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Using Cranium Café

What is ConexED?

ConexED is a cloud-based platform for virtual student services and learning. It’s where students go to connect and engage with educators, academic support staff, and each other. With tools designed for higher ed and K–12, it’s a complete solution for online appointment scheduling, queuing, video meetings, data analytics, and more.

What is Cranium Cafe?

Cranium Cafe is a product of ConexED and the platform is a meeting and collaboration tool designed specifically for student support. Once inside Cranium Cafe, both students and the support team can utilize a variety of assets to enhance the student experience remotely. Within Cranium Cafe, students can engage with staff members through the following avenues:

  1. Live Chat - instantly chat with someone who is available
  2. Enter a Lobby - wait in line to speak to a representative
  3. Schedule an Appointment - make a future appointment where you can meet via telephone or video chat

Accessing Your Cranium Café Account

Step 1: Log-in to your student portal (SIS) and select the “Online Counseling & Live Chat” tile. Then select "Online Counseling at LACC.

Step 2: Use the LACCD Login Icon (image on left hand side) and then click on Authorize

  • If you do not have an active Canvas account, you can request a Cranium account using "Guest Registration." Make sure to use your email.

  • If you are a prospective student and don't have a student account, you may go directly to and use a valid email address to create an account.

Step 3: Once you have successfully logged in, you will be directed to the dashboard which is the Student Support Directory to locate different student services personnel.

Step 4:Read the Group Description of each department you wish to engage with in order to find out the best mode of contact with them.

  • Access to a computer, tablet or smartphone
  • Secure internet connection
  • Browser Requirement: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge (Do not use Internet Explorer or Safari)

Operating Systems:

  • Windows 7 or higher
  • OS 10 or higher (iMac/MacBook 2009 or later)
  • Linux/Android Specs: any version of Linux that supports the latest Firefox or Chrome build

Mac OS and Windows Requirements:

  • Use the latest version of Chrome or Firefox (Do not use Safari)

Android and Windows Device Requirements:

  • Use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge (Do not use Internet Explorer)

Cranium Café offers accessibility features for working with students with disabilities. If you use assistive technology, then it will be focused on the digital chat tool from Cranium Café, which will enable you to communicate with a wide variety of assistive technologies.

Please contact the Office of Special Services (OSS) for accommodation requests.

Before you are able to use Cranium Cafe, all users must agree to the Informed Consent. A summary is provided below:

To all current and prospective students, you must carefully read the entire "Terms & Conditions" and "Privacy Protection" statements below BEFORE using the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) appointment scheduling and online services. Please read the Terms and Conditions below

  • I agree to represent myself authentically in all aspects when participating in an in-person or online counseling session and/or student services or webinar.
  • I authorize the counselor and/or support staff to provide me with information related to my academic records online through the use of educational websites and other resources.
  • I grant permission for LACCD online counselors and/or support staff to record my live online meeting sessions and/or webinar for the sole purpose of assisting me in my educational pursuits.
  • I hereby grant permission for LACCD online counselors and/or support staff to discuss information related to my academic records during a live online meeting session and/or webinar, which I understand to be encrypted and secure.
  • I authorize LACCD counselors and/or support staff, relevant LACCD personnel, and ConexED administrators to, when necessary and for the sole purpose of improving the online meeting services, have access to recorded information from a live online meeting session and/or webinar between myself and college personnel.
  • I understand that Board Rules, Chapter IX, Article VIII “Standards of Conduct” must be observed in an in-person or online counseling session and/or webinar. I understand that District employees have the right to remove me from the online site for violation of the Standards of Conduct

The LACCD is committed to protecting your privacy and personal information. No personally identifiable information is shared with outside entities, except with the institutions to which you provide your information and where required and/or authorized by law.

The online meeting session and/or webinar may be recorded. Please do not forward/share the link to your online counseling session and/or webinar with others.

When reviewing the Intake Form, please verify that the information about yourself, your educational history, academic plans and career goals are correct so that the counselor and/or support staff may provide you with the most accurate information specific to your educational objectives.

If you are using a public/shared computer, make sure to take all necessary measures to protect your data (e.g. clear download/browsing history, sign-out, don't save passwords).

Online Etiquette Regarding Services

Engaging with Student Services online provides a way for students to connect via Live Chat, a lobby, and/or videoconferencing. Students should prepare for and treat online services as they would for in-person services on campus. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online services are used in place of traditional face-to-face support, and we understand that web-based interface is new to many. It is important for you to read and understand the information below in order to use online services.

Student Conduct with Cranium Cafe

Please remember that standards of student conduct also apply to the virtual campus environment. Students must adhere to district policies and regulations, and college procedures when utilizing online services.

Violations include but are not limited to:

  • Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, lying or knowingly furnishing false information to the district or college officials performing their duties.
  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of district documents, records, or identification.
  • Knowingly accessing and without permission altering, damaging, deleting, destroying, copying, or otherwise using any data, which reside or exist internal or external to a computer, computer system, or computer network in the district.
  • Not following established guidelines and etiquette for online counseling.

Failure to adhere to online counseling rules of conduct, etiquette, and guidelines may result in the temporary elimination of online services and/or disciplinary action.

Live Chat Etiquette

Live Chat is usually available for quick questions and general information. If a service is provided through Live Chat, please keep in mind:

  • Respond promptly to the representative and do not go to other websites while chatting
  • Treat a chat session just as you were speaking/interacting with a staff member in person on campus. Avoid use of profanity, offensive and/or discriminatory language.
  • A student may be directed to submit a request for an appointment if the question or service cannot be provided in a chat session

Videoconferencing Etiquette

We recommend he use of a private computer, tablet or smartphone in a quiet environment is strongly encouraged. Make sure you have a strong internet connection.
We also recommend the following:

  • Wear proper attire (a shirt is required for video conferencing)
  • Make sure there is proper lighting in the room
  • Make sure there is little to no background noise
  • Have a headset with microphone ready (your cell phone headset will work great!)
  • Avoid interruptions – Do not answer phone calls, text or surf the web during the appointment
  • Be respectful when communicating with your representative

Please do not engage in videoconferencing while you are driving or participating in other activities. Your videoconference may be terminated immediately.

Counseling faculty and staff reserve the right to end a chat or videoconference session if a student engages in behavior deemed inappropriate, offensive and/or discriminatory.

Contact LACC

Office Hours

Help Desk Hours:
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


LACC Help Desk
Phone: (888) 930-5222