Sidney Newman
- Deborah Newmark
- Louise Newmark
- Karen Newson
- Lorenzo Newton
- David Neyts - stage managing Lesley Anne Asistio's Regrets, attending Cal State L.A. 52707
- Aurora Nibley - Chorus – Bacchae, Michelle - Common Rooms, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Wardrobe Co-Crew Head - Zombie Attack!
- Barbara Nibley
- Linda Nibley
- Nicolas Niboucha
- Tom Nicoll
- Helen Nichols
- Oscar Nichols
- Ruth Nichols
- Stephen Nichols - "Stefan Cassidine", General Hospital; "Steven Earl 'Patch' Johnson", Days of Our Lives
- William Nichols
- Byron Nicholson
- Sharon Nickens
- Sandy Nilsson
- Stuart Nisbet
- Sterling Nix
- Thomas Nixon
- Barbara Nobel
- Naomi Nobles
- Julie Noel
- Noelani
- Anna Noice
- Danni Nolan
- Dorothea Nolan
- Andrew Nolley
- Tara Noori - Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Mexican Woman - A Streetcar Named Desire, Flint's Secretary - Night of January 16th, Wardrobe crew - Unto You
- Jack Norman
- Janiece Northam
- Dean Norton
- Robert Norton
- Nan Norvello
- Nancy Norwell
- Margaret Notte
- Steven Novak
- Shirley Novina
- Robert Nowell
- Richard Noyes
- Ernestine Nuch
- Shana Nunley Sykes - recently appeared in The Merchant of Venice with Los Angeles Women's Shakespeare Company 7/30/05; at the Academy - Chorus - Bacchae, Wardrobe Crew/ Zombie Makeup - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Crew - 5th Short Play Festival
- Frank Nyerges
- Jack Oakley
- Lamont Oakley - Assistant Stage Manager - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Wardrobe - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore
- Dick Obegi
- Celest Oberon
- Frank Oberschal
- Warren Obluck
- Hugh O'Brian
- Edward J. O'Brien
- Frank O'Brien
- Blanche Obronezka
- John O’Chalek
- Maeve Odum
- Lois Odwell (Williamson)
- Leslie Oehler (Ljeana Sutherland)
- Hykush Ohanasian = Jade Hykush, appeared in Front Street at the American Renegade.
- Peggy O'Hara
- Grace Ohliger
- Karla Ojeda - working with Melyssa Flanery, April Audia and The Quest Company Players, recently appeared in This Thing of Ours, a "pick of the Week" at Two Roads Theatre
- Hiro Okubo
- Olapeju Ogunyankin-Martin - 'Stage Manager' - Recent Tragic Events, Assistant Director - Voir Dire, Mrs. Dickson - Intimate Apparel, FOH Staff - Big Love, Bus Stop, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 011308
- Patrick O'Leary
- Phil O'leno
- Cliff Oliver
- Jay Oliver
- Rita Olivier
- Pat Olmstead
- Anna Olsen
- Jerry Olshane
- Tatiana Olshanska - Madame Pace - Six Characters Looking for an Author, Bacchae
- John O'Malley
- Pierce Ommanney
- Hitomi Onishi
- Yvonne Opfer
- Marilynn Ordway
- Josh Orenstein
- Lois Orlando
- Stuart Orlinsky
- Robert Orona
- Jose Orozco
- Frank Ortiz
- Don Osborn
- Lynn Osborn (Lynn Colby)
- Jack Oscar
- R. Osheroff
- Jacqueline Ossko
- Marvin Oster
- Lawrence Osuma
- Arnold Oswald
- Bill Oswald
- William Ott
- Paul Oulette
- Vivian Overland
- Bernice Owen
- Michael Owen
- Pat Owen
- Billie Owens
- Dorothy Owens
- Larry Owens
- Jean Owensby
- Earl 'Skip' Pace
- Pamela Packer
- Barbara Padgett
- George Paez - Aide Williams - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
- Harrison Page - in The Tin Pan Alley Rag at Pasadena Playhouse
- Howard Page
- Michael Paige
- Jan Painter
- Netti Paisin Hurley
- Blanche Pallais
- Tony Palma
- Allen Palmer
- Jon Palmer - recently seen on Boston Legal, in Bea[u]tiful in the Extreme at the Colony Theatre. 42506
- Skip Palmer
- Nadia (Hope) Panchenko - For Services Rendered, Regional Irene Ryan finalist, June - Marisol, Bridget, Hygeia, Orderly - The Waiting Room, Grandma - The Sandbox, Lindy - Rain, Nurse - A Streetcar Named Desire, Jane Chandler, Stenographer - Night of January 16th, Intern - Shakespeare Festival/LA, Wardrobe crew - The Time of Your Life
- Stan Parian
- Louann Parish
- Merry Parisi
- Ruth Paris
- Simon Park
- Alice Parker
- Charles Parker
- Francine Parker
- Jean Parker
- Joan Parker
- John Parker
- Donald Parmaley
- Barry Parnell
- Irwin Parnes
- Israel Parnes
- Nance Parry
- Jonathan Pastrana - FOH Staff - Big Love, Bus Stop
- Diane Patrick
- Richard Patrick
- Georgie Patterson
- Virginia Patterson
- Mary Pattie
- Frederic Paul
- Stan Paul
- Heather Pauley - pursuing further education with concentration on Art and Social Action. Molly - Common Rooms, Miranda - Expecting Isabel, Shannon - Zombie Attack!, Li'l Bit - How I Learned to Drive, Mala - Manifest, Scenic Artist - Marisol
- Grace Paulson
- Mary Pavone
- Bobby Payne
- Dan Payne
- Laura Lee Payne
- Pamela Payton
- Eloise Peacock
- Marion Pearlson
- Chris Pearson
- Marguerite Pearson
- Tammi Pearson Richards - Executive Director of Marketing and Advertising for ELS (Entertainment Lighting Services), working with alums John Chuck (president), and Ralph Baez.
- Debbie Pederson
- Richard, George Pedicini
- Gene Pember
- Raul Pena
- Bev Pennington
- Van Penny
- Dennis Penrod
- Edna Perdue
- Mac Perdue
- Shirley Pereira
- Jose Perez - is at UC Santa Barbara, Paroles - All's Well That Ends Well, Directed - Nina In the Morning, Bartender - This Is How It Is, Doctor - A Streetcar Named Desire, John Graham Whitfield - Night of January 16th, in Dancing at Lughnasa, Pearl Harbor Day in Muncie, Brian - The Shadow Box, The Husband - The Jewish Wife, Harry Sims - The Twelve Pound Look, Sir Lucius O'Trigger - The Rivals, in Unto You, in costumed promotion for Ragtime, tutored for Upward Bound summer session.
- Manny Perez
- Victor Perez
- Voronne Perham
- Iris Perkerson
- Patricia Perlin
- Virginia Perlin
- Ann Perry
- Gladys Perry
- Anthony Perzow
- Jeff Peters
- Joe Peterson - Man in Black - Vinegar Tom, Attendant - Dracula
- John Peterson
- Larry E. Peterson
- Lynne Peterson
- Ralph J. Peterson
- Jeanne Petri
- Dominic Petrone
- Carol Petti
- Ken Peyton
- William Pflueger
- Helen Ann Phelps
- Marilee Phelps
- Percy Phelps
- Victor Pherreigo - died December 1989. Survived by wife and five children. 06/28/2006
- Aaron Phillips
- Georgia Phillips
- Mildred Phillips
- Nancy Phillips
- Mignon Philpotts
- Neal Phinney
- Bob Pickering
- Lisa Picotte - recently appeared in The Closer, Someone's Knocking at the West Coast Ensemble, appeared on The X Files, and in Company
- Dick Pieper
- Margaret Pierce
- Roderick Pierce
- Dave Pierson
- Thomas Pierson
- Don Pietro
- Anita Piland
- Norman Pilkington
- Uwe Pillat (Robert Anton) - 12/24/1947 - 4/16/1995
- Wallace Pindell
- Robert Pinus
- Bill Piper
- Juanita Piper
- Trena Pitchford
- Ben Platt - with Major League Baseball, the Los Angeles Dodgers. 03/05/2007
- Begonia Plaza
- Barbara Plumb
- Carol Plummer
- Elvin Poe
- Vivian Pohn
- Delores Poindexter
- Emma Polansky
- Katrina Polansky
- Maurice Polichar
- Raynor Pollack
- William Pollard
- Gregory Pollock
- Herb Polow
- Herb Polsky
- Deborah Polverino - many thanks from LACCTAA for the donation to the recent reunion
- Michael Poole
- Kalynka Popoff
- Annelieso Popper
- Anita Poree
- Barbara Porter
- Sally Porter
- Marta Portillo - selected as an Ovation Fellow for the LA Stage Alliance. 101509
- Sylvia Portney
- Janene Possell (Shepherd) - has won two national awards for documentaries produced through Oceanside, CA's community television station, KOCT-TV.
- Dixon Poston
- Richard Poston
- Warren Potter
- Brian Potvin
- Gloria Poust
- Joyce Powel
- Dan Powell
- Gloria Powell
- Robert Powell
- Peggy Powers
- Irene Pozin
- Francisco Pozos - Howard - Moon Over Buffalo, Anthony Martini - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Attendant/Banditto -'Tis Pity She's A Whore
- Shirley Prather
- Anita Preizler
- Marvin Press
- Tom Prettyman
- Jennafer Price
- Peggy Price
- Elbert Priddy
- Audrey Priest
- Elizabeth Prill
- James Pringle
- Steve Pringle
- Robert A. Prior - Artistic Director - Fabulous Monsters, Ramayana 2K3, nominated twice for LA Weekly Theatre Awards (The Importance of Being Earnest won), directed and performed in Project: Alice. Recently presented Speed Hedda and Demented Slave of Love
- Julie Pritz - NY
- Helen Howland Prommel
- Mona Protas
- John Prudhont - Has performed in over 100 Feature Films, Television Shows, Commercials, Industrials, Internet, Promos and Live Theatre Productions. He is an active member of SAG, AFTRA and AEA and a Producer. 112911
- Frank Puckett
- John Pullan
- Shirley Pullman
- Larry Punch
- Harriet Purisima
- Celeste (Pustalnick) Oberon
- Tommy Pyburn
- Don Quinn
- Kevin Quinn
- Sidney Quinn
- Jose Quintero - d. 1999 Stage director Jose Quintero passed away at the age of 74. One of the principal figures in American theatre, Quintero directed 17 productions of Eugene O'Neill's plays on and off Broadway. His productions established O'Neill as a great American playwright. He is remembered for his landmark stagings of The Iceman Cometh and Long Day's Journey Into Night.
- Karen Rabin
- Myrtle Radach
- Frank Radcliff
- Richard Rae
- Betty Raede
- Buzz Rafia
- Kasha Rafkin
- Bill Ragsdale
- Joseph Raleigh
- Didi Ramati
- Jean Ramer
- Alvaro Ramirez
- Robert Ramirez - Currently Head of the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama. Ramirez joins CMU from the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Texas at Austin (UT), where he served as professor and chair. He completed his MFA at the University of Delaware. He was previously on the faculty at Marymount College and the American Musical & Dramatic Academy in Manhattan teaching voice and speech.
- Sally Ramirez
- Yolanda Ramirez
- David Rammelkamp
- Alison Ramsey
- Eileen Ramsey
- Ellen Randall
- Winifred Randall
- Pat Randolph
- Anna Raner - Manager/Paralegal at Sony Pictures Entertainment 10122015
- Maria Teresa Rangel
- Vera Rangel
- Gill Rankin
- Blossom Rankle
- Dorothy Ranns
- Richard Raphael
- Helaine Raphaelson
- Paul Rasch
- Goldie Rasenworth
- Kristian Rasmussen
- Marcus Ratafia
- Minerva Rathstein
- Raymond Raty
- Sally Rawlinson
- Anita Ray
- Dave Ray
- Ellen Ray
- Hellen Ray
- Monica Ray (Nadeau)
- Cynthia Raymond
- Dion Raymond
- Sam Raymond
- Jad Raynes
- Susan Read
- Raoul Reardon
- Mary Ann Redei
- Peta Redenbach
- Chris Reed
- Gloria Reed
- Howard Reed
- James Reed
- Crystal Reeves
- Joe Reeves
- Grace Regan
- Martin Regan
- William Regueira
- Allenie Reid
- Candace Reid - Appeared in Demented Slave of Love
- Don Reid
- Mibley Reid
- Timothy Reilly
- Ruth Reimer
- Jacob Reitz
- Mat Reitz
- Jack Reitzen
- Jessica Remmers
- Omar Renteria
- Belinda Reser - appeared in Blood of MacBeth
- David P. Resnick
- Mary Resnick
- Harlene Revelle
- Billie Rhodes
- Howard Rhodes
- Mary Rhodes
- Winston Rhodes
- Madlyn Rhue - d. 2003
- Chuck Rich
- Sylvia Rich
- William Rich
- Jack Dart Richards
- La Wanda Richards
- Michelle Richards
- Wanda Scott Richards
- Ebern Richesin
- Evan Richman - Camera Operator - Voir Dire, Richard - Moon Over Buffalo, Cabbie, Men - Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?, Leo - Big Love, Ruckly - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Mr. Worthing's Footman, Wardrobe Crew - The Importance Of Being Earnest. Mr Richman is also the author of a filmscript Christmas In Goa recently read by the LACCTAA Alumni group. 061807
- Lionel Richman
- Marian Richman
- Blair Richwood - Richwood Script + Media 052708
- Sibyl Lee Rickel - NY
- Deborah Rico
- Charles Riddle
- Robb Ridgeley
- Vera Ridgley
- Carol Riemer
- Carol Ries
- Peggy Rinard
- Ronald G. Riser
- John Rittmayer
- Elsie Rivera
- Katja Rivera
- Igor Riverditto
- Beth Robbins
- Sanford Robbins
- Charles Robinson
- Joe Robbins
- James Roberts
- Lorraine Roberts
- Shannon Roberts - Thyona - Big Love, Nurse Ratched - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Theresa Bedell - Boy Gets Girl, Annie - Foreplay, Or The Art Of The Fugue (All In The Timing), Ruth - Seven Menus (All In The Timing), Perrie - Crew Hours; Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax - The Importance Of Being Earnest, Carlotta - Cher Antoine, Hermione - Shakespeare's Women
- Willa Roberts
- Gay Boyd Robertson
- Helen Robertson
- Marjorie Robertson
- Ted Robertson
- Charles Robinson
- Chase Robinson
- Chris Robinson
- Daniel Robinson
- Edna Robinson
- Ford Robinson
- Leola Robinson
- Nicole Robinson
- Patricia Robinson
- Marvin Robman
- Madeline Roche
- Mitrani Rochelle
- Ramon Rodgers
- Gloria Rodil
- Victor Rodriguez
- Sid Roger
- Ed Rogers
- J.R.Rogers, Jr. - dwelling in San Francisco since 1990. Creating indefinitely.
- Jacquelyn Rogers
- Leroy Rogers
- Margo Rogers
- Ramon Rogers
- Robert Rogers
- Herbert Rohler
- Richard Rokola
- Tom Roland
- Raul Rolando
- Gardner Rolland
- Janice Romano
- Lillian Romero
- Sunnie Romero
- Sunshine Romo - Jelena - Necessary Targets, Prop Asst. - Loose Ends 110207
- Rita Rooney
- Candi Lee Root
- Martha Root
- Frank Roque
- Brenda Rosa
- Starman Rosalind
- Geraed Rose
- John Rose
- Ralph J. Rose
- Roy Rosenberg
- Irwin Rosenhouse
- Mark Rosenthal - has been accepted to UCLA, but will instead move back to NYC to go to Columbia University as a playwrighting major. His book, Cootie Shots: Theatrical Inoculations Against Bigotry, plays he co-edited and contributed to (along with Tony Kushner and Luis Alfaro & Jayne Atkinson) is available everywhere, and Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman are on board for the upcoming TV adaptation. 6/18/2004
- Betty Rosenwein
- Betty Ross
- Claude Ross
- Darlene Ross
- Elizabeth Ross
- Harry Ross
- Judy Ross
- Lois RossWillie Ross
- Maggie Roswell - is best known for the last 17 years for having created many of the original voices for the Emmy award winning 20th Century Fox series "The Simpsons." Her voices include: Maude Flanders, Helen Lovejoy & Mrs. Hoover, to name a few. She was an Emmy and an Annie award nominee for her portrayal of Sharry Bobbins (The Simpson's spoof of Mary Poppins.) Ms. Roswell starred in the CBS television series The Tim Conway Show with Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. She has appeared in over 200 episodic television series. In film, Maggie appeared in Lost In America, Pretty In Pink, Switchback, and Silver City. In over 30 years in the theatre, Maggie's favorite experience was starring on Broadway with Paul Sills in Sills and Company. She and her producer husband Hal Rayle have a recording facility in Denver, Colorado, where they live with their beautiful daughter, Spenser. Roswell & Rayle Inc. creates radio and television advertising, as well as comedy messages, ringtones, and ringbacks for cell phone entertainment under the banner of
- Andy Rothenberg - Recently appeared as Eddy in Mob City, Jim in The Walking Dead as well as in American Horror Story, Person Of Interest, Prison Break, Stranger Than Fiction with Will Farrell, also Er, Judging Amy, Walker, Texas Ranger, various TV and commercials and the films SAVE THE LAST DANCE and Life Sentence. Married to Dado and father to Stella and Booker. 30914
- Stanley Rothman
- Pete Rotsel
- Marcella Roulette
- Lenni Roughheart
- Ruben Rousseaux
- Bob Rowe - on Board of Directors of LACCTAA
- Frances Rowe
- Bonnie Roy
- John Royce
- Margaret Royce
- Millie Rubenstein
- Celine Rubin
- Frances Rubin
- Lorna Stone Rubinchik - recently produced Fog of War at Ventura Court Theatre.
- Susan Ruby
- Pat Rudick
- Barbara Ruebin
- Wendell Ruggles
- Adrian Ruiz
- Zenia Ruiz - Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Mrs. John Hutchins, Court Follower - Night of January 16th, Wardrobe crew, Prop crew - Unto You
- Robin Rumack
- Stanley Runkel
- Sean Runnette
- Mary Rusnek
- Jenelle Russell
- Judy D. Russell
- Ralph Russell
- Chiara Russi
- Guy Rutembesa
- Stanley Rutherford
- Marianne Ruuth
- Gretel Ruvalcaba
- Heather Ryan
- Jeff Ryan (Lucio)
- Josh Ryan - in The Sneaky Little Muffin Man and Slither at Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre
- Niche Saboda
- Sheila Saccone
- Stephen Sachs - is the Co-Artistic Director and Co-Founder of The Fountain Theatre in Los Angeles, which recently produced his adaptation of Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine. He wrote the award-winning play Sweet Nothing In My Ear, and adapted the script for the film starring Jeff Daniels and Marlee Matlin, directed by Joseph Sargent. Adapted (and directed with Jessica Kubzansky) the epic Gilgamesh, by Stephen Mitchell. Directed the first major production in the Getty Villa's outdoor theatre, Hippolytos. Directed String Of Pearls, at Lankershim Arts Center, produced What I Heard About Iraq at the Fountain. The Fountain Theatre produced his Central Avenue. He directed his Mother's Day, at the Fountain. 10122015
- Tina Saddington - Past president of LACCTAA (Los Angeles City College Theatre Alumni and Associates) for over five years. Her television credits include Knight Rider, Simon and Simon, Quincy, and Superior Court. Theatre credits include a series of murder mysteries for Theatre in Historic Sites - The Mousetrap, A Murder Is Announced and Dead Man's Hand. Her singing credits back in the day include appearing several times at the Whiskey A-Go-Go and Gazzarri's on the Sunset Strip with her heavy metal band and being backed (although briefly, in 1993) in her blues band by the rhythm section of Guns 'N Roses. She currently sings with the trio VoiceOver (as does Linden Waddell - small world!) She is also president and sole proprietor of the Lake Arrowhead Performing Arts Company, aka The Alumni Players, a 501C3 non-profit corporation. 4/08/07
- Zara Sadowsky
- Carol Safholm
- Bronwyn St. John
- Gilbert St. Leon
- Suzanne Ste. Marie
- Chie Saito - Producing and directing theatre. Member of Company - Within Us, Company - The Brain From Planet X, Company - Glittering Diamonds, FOH Staff - Big Love, Bus Stop, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. 80209
- Courtney Saladino
- Saul Saladow
- Ruby Salazar
- Riccardo Salcido - George - Stop Kiss, Company - Sage, MC - TA 105, Elon - Raps, Vinegar Tom, Laramie Project, Getting Out
- Jessica (Salem) Sabo - is married to an attorney and has 3 children. After school kicked around TV for 6-7 years doing guest star roles on Trapper John, St. Elsewhere and other shows, then went back to UCLA for her MBA. She is now in the last semester of law school at ASU, intending to be a prosecutor in criminal law. 53007
- Frank Salinas
- Xavier C. Salinas - went on to complete Bachelors in Communications/Theatre Arts from Cal State University Los Angeles. Working as executive producer in both English and Spanish language film and video. Three Moons Entertainment, Inc.
- Meredith Salling - Melissa - Necessary Targets, Asst. Stage Manager - Loose Ends, now pursuing a degree in special education. 12107
- Norman Salling
- Loelle Salsbury
- Mike Salvetta
- Delia Salvi
- Doe Samoyloff
- Margaret Samoyloff
- Robert Samsel
- Jeannie Samuels
- Efren Sanchez - Company - Within Us, Company - The Brain From Planet X, Wardrobe - Moon Over Buffalo 81607
- John Sanchez
- Manuel Sanchez
- Tom Sand
- Francesca Sanders - playwright
- David Sanderson
- Carmen Sandor
- Michael Sands
- Catherine Sanford
- Mitchell Sanford
- John Sanger
- Adelaide Santistevan
- Peter Sanusi
- Barbara Saperstein
- Donna Sapp
- Oliver Sargent
- John Sasser
- Ronda Satkin
- Yickie Sato
- Marilyn Satterfield
- Stephen Saunders
- Carol Sauser
- Rick Savin
- Lenore Savitz
- King Sawers
- Jerry Scandon
- Fulya Scanlon - Director - The Women Of Troy, Zlata - Necessary Targets, Gertie - Fuddy Meers, Maraya - Loose Ends, Company - Glittering Diamonds, Fiona - Big Love, Wardrobe Crew - Boy Gets Girl 12107
- Bill Scarborough
- Richard Schacht
- Arna Schafer
- Gerald Schaffer
- Karl Schanzer
- Bernard Schatz
- Rhoda Schatz
- Raymond Scheaffer
- Corinne Schechter
- Mark Schell
- Patricia Schenck
- Bruce Schertell
- Ray Schleidt
- Don Schlossman - in Laughter on the 23rd Floor 12/3/05
- Linda Schmicking
- Connie Schmitt
- Glenn Schnars
- Ron Schneider - Performed last summer at dinner show at the Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta, Canada. Back in Orlando, Florida as a freelance writer/ actor/director & themed entertainment consultant. Has been doing some voices for Disney attractions.
- Francine Schoenholtz
- Ed Schoening
- Alan Schrager
- Bob Schreiber
- Joshua Schreiber
- Adele Schroeder
- Norma Schroeder
- Arland Schubert
- Bill Schultz
- Elwin Schwab
- Fred Schwankovsky
- Grace Schwartz
- Harold Schwartz
- Stephen Schwartz
- Lori Schweitzer
- Murray Schwimmer
- Carl Sciame
- Gaetano Scognamillo
- Beth Scott
- Clifford Scott
- Herbert Scott
- Jackie Scott
- Jimmy Scott
- Robert Scott
- Tony Scott
- Wanda Scott-Richards
- Winslow Scott
- Anastasia Scurich - in Unto You
- Mary Louise Sears
- Sanaa (Pepper) Seaton
- John Sebanias
- Sam Sebby
- Amy Sebelius - Recently in Dutchman at Garage Theatre in Long Beach. Studied for her Masters' at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. Appeared in Taming of the Shrew. Recently joined AFTRA. Received her degree from Cal State Long Beach, where she appeared in De Donde? Has been writing plays -- Sick was produced in the Short Play Festival III, Uncle Neb and the Gak at Glaxa Studios, and Valentine's Day read at a LACCTAA meeting. Appeared in Joyce Carol Oates' American Holiday at the Attic Theatre (for which she received a Drama-Logue Award), and The Threepenny Opera at A Noise Within. 4106
- Joe Seely - directed The Lively Lad, for Zoo District, appeared in The Hostage at Zoo District, and Metaluna & The Amazing Science of the Mind Review
- Ruth Seeley
- Kevan Sefransky
- Judy Segal
- Ronald Segal
- Bill Seiden
- Irene Seidner
- Lan Seldon
- Katherine Selke
- Joyce Sellers
- Daniel Seman
- Echo Serna - Bacchae, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Droxanne - Coyote Woman, Female Greek Chorus - How I Learned to Drive
- Georgia Lee Settle
- Joe Sewall
- Janet Shack
- Lance Shafer
- Roger Shank
- Barbara Shannon
- Carol Shannon
- Lynne E. Shannon - A few years after the Theatre Academy, she studied across the way in the Comm building, taking TV and Film classes. She currently lives in NYC, writing for, a publication that focuses on film festivals. 12/18/02
- Debbie Shapiro Gravitte - has been called, "One of the best voices on Broadway" by the Associated Press. She made her Broadway debut in the original cast of They're Playing Our Song and appeared in Blues In The Night, Ain't Broadway Grand, Zorba (with Anthony Quinn) and Les Miserables. More recently Debbie was seen as Paula McFadden in the Los Angeles premiere of The Goodbye Girl. Of her first starring role in the musical Perfectly Frank, for which she received a Drama Desk nomination, Frank Rich of the New York Times wrote, "You had better believe she's on Broadway to stay."
In 1989, Debbie won a Drama Desk nomination and the Tony Award for her critically-acclaimed performance in Jerome Robbins' Broadway. Debbie has headlined at New York's Rainbow and Stars, London's Pizza on the Park and in Atlantic City opened for George Burns, Harry Anderson and Jay Leno. She has appeared with numerous symphony orchestras including the St. Louis Symphony, the Israeli Philharmonic and the Munich Philharmonic in a televised tribute to Hal Prince.
On television, Debbie co-starred in CBS's Trial and Error and NBC's The Pursuit of Happiness and starred in several PBS specials, including In Concert With The Boston Pops, Live From The Kennedy Center, and George Gershwin's 100th Birthday at Carnegie Hall. Debbie was seen in the Encores Series productions of Tenderloin, and The Boys From Syracuse, at City Center and recently starred in a new production of Cole Porter's Red, Hot and Blue at the Goodspeed Opera House. She sang with Bette Midler in her recent film, Isn't She Great. Debbie can be heard on several recordings including her CD, The MGM Album, the follow-up to her acclaimed debut solo CD, The Alan Menken Album. When the album came out, Ken Mandelbaum of TheaterWeek Magazine said: "Gravitte can swing, slink, emote, belt and torch and there's not a dull track here. It's unlikely that there will be a better solo album from a theatre singer this year!" Irv Lichtman of Billboard called the CD "Wonderful!" and Steven Ramm of DISCoveries Magazine found it "Perfect...her voice is both powerful and smooth at the same time!"
"We're talking mega-talent here!" Rex Reed , "A magnetic stage presence" Variety , "A dynamic Broadway belter" New York Daily News. Debbie recently appeared on Broadway as Momma Morton in Chicago. 5/25/2004 - Herman Shapiro
- Jade Shapiro
- Neal Shapiro
- Mary Sharp
- Peter Sharp
- Ascanio Sharpe
- Mariah Shaw
- Mark Shaw
- Patricia Shaw
- Sally Shaw
- Robert Shayne
- J. Shea
- Maris Sheber
- Marsha Sheiness
- Carol Sheldon
- Elaine Sheldon
- Nikki Sheldon
- Mary Shelley
- Charles Shelton
- Kathleen Shelton
- Leslie Shelton
- Joshua Shenkle - in The Sandstorm, Escaped Convict Zombie - Zombie Attack!
- Susan Shepard
- Janene Possell Shepherd - has won two national awards for documentaries produced through Oceanside, CA's community television station, KOCT-TV.
- Joseph Sheppard
- Cindy Sherbrooke - making a living in her craft - in the Terminator 3 show at Universal
- John Sheridan
- Robb Sherman - completed a 6-month tour of Europe in Hair (including learning it in German for Berlin), returned for another 6 - 9 month tour of Amsterdam, Paris, and Italy. 05/03/2005
- Ross Sherman
- Sylvia Sherman
- Margaret Sherry
- Bruce Shertell
- Betty Sherwood
- Evelyn Shevelove
- Matthew Shields
- Bob Shinn - married Shirley Boulware
- Mary Shipp (Ackerman)
- Roxana Shirandami
- Olga Shlyapin
- Charles Shopwin
- Ann Short
- Ben Short
- Dave Shouler
- Joe Shumener
- Shelah Shutan
- Leland Shuyler
- Gillian Sidney
- Dee Dee Siegler
- William Siemko
- Luis Sierra
- William Sifling
- Sue Siler
- Elfriede Silver
- Emilie Silver
- Jerry Silver
- Lee Silver
- Harold Silverman - Bakersfield H.S.
- Michael Silverman
- Robert Silverman
- John Silvers - a new dad.
- Ruth Silverwood
- Catherine Simili
- Manya Simkin
- Anthony Simmons
- Mary Sue Simmons
- Philip Simms
- Brindall Simon
- Frank Simon
- Goldie Simon
- Leroy Simon
- Andrea Simoneau
- Randy Simonson
- Ray Simpson
- Craig Sims
- Mike Sims
- Earl Sinclair
- John Sinclair
- Tracey Sinclair
- Joey Sinda
- Don Sinex
- Rodger Singer
- Ronald L. Singer
- Edward Singleton
- Shelley Siskin
- Allyn Sitjar
- Hal Sitowitz
- Dee Siver
- Mark Skeens
- Laura Skill - What I Did For Love at McCadden Place Theatre
- Lynne Slate
- Max Slaten
- Dennis Slaw
- Gloria Sloan
- (Gail Slobodkin) Hallie Burton
- Margret Slocomb
- Robert Slutske
- David Smalkin
- Benjamin Small
- Sally Smardon
- Sally Smilkstein
- Alexis Smith
- Barbara Smith
- Burt Smith
- Chuck Smith
- Floyd Smith
- Fred Smith
- Gail Smith
- Helen Smith
- Jack Smith
- John Smith
- Luanne Smith
- Marcia Smith
- Perry Smith
- Robert Smith
- Sallie Smith
- Sally Ann Smith
- Shannon Smith
- Shayne Smith
- Stan Smith
- Tom Smith (Greg Spencer)
- Wanda Smith
- Robert Smyser
- Olga Idriss Sneed Davis - is tenured Associate Professor of Performance Studies in The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. She is an alumna of the drama division of The Juilliard School and has performed with Rock Hudson, Claire Trevor, and Leif Erickson under the direction of John Houseman in the bicentennial touring production of JOHN BROWN'S BODY. 42406
- Ardith Snodgrass
- Dana Snow
- Gladys Snyder
- Jack Snyder
- John Snyder
- Hylton Socher
- Judith Socher
- Courtney Soltero
- Magie Song
- Ryan Songerath
- Pat Sonners
- Jo Anne Sopher
- Jacqueline Sorel
- Louise Sorel - co-starred with Lois Nettleson in A Perfect Ganesh at the Odyssey.
- Donna Sorenson
- Anita Sosin
- Margurette Southall
- Jonathan Southard
- Karen Sowienski
- Susie Sparks
- Joe Spaulding
- Greg Spencer
- Rochelle Spivak
- Nadine Sponenburgh
- David Sprague
- Jack Spring
- Howard Springer
- Tim Squires
- Charles Stablein
- Ralph Stachowiak
- Colin Stackpole
- Forrest Stafford
- Guy Stafford
- Kate Stafford
- Richard Stampolis - in City Playhouse productions of After the Fall and The Time of Your Life, worked with the Play Reading Workshop of LACCTAA, which staged his one act Two Men and a Plane
- Pat Stancliffe
- Mary Stancliffe
- Cozette Standley
- Suzanne Stanfill
- Carol Standridge
- John Stannard
- Maxine Stanoff (Lewis)
- Lilith Stanward
- John Stappling
- Allen Stark
- Hubert Stark
- Don Stauffer
- Elwin Stearns
- Jerry Stearn
- Loren Stedman
- Stephanie Steele - Graduated from Occidental College in '91 with a BA in English Lit and is writing fiction in St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Stan Stefanidis
- Jackie Steffel
- Karen Stegelman Edwards
- Edith Steifel
- Paul Stein - BA in Theatre from Cal State University, Los Angeles, is the Executive Producer of the Comedy Central Stage, a development venue sponsored by the television network. CC Stage is a live performance venue producing over a 100 shows a year. With his years at HBO, he oversaw a similar type of theater, The Workspace, as well as working as a Venue Producer at HBO’s highly successful Comedy Arts Festivals in Aspen and Las Vegas. He is the Founder and Artistic Director of The Solo Collective, and has directed numerous one-person shows in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Aspen and Toronto including productions for soloNova at P.S. 122, Summer Works Theater Festival, Symphony Space, U.S. Comedy Arts Festival, and Hollywood and NYC Fringes. 10122015
- Pearl Stein
- Stanley Stein
- Marshall Steiner
- Bill Steirwalt
- Gypsy Stell
- Arne Stenderup
- Peggy Stephens
- James Stepherson
- Jean Stern
- Joseph Stern
- June Stern
- Boots Sternback
- Virginia Stetzenko
- Bart Stevens
- John Stevens
- Rosemary Stevens
- Shannon B. Stevens
- Ben Stevenson
- Carolyne Stevenson
- Barbara Stewart
- Bobby Stewart
- Dale Stewart
- Dona Stewart
- Gary Stewart
- Jack Stewart
- James Stewart
- Lynne Stewart
- Phyllis Stewart
- Waldon Stewart
- William Stewart
- Wilmot I. Stewart
- Virgil Stickney
- Dorothy Stiles
- Susie Stineau
- Dorothy Stinson
- Elizabeth Stinson
- Dale Stirling
- Gary Stockdale - a 2-time EMMY-nominated composer, has composed music for television shows such as Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, To Tell the Truth, Comedy Central’s Last Laugh, Cowboy U, The Independent Spirit Awards, A Home for the Holidays (CBS), and 8 seasons of Showtime’s award-winning Penn & Teller: BULLSHIT! Gary’s well-known theme for that show garnered him an EMMY nomination. He also wrote music for The Aristocrats, by Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza. He is the recipient of a BMI Award for Music Composition for his work on Penn & Teller: BULLSHIT! 10122015
- Sherry Stockler
- Kent Stoddart
- Janice Stoik
- Bill Stokey
- Con Stone
- Leonara Stone
- Lorna Stone - see Rubinchik
- Lloyd Stone
- Sasha Stone
- William (Liam) Stone
- Gerard Stora
- Jo Story
- Adrienne Stout
- Melvin Stowsky
- Gilda Stratton
- Gene Streett
- Marianna Strelby
- Constance Strickland - Company - Within Us, Robinson - National Pastime, Stage Manager - Intimate Apparel
- Shirley Stronach
- Jason Stroud
- Gregg Strouse - played Cully in Desire, Mike - Coyote Woman, Tom - Zombie Attack!, Manifest, Dan - After The Fall, Lenny, etc. – Marisol 61807
- Curtis Stuart
- Ronni Ann Stuart
- Ralph Sturrock
- Robert Stutske
- Francine Stutz
- Sara Sulcer
- Alex Sullivan
- Chuck Sullivan
- Claire Sullivan
- Florence Sullivan
- Jean Sullivan
- Mary Sullivan
- Jerry Sultzer
- Dorothy Sulzer
- Jim Summers
- Leslie Summers
- Margaret Sumpter
- Irving Sunasky
- Jerry Sunshine
- Ronald Suspancic
- Francine Sussman
- Norton Sussman
- Ljeana Sutherland
- Ethel Louise Sutton
- Thelma Sutton
- Christian Svensson - featured in The Handler 6-04
- Stuart Swain
- William Swan
- Robin Swarens
- Barbara Swartz
- Benjamin Swartz
- Leslie Swartz
- Angeline Sweeney
- Sonja Sweeney
- Steve Swenson
- Allegra Swift
- David Swift
- Shana Sykes - Mother - Six Characters Looking for an Author, TA 105 Co-host, Director - The Winged Man, Company - The Laramie Project, Chorus - Bacchae, Ruby - Getting Out, Suzy - Hot L Baltimore, Zombie Makeup - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Crew - 5th Short Play Festival
- Leslie Tabani
- Johanna Tabatsky
- Barbara Tabor
- Sidney Tacos
- Marty Tafer
- Annie Taft
- Nina Tahn
- Marty Taix
- Esme Takahashi
- Geraldine Takayashi - Seattle
- Irene Takenaka
- Sanaye Takenaka
- Anna Talakkottur
- Leilani Taliaferro
- Toshiyuki Tamagawa
- Maurice Tameo
- Clarice Tamm
- Diane Tannehill
- Justin Tanner - acclaimed playwright, most recently produced by Third Stage in Burbank. Titles include: Bob's Holiday Office Party, Pot Mom
- Kenneth Tanner
- Lily Tanner
- Melinda Tanner
- Nancy Tanner
- Marion Taras
- Marty Taras
- Tom Tarczyn
- Wallace A. Tarte
- Martin Tatelman
- Agnes Taylor
- April May Taylor
- Charles Taylor
- Cornelia Taylor
- Donald Taylor
- Janet Taylor
- Joelle Taylor
- Leonard Taylor
- Marie Taylor
- Martha Jo Taylor
- Martin Taylor
- Phillipa Taylor
- Rainey Taylor - Slither at Zombie Joe's Underground Theatre, also appeared in Othello, Notes From the Underground, Rhonda's Self-will Run Riot, Blood of MacBeth and Astroglyde.
- Vernon Taylor
- Wadsworth Taylor
- Dan Teachout
- Julie Tedlock
- Harvey Teitzell
- Barbara Temple
- Marshal Tennin
- Jeff Tepper
- Ron Terbush
- Barbara Terranova
- Vikki Terrell
- Courtney Terry
- Elizabeth Terry
- James Terry
- Italia Terrile
- Del Tewney
- John Thackery
- Lawrence Thelen
- Bob Thermon
- Tony Thoman
- Ailene Thomas
- Ann Thomas
- Betty Thomas
- Blayne Thomas
- Clint Thomas - Wardrobe - The Basic Training Of Pavlo Hummel, Within Us
- Craig Thomas
- Harvey Thomas
- Klatann Thomas - recently worked with Oliver Stone on World Trade Center and on another project with Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling; Virgil Blessing - Bus Stop, Joe - Waiting For Lefty, A Cardinal - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, Howard Siegel - Boy Gets Girl 52606
- Lenerd Thomas
- Lucille Thomas
- Mark Thomas
- Paula Thomas - Wardrobe - Within Us
- Sybil Thomas
- Wilbur Thomas
- Jack Thompson
- Morton Thompson
- Nadine Thompson
- Rosemary Thompson
- Betty Thomsen
- Rannveig Thorkelsdottir
- Will Thornbury
- Kelley Thorne
- Hazel Thornton
- Barrett Thorpe
- Emory Thurston - attended City College in the 1930's. He is currently 90 years old, 91 in June, and lives in Fallbrook, California. He never pursued acting, but went to USC, getting a degree in Journalism, served in the navy for WW II, then had a career in public relations in LA and San Diego. His wife, Jackie Hepner, has a ballet studio in Fallbrook.
- Lyle Ticer
- Earle Tichenor
- Anthony Tierney
- Donofas Tiffary
- Doris Timbs
- Betty Timmons
- John Tinsman
- Debron Tipton
- Florence Tobin
- Graydon Todd
- Ruth Todkill
- Rosalie Tohir
- Alex Toledo
- Evelynne Tollman
- Jack Tompson
- Jean Toohey
- Diane Topp
- Edward Tornow
- Monica Torres
- Solmaz Toussinezhad - Miss Subways - Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?, Shakespeare's Women, Two Wise Guys Of Verona 82906
- Alfonso Toxqui - 'Stage Manager' - Recent Tragic Events, Company - The Brain From Planet X, Kyle Weems - The Sandstorm, Wardrobe - Moon Over Buffalo
- Mills Tower
- Susanne Traeger
- Steve Tracy
- Quoc Trang - Company - The Laramie Project, Getting Out, Wardrobe Crew - Expecting Isabel
- Nadege Traore - Company - Glittering Diamonds 31706
- Phil Trey
- Opal Tribble
- Robert Triggs
- Nancy L. Trimlett
- Paul Trinka
- Louis Trisoliere
- Michael Tropper
- Anne Troxan
- Alan Trugman
- William Truitt
- Marcelo Tubert
- Dick Tucker
- Elena Tucker
- Joanne Tucker
- Tom Turczyn
- James Turley
- Beulah Turner
- Blanche Turner
- Charlene Turner
- Dorothy Turner
- LaVonne Turner
- A. Turney
- Janet Turney
- Annabel Turrado
- Myles Tyler
- Tina Tyler
- Celine Tyson - Callie - Stop Kiss, Two Wise Guys of Verona, Bacchae
- Ann Uhl
- Jakie Ulibarri
- Cheryl Umana - UCLA school of Theatre June 2003, Cory - Zombie Attack!, Love's Labour's Lost, - Landscape of the Body, Scenic Artist - Marisol
- Mimi Umidon
- Mitchell Untch
- Georgia Upshaw
- Phil Upton
- Jose Urbina
- Sharon Uretz
- Marie Urigyen
- Ray Ussery
- Deborah Uytiepo
- Treece Vahdani
- Barbara E. Vail
- Rafael Valencia - Company - After the Fall, Johnny, Orderly - The Waiting Room, Rinaldo, French Lord - All's Well That Ends Well, Narrator & Scuzzy - The Devil and Billy Markham, Newspaper Seller - Night of January 16th
- Ronnie Valentine
- Pete Valenzuela
- Jo Ellen Valkis
- Mallory Vanalyker
- Kimball Vance
- Thea Van Dame
- Katie Vanderdrift - Lydia - Big Love, Shelly - Buried Child, The Countess - Picasso At The Lapin Agile, Anemone - Cher Antoine, Cordelia - Shakespeare's Women
- Haldo "Dutch" Van Der Laan - completed a Masters degree in Counseling and Guidance at California Lutheran 12/2003
- Max Van der Wyk
- June Van Eps
- Jean Van Ever
- Dave Van Evera
- Pat Van Hartesveldt
- Wilbur Van Leuwen
- Gaven Van Over - Constantine - Big Love, Chief Bromden - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Giovanni - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, Vince - Buried Child, Skins - Common Rooms, Wardrobe Crew - Coyote Woman
- Jerid (Van Over) James
- Janet Van Ransselaer
- Don Van Treeze
- Brian Van Zandt
- Ricardo Vargas
- Charlese Vaughn
- Robert F. Vaughn
- Darrell Veal
- James Veller
- Vince Veltri - San Francisco
- Michael Venedicto
- Richard Venturine
- Joseph Victor
- Mark Vila (Max Ryan) - in New York
- Aida Villa
- Eddie Villery
- Inna Vinaver - Inna Marie Swann - currently in Faust Projekt at the Odyssey, Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Judge Heath - Night of January 16th, in Assertiveness Training 101, Invaluable costume construction - The Rivals, The Time of Your Life, wardrobe crew - Unto You
- Norman J. Virag
- Christine Virgiel
- Peter Virgo Jr.
- Tommy Vize
- Dominick Vizio
- Phyllis Vizonsky
- Vesta Voight
- John Volkoff
- Henriette Von Buelow
- Lesa Vonn Blocker
- Sonya Von Euer
- Peter Vournes
- Jill Vuerhard
- John Wachtler
- Linden Waddell
- Bernard Wade
- James Wade
- Norma Waffle
- Laurie Wageman
- Alice Wagner
- Joanne Wagner
- Len Wagner
- Muriel Wagner - Lulu Baskins-Leva (formerly Muriel Wagner) and her husband have produced a feature film, Plan B, starring Jon Cryer (Pretty in Pink). Plan B has won awards on the festival circuit, including Best Comedy at Breckenridge, Colorado.
- Phyllis Wagner
- John Waid
- Michael Wainstock
- Wes Wait
- Sarah Waite - Tommy's Mother, First Lady - Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?, Cherie - Bus Stop, Hippolita - 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, Halie - Buried Child, Dull Gret, Mrs. Kidd - Top Girls, Wardrobe Crew - Cher Antoine 22406
- Jayne Waldon
- Donn Waldron
- Virginia Waldron
- Eugenia Walford
- Betsy Walker
- Dolores Walker
- Eunice Walker
- John Walker
- Mary Jean Walker
- Nanette Walker
- Phil Walker
- Juliet Wallace
- Ruth Wallace
- Gary Wallach
- Flo-Rita Waller
- Gloria Wallman
- Edith Walsh
- Kelly Walsh
- Marine (Hryntsevich) Walton - Wardrobe Crew - Theatre Of Operations 81607
- Jennifer Walts
- Marc Wanamaker
- Hilda Wanetick
- Cedric Ward
- Diane Ware
- Roxy Wareh
- Polly Warfield (Theola Beech)
- Helen Warnack
- Bunny Warner
- Cy Warner
- Melvin Warner
- Scott Warner
- Mildred Warnock
- John Waroff
- Barbara Lou Warren
- Bob Warren
- Edward Warren
- Paul Warren
- Marty Warshafsky
- Shirley Wartell
- James Wasson
- Hiroshi Watanabe - Lt. Fujita in Letters From Iwo Jima, currently filming White On Rice, to be released 2008. 61807
- James Waterhouse
- Beth Watkins
- Janel Watkins
- Julian Watkins
- Bobs Watson - d. 1999
- Hal Watson
- Norma Watson
- Marilyn Watt - Prom Queen Zombie - Zombie Attack!, Wardrobe Crew - Landscape of the Body
- W.W. Watt
- Norma Wayne
- Larry Weathermon
- Elena Lee Weatherway
- Marcia Weaver
- Bill Webb
- Owen Webb
- Tammy L. Webb
- Will Webb
- Constance Weber
- Juanita Webster
- Franchon Wechsler
- Gloria Weeks
- Patti Wehl
- Cathleen Wel
- Ruthi Weinberger
- Carol Weiner
- Barbara Weingarth
- John Weinstock
- Maureen Weisberg
- Collette Weise
- Deloris Weisenfreund
- Melvin Weiss
- Hurde Weisse
- Bryant Weist
- Al Weitz
- Leonard Weksler
- Bill Welch
- Carmen Welch
- Jamar Welch
- Laurel Welcome
- Jo Ann Welsh
- Ruth Wentrom
- Franz Werfel
- Helen Wescott
- Mary Wesley
- Norma Weslrow
- Barbara Wesson
- Claudia West
- Inez West
- James West
- Christoffer Westerlund
- Lawrence Westlake
- Katherine Westphal
- Ruth Wetterhan
- Beth Whalen
- Patricia Wheeler
- Tamara Whelchel
- Ruth Wherle
- Becca White - In the Theatre Program at University of Delaware. Eva - For Services Rendered, Regional Irene Ryan semi-finalist, Bella - Lost in Yonkers, Louise - After the Fall, Angel - Marisol, Helena - All's Well That Ends Well, Stevens' Secretary - Night of January 16th, in Dancing at Lughnasa, Awarded "Honorary Tech" status, Prop crew - Unto You
- Bob White
- Dick White
- Gary White
- Joyce White
- Lenore White
- Paul White
- Rick White
- Pat Whitehead
- Scott Whitesell - in The Time of Your Life, volunteered on "Repaint the Caminito" crew. Thanks!
- Thomas Whiteside
- Kelli Whitford
- Tamisha Whitlow - Imp - The Devil and Billy Markham, Mrs. John Hutchins, Court Follower - Night of January 16th
- Sophie Whitmore
- Katherine Whitney - in East LA Classic Theatre's Much Ado About Nothing, Margaret in All's Well That Ends Well with East LA Classic Theatre, Stella - A Streetcar Named Desire, Roberta Van Renssalaer - Night of January 16th, Kate - Dancing at Lughnasa, Directing - Sticks and Stones, Jill -This Is How It Is, Quick and Dirty, Helen - Blue Concerto, Carol - Oleanna (nominated in Irene Ryan competition), in Unto You
- Robert Whitten
- Charles Wick
- Jeremy Wickman
- Maria Colette Wida - Directed The Jewish Wife, in The Time of Your Life
- Gabrielle Widman - Vinegar Tom, Company - The Laramie Project
- Joyce Widoff
- Lola Wietzman
- Martha Wilbersen
- Adriana Wilbur
- Trevor Wilde = Trevor Annicharico
- Louise Wildes
- Mark Wildy
- Faith Wiley
- Floyd Wiley
- Juanita Wiley
- Sherry Wilk
- Tom Wilkerson
- Gene Wilkes
- James Wilkes
- John Wilkes
- Patti Wilkes
- William Wilkes
- Andrew Wilkinson
- Lorna Will
- Lynne Willens
- Ruth Willens
- Annazette
- Arlen Williams
- Carol Williams
- Claude Williams
- Cindy Williams
- Derrick Williams
- DeWayne Williams
- Frances Williams
- Grady Williams - Director - The Actor's Nightmare, Rod - The Brain From Planet X, Casey Dodd - The Sandstorm, Limping Man - Fuddy Meers, Doug - Loose Ends, Carl - Bus Stop, Crew: Wardrobe Crew Head - Boy Gets Girl 12107
- Julia Williams - is now a voice instructor and drama coach in Dana Point
- Katherine Williams
- Lorraine Williams
- Lyla Williams
- Rhoda Williams
- Shawn Williams
- Steve Williams
- Vicky Williams
- Vincent E. Williams
- Jane Williamson
- Memory Willis - Company - Within Us, Mayme - Intimate Apparel, Wardrobe - Loose Ends, Fuddy Meers 042108
- George Willson
- Barbara Wilson
- Cal Wilson
- Charlene Wilson
- Ella Wilson
- Jack Wilson
- Harold Wilson
- Michael Shawn Wilson
- Nancy Wilson
- Shirley Wilson
- Victoria Wilson
- Wanda Wilson
- William Wilson
- Woodrow Wilson
- Brad Winans
- Paul Winfield
- Freda Winick
- Sherry Winkler
- James Winslow
- Dale Winter
- Jacklyn Winter
- Leslie Winter
- Richard Winters
- Leslie Wintner (Zak) - is performing and teaching music and creative drama in the Midwest. Latest CD for kids, "If an Ostrich Can Yodel..." winner of national Children's Music Web Award, 2002. Columbus, Ohio Cultural Arts Center Award "Living the Dream Artist of the Year" (1997), Columbus ComFest "Honored Artist" 2003. 6/23/03
- Woodrow Wirsig
- Norton Wisdom
- David Wise
- Sandee Wiseman
- Tina Witek - in staged reading of Bill Barker's Love Letters in the Dust, and in Someone's Knocking at West Coast Ensemble.
- Robert Wittkopf
- Roger Wittkopf
- Leonard Wolen
- Robert Wolf
- Johann Wolfe
- Mariane Wolff
- Mary Ann Wolford
- Marshall Wolinsky
- Nina Womack - in A Black Trilogy 2004 at Stella Adler Theater, directed Without Love at the Met, appeared in Hazing the Monkey
- David Wood
- Gene Wood
- Marjorie Wood
- James Woodin
- Gerald Wooding
- Felicia Woods
- Fred Woods
- Licheen Woods - Technician - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Wardrobe Crew - All In The Timing & Crew Hours 31706
- Nancy Woods
- Rory (Ki) Woods - (AKA Kisu) has been doing featured roles, stunt work, and martial art choreography
- Ray Woodson
- Penny Woodward
- Tom Woodward
- Mary Woody
- Tracey Woolley
- Art Woolrich
- Anthony Wright - working as camera utility
- Jay Wright
- Joan Wright
- Patricia Wright
- Phil Wright
- Wendy Wright
- Evelyn Wrobel
- Vivian Wrobel
- Jonathan Wynne
- Omar Wysong - Company - The Brain From Planet X, Mike Williams - The Sandstorm 61807
- Tammy Yamada - in Women in Music, Movement & the Moment at Highways, choreography for the band Visiting Violette, appeared in Fentor at East Los Angeles College, in the East West production of Pacific Overtures, and in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- Mary Jean Yamaji
- Ed Yanashek
- Gregory Yance
- Karen Yarmat
- Muriel Yarwood
- Gwendolyn (Gwyndolin) Yates
- Harold Yates
- Yasemin Yazar - Bacchae, Multi roles - Expecting Isabel, Krush
- Gregory Yeager
- Louise York
- Carlton Young
- David Young
- Elizabeth Young - Mama Leone - Two Wise Guys of Verona, Vinegar Tom
- Joyce Younger
- Steve Yudson - recently appeared in LACCTAA staged reading, has trained as a registered physical therapist.
- Helen Yura
- Beverly Zackson
- Henry Zakshevski
- Kimberly Zambrows
- Lawrence Zamora
- David Zanetsky
- Mohammed Zarif
- Ric Zarro
- George Zeeman
- Dave Zeitlin
- Leah Zepel - in MAMMA MIA!, Sharla - Coyote Woman, Alice - Zombie Attack!, Canterbury Air, Moth, Choreographer - Love's Labors Lost, Elsie - After the Fall, Wardrobe crew - Student One Acts, Night of January 16th
- Pat Zicari
- Robert Ziegler
- Dean Zilberman
- Esther Zimmerman
- Ruth Zimmerman
- Sorrita Zimmerman
- Peter Zirpolo
- Max Zlatin
- Irene Zmerkevych
- Jasmine Zozaya - Director - Dirty Talk, Nuna - Necessary Targets, Janice - Loose Ends, Candy Starr - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 12107
- Jannia Zubryski
- Gerald Zuk
- Pat Zwally
Revisit Memories of Past Productions