Student Union Building



The purpose of Matriculation is to ensure that all credit and noncredit students promptly define their educational and career goals, complete their courses, persist to the next academic term, and achieve their educational objectives in a timely fashion. The goal is that students benefit from comprehensive and integrated delivery of services to increase retention and to provide students with a foundation to support success.

A first-time student must complete the following 3 core services in order to receive a priority registration appointment for enrollment:

  1. Orientation
  2. Assessment
  3. Educational Planning

Students must also complete the following by early in their first year at Los Angeles City College:

  • Identify a Career Goal: If you do not have one yet, enroll in a Counseling Course class, visit the Career Center, or see a counselor in Academic Counseling.
  • Identify an Educational Goal: You want an AA or AS Degree, a Certificate from an occupational program (CTE), and/or to transfer to a university.
  • Identify a Course of Study or Major: This will determine what is in your Educational Plan.
  • Work with a counselor on a Comprehensive Educational Plan when your career and education goal are clear.

All students at LACC are required to complete these activities by the end of 15 degree-applicable units (completed) or the end of the 3rd semester of attendance.

Contact Us

Office Location

Student Services Building, 2nd Floor
Los Angeles City College
855 N. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Welcome Center: Student Services Building, Room 180


Enrollment Questions?
Please contact the Welcome Center
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext 2455