Diagram of upper teeth

Dental Faculty & Staff

Dental Technology Faculty & Staff


Olga Ramadan


Professor of Dental Technology
M.Ed., Cal Lutheran University
M.B.A. University of Phoenix 

I have taught at LACC for about 15 years, and have been in Education since 2005. I love teaching Dental Technology, and I am grateful that DT 101 online course design has given me new prospective to view my teaching. 

As a teacher, I have taught different Dental Technology courses part-time and full-time for 17+ years at the Different Educational Institutions, the last few years exclusively online. I love teaching because of the transformative power of education, and I try to empower my students' creativity in all my assignments. In my other life, I am a mother, a wife a woman who likes to read, to eat and I don’t like to cook.

 Email: ramadaoa@laccd.edu

Arax Cohen

Professor Emeriti
M.B.A., University of Phoenix 

Email: cohenas@lacitycollege.edu

Daniel Rosales


I graduated from LACC Dental Prosthetic Technology Program in 1988.
I was employed at the UCLA Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Advanced Prosthodontics,
GPR School of Dentistry Clinic from 1995 to 2021, While employed at UCLA I continue my education In Dental Implants, Dental Ceramics and CAD/CAM Technology.

In July of 2005 I was appointed as a Co-Director of the Dental Implants and Advanced Prosthodontics Laboratory Technicians program.
In 2017 I was employed as an Adjunct Faculty at LACC Dental Prosthetic Technology Department. It is an honor for me to be teaching at the College where I earned my education in the field that I love, “Dental Technology”.

I feel humbly proud and blessed to have the opportunity to teach the future Dental Technologist.

In a personal note:

I am a proud father, I love to Dance Salsa, I was a soccer coach for 10 years in the AYSO.   and I like to travel.

Email: rosaled2@lacitycollege.edu

Bahareh Dastjerdi

Email: dastjeb@lacitycollege.edu

Afsaneh Iranban


Email: iranbaa2@lacitycollege.edu

Lilly Garcia

Department Secratary
Email: garcialc@lacitycollege.edu
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2500

Dental Technology Department


Olga Ramadan, Department Chair
Email: ramadaoa@lacitycollege.edu
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2501

Lily Garcia, Department Secretary
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2500