The LACC Cybersecurity program offers a certification-as-you-go learning model. Upon completion of the program's individual courses, you will be prepared to take CompTIA certification exams. These are professional industry certifications that are recognized around the world. Courses within the new program include Cybersecurity Concepts, Network Architecture Principles, Computer Hardware and Software, Applications and Systems, Computer Forensics, Linux, and Beginning Programming includes Visual Basic and Python.
Our teaching platform is Cengage Unlimited. All Co Tech courses use it. Please visit the website to review pricing plans. The benefit of using Cengage is that all of your Co Tech classes are covered by one price, (of course, you still have to pay tuition and fees).

Rationale for LACC Cybersecurity Program:
Through research and working with real world professionals, it became clear that there is a significant need for entry-level personnel who are more than just technicians. Individuals who enter the tech industry must be able to look at information security (or infosec) at the code level, not just the technology level.
A well-rounded, entry-level employee is not really a specialist, rather, he or she is more of a generalist who understands the entire infosec process and can jump in anywhere.
Well-rounded students need to learn how to:
- Be pro-active, rather than reactive.
- Discover a data breach before it becomes an emergency.
- Teach employees that all it takes is one person to open an infected email to infect an entire company.
- Recognize a phishing email and how to protect against social engineering.
- Develop a “Security Hygiene Plan” and keep it up to date across all computer platforms.
The ability to provide these talents to an employer is an important competitive advantage when looking for employment.
We benefitted from the expertise of an advisory committee comprised of tech experts from around the United States as we developed our Cybersecurity program. The advisory committee offered their input as to what type of program would be best for real-world job opportunities.
Available Degrees and Certificates
Cybersecurity – Associate of Science Degree
Cybersecurity – Certificate of Achievement
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Office of Special Services
Financial Aid
Course Descriptions
Academic Programs: Computer Science & Information Systems
Academic Programs: Computer Technology
Academic Programs: Computer Application and Office Technologies
College Catalog
Class Schedules
CS / CIS Alignment Matrix