Russia skyscrapers


Russian is the fifth most spoken language on the planet, boasting 277 million speakers worldwide, including 154 million native speakers. Proficiency in Russian, a critical language, opens many doors. There are numerous job openings in such government bodies as the State Department, the Commerce Department, the Justice Department, the Department of Defense, and the various intelligence agencies. Unlimited commercial opportunities are emerging from an expanding Russian economy. Western firms which now do business in Russia as well as newly established Russian firms which do business with the West (and indeed with everyone) have created myriad job opportunities for those with multiple language skills. Meanwhile, Russia remains the lingua franca of a massive portion of Eurasia, so studying it opens you up to numerous NGOs, companies and government bodies both in that region and at home.

Russian Program

Three Russian women smiling and holding traditional cakes

Russian Courses

5 Units (Lec 5 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 6A)
Elementary course for student without prior exposure to Russian. Develops speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills in Russian at the ACTFL Proficiency Novice-Mid Level, and introduces Russian culture. Corresponds to the first two years of high school Russian.

5 Units (Lec 5 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 6A)
| Prerequisite: RUSSIAN 001

Continues the development of elementary speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills in Russian at the ACTFL Proficiency Novice-High Level, and furthers understanding of Russian culture.

5 Units (Lec 5 Hrs)|
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 3B,6A)
Prerequisite: RUSSIAN 002

Development of intermediate Russian in speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills at the ACTFL Proficiency Intermediate-Mid Level, and practice interpreting Russian culture.

5 Units (Lec 5 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 3B,6A)
Prerequisite: RUSSIAN 003

Continues the development of intermediate Russian in speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills at the ACTFL Proficiency Intermediate-High Level and utilizes knowledge of Russian culture

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU, UC
Prerequisite: RUSSIAN 002

Students will develop practical speaking and listening skills in Russian at the ACTFL Proficiency Intermediate-Low Level, and utilize culture in spoken communication.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 3B)

Open to all students. Course taught in English. Focuses on the history, culture, traditions, and arts of Russia and its people. The contribution of Russia to world civilization is examined.

Russian Faculty



Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext 2737




Email: @email




Email: @email


Modern Languages & Civilizations


Jefferson Hall 111 & 114
(Adjunct Faculty Office: Jefferson Hall 108)

Language Lab
Jefferson Hall 115


Yelgy Parada​, Department Chair
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2735

Larisa Karkafi, Russian Director
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext 2737

Gustavo Valle, Secretary
Email:  @email
Phone:  (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2729