A 1098-T form will be issued to eligible students who paid out of pocket “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding tax year. 

  • Qualified expenses include enrollment and tuition fees only.
  • Students who received a "BOG Fee Waiver" to cover enrollment fees will not qualify for a 1098-T.


Your 1098-T is mailed to the permanent address on file with the Admissions Office as of the date the forms are printed (late January).

  • Students with incorrect SSN/TIN on file with the Admissions Office will not receive a 1098-T
  • Students can update SSN/TIN and permanent addresses by contacting the Admissions Office.  After updating your information with Admissions, please notify the Business Office.

  • No 1098-T will be generated for International Students if they do not have a valid United States address on file.

Tax advice regarding Education Tax Credit must be addressed to a tax professional or the IRS.

Please contact Business Office staff for additional questions regarding 1098-T:

Leticia I Diaz
(323) 953-4000 ext. 2177

Varduhi Hamasyan
(323) 953-4000 ext. 2183 


Access Your 1098-T information

Student website link: 1098-T EConsent

All students can access their 1098-T information on the website, even if they did not provide online consent.

To access 1098-T statement online, students will need their:

  • First and Last Name
  • Social Security Number
  • Zip Code that appears on their 1098-T form
  • School Name: Los Angeles Community College District