Veteran Students Checklist

Congratulations on taking steps toward your educational goals at Los Angeles City College.

You are considered a student veteran if you are participating in the Veteran's program at LACC because you (or the appropriate family member) served in the U.S. Armed Forces and are eligible to file a benefits claim for the Montgomery GI Bill, Post 9/11 GI Bill, Selected Reserve, Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP), Dependent Veterans or V.A. Vocational Rehab.

Below are the steps that will guide you in obtaining and submitting all required documents for VA Certification and registration at LACC.

Step 1: Obtain a Certificate of Eligibility Letter.

This is sent to your mailing address after you have applied for your VA educational benefits online at:

Step 2: Applications for Admission and Financial Aid

Complete the FREE LACC online application

Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
FAFSA is also available at each of our college campuses.

  • To be eligible for various grants, you must submit your form by March 2.
  • To learn more, please contact the Financial Aid Office or via email at @email.

Step 3: Complete Orientation

New students must attend orientation in order to receive priority registration.

Complete an Orientation online through the Student Information System.

Step 4: Assessment & Course Placement

You will automatically be placed into a Math and English Course based on the information provided in your application. Please visit the Assestment Office for more information about the course placement process.

For students planning to enroll in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes, schedule an appointment online or in person at the Assessment Office (SSB 2nd Floor) to take the ESL assessment test. A test schedule is available.

Step 5: Obtain a copy of your Educational Plan

You can obtain this by meeting with the Veterans Educational Counselor at LACC's Veterans Resource Center located in the Life Sciences Building, Room 101.

Step 6: Register for Classes

Once you have completed Orientation, Assessment and created an educational plan, you are ready to register for classes. Log in to to begin registering for classes

Please click here for information and tutorials on how to REGISTER FOR CLASSES, and use the new services offered by this system.

Step 7: Obtain a Registration Receipt

This can be picked up at the Business Office (Student Services Building, Second Floor) after you have registered for classes.


Step 8: Pay Fees if Necessary

Your enrollment will be cancelled for some or all of your course(s) unless payment is made in full by the due date.This due date is posted in your student portal for easy reference.

Fees can be paid online with a credit or debit card. Cash, money orders, and USD cashier’s check payable to Los Angeles City College may be delivered in person to the Business Office located in the Student Services Building, Second Floor.

Step 9: Complete the Veteran's Responsibility Contract

Veterans Responsibility Contract

Step 10: Obtain a Copy of Your DD214.

If you are a dependent or spouse, LACC will not need this information.

Step 11: Submit Your Documents

Your Veterans Resource Contract with required documents should be submitted to the Veterans Resource Center located in the Student Union, Room 218.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Los Angeles City College
855 N. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Student Services Building, 2nd Floor


Enrollment Questions?
Student Services Building, Room 180
Please contact the Welcome Center

Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext 2455