This Week @ City - October 28, 2024
October 28, 2024
Good Monday Morning,
Today we are hosting an “Understanding Money” free class. The class will cover ways to get out of debt and build savings, simple investments for a better financial future, 401k’s and IRAs and how to create a financial plan. The classes will be held at noon in the Student Union Multipurpose Room. Students can register at
Our LACC Foundation gala, held last week, was a great success! Thanks to everyone who helped plan the event.
Beginning tomorrow is CalFresh Week and eligible students can receive up to $291 a month to help cover food costs. Students can fill out an application here,
This Thursday is Halloween and our ASG is hosting several events.
Beginning this Saturday, November 2, our Voting Center located in the Student Union, MPR, will be open November 2, 3, and 4 from 10am to 7pm and on November 5 from 7am to 8pm.
Please remember to submit your events on the event calendar so we can highlight all the great work happening at LACC. Editors and contributors can submit events at
You must first sign in at the LACC CMS Login to gain access.
Here is what is happening this week at LACC:
Monday, October 28
Understanding Money Class
Student Union, MPR
Please join us to get information about staying out of debt and building savings, investments for better money future, 401K and IRA’s and much more.
Mindfulness Monday
Zoom ID: 92936805171
Join us for a guided breathing and relaxation break in the middle of the day to feel relaxed, calm, and centered. For more information, contact Joseph J. Exnowski, phone 323.953.4000; email at
Tuesday, October 29
Integrating Quotations Workshop
Hybrid in person at Jefferson Hall 310 and
Zoom ID 9414753908
Learn fundamentals of the writing process.
Visit for a full schedule of Writing Center workshops.
Halloween Sale
2:30 to 5:30pm
Theater Steps
The LACC Theatre Academy Costume Department is having a big Halloween sale. Don’t miss your chance to purchase and amazing Halloween costume.
Autumn Festival
City Garden, LACC
Enjoy drinks and snacks and a chance to win prizes for the best costume.
Wednesday, October 30
Halloween Sale
2:30 to 5:30pm
Theater Steps
The LACC Theatre Academy Costume Department is having a big Halloween sale. Don’t miss your chance to purchase and amazing Halloween costume.
LACC Facilities/Work Environment Committee Townhall
Please join us for campus updates on safety, cleanliness, HVAC and upcoming campus projects,
Please submit your questions to the panel by October 28, 5pm: Register in Advance for the Townhall: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the townhall.
CSE Documentation Workshop
Zoom ID 94316667616
Find out the fundamentals of documentation styles, including MLA, APA and CSE documentation.
Friday, November 1
LinkedIn for Students
Life Science 201
Learn what employers are looking for in your LinkedIn Experience Section.
Saturday, November 2
Essay Organization Workshop
Zoom ID 7237900714
Join us for a Writing Center workshop to help create strong essays.
Mark your calendars for:
Monday, November 4 – 7
English/ESL Dept. Book Fair/Bake Sale
Jefferson Hall, 3rd floor
Spring Registration Dates:
October 29 - Registration starts for continuing/new fully matriculated students
November 7 – Students who lost priority
November 11 – Open Enrollment including K-12 special admits
At LACC, you matter here.
Have a great week!
Dr. Amanuel Gebru