Painting of the School of Athens

Welcome to the Philosophy Department

Too often when we hear the word “philosophy,” the thought of old statues and ancient writings comes to mind. In fact, philosophy is alive and well and critical to our everyday decision-making, as well as the decisions made by businesses, religious institutions, and governments around the globe. Additionally, examining the principles of philosophy helps one become a more ethical and organized thinker. These skills are critical for future managers. The logic skills gained can benefit everyone, especially aspiring lawyers who will need to present well-structured arguments.

Philosophy courses empower students to examine questions about ethics, reality, and knowledge that give them a deeper understanding of themselves and the world in which they live.

Critical thinking skills are essential for everyday decision-making by people, businesses, religious institutions, and governments world-wide.

Philosophy AA-T Degree

Philosophy Course Descriptions

Meet Our Professors


Associate Professor
B.A. California State University, Los Angeles
M.A. California State University, Los Angeles

Phone: 323-953-4000 ext. 2763
Office: Holmes Hall 200C



B.A. Occidental College
M.A. University of California, Irvine

Phone: 323-953-4000 ext. 2764
Office: Holmes Hall 200D

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the LACC Philosophy Department is to provide the opportunity for students to take general education classes required for transfer and AA degree programs. Our program directly supports the mission of the college not only concerning associate degree programs and in the preparation of students to transfer to four-year institutions; but in the development of critical thinking skills necessary for optimal growth and action in the personal and professional lives of our students.

Philosophy Department


Holmes Hall 200C


Julio Torres, Department Chair
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2763