All first-time students who have declared a goal of earning a certificate, AA, or transferring are required to complete Matriculation.
As a student, you may be exempted from Matriculation if you meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Have obtained an AA, BA, or higher degree from an accredited college or university.
- Have completed 30 units or more, including English 101 and Mathematics 125 or equivalent courses.
- Are enrolling for personal enrichment or recreational purposes without plans of taking more than 15 units of credit classes.
If you are not exempt from Matriculation but believe you should be, a waiver is available in the Assessment Office (SSB 2F), the Welcome Center (SSB 1F), or the Admissions Office (SSB 1F).
If for any reason you feel that the Matriculation process interferes with your rights as a student, there are forms for appeal that are available in the office of the Vice President of Student Services (AD 207).