ABA-Approved Paralegal Program
The Paralegal Studies program prepares students who are interested in a paralegal career as an employee in a private law firm, government, corporate legal department, or legal non-profit organization. The program is also valuable to students seeking employment in fields such as real estate, insurance, and banking.
The Paralegal Program at Los Angeles City College has been approved by the American Bar Association since 2011. Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public except as permitted by law.
The goal of the Paralegal Program is to teach paralegal students substantive and procedural law with the objective of preparing them to complete any paralegal assignment in a competent, professional, and ethical manner.
If you are interested in the program, please start by contacting the Program Director, Professor Wilhelm Vargas, at (323) 953-4000, Extension 2754, or @email. Please also be sure to review the Paralegal Program A.A. Degree Requirements and the Paralegal Program Certificate of Achievement Requirements
Paralegal Program Goals and Objectives
To provide the student with an overview of the paralegal profession that include typical paralegal tasks, places of legal employment, areas of law, and ethical responsibility.
To provide the student with an understanding of the court system and the rules of civil procedure.
To develop the student’s legal writing skills by exercising the student’s critical thinking skills and analytical skills.
To give the student an understanding of legal research and to develop the student’s ability to locate answers to legal questions.
To develop the student’s ability to prepare legal documents that are adequate, accurate, and professional.
To ensure that students have current skills in technology, including the use of computers for data and word processing, and legal research.
Through practical application, to improve the student’s ability to work cooperatively with others; develop the student’s leadership skills and the ability to assume responsibility; and to improve the student’s ability to follow directions.
To maintain good communications with private and public legal services providers to ensure that the paralegal program stays abreast of changes in the legal field in order to provide meaningful and current paralegal training to our students.
To maintain good relations with national, state, and local bars and paralegal associations and to work collaboratively with these groups to improve and increase the utilization of paralegal services.
Paralegal Program students must complete six courses (18 semester hours) designated as a core
Legal Specialty - Required courses in residence at the Paralegal Program. The term Legal
Specialty - Required course is defined as a course that (1) covers substantive law or legal
procedures or process, (2) has been developed for paralegals, and (3) emphasizes practical
paralegal skills. The Paralegal Program’s core Legal Specialty - Required courses are as follows:
Law 10, Introduction to Legal Assistant I; Law 11, Introduction to Legal Assistant II; Law 12,
Tort Law and Claims Investigation; Law 17, Legal Writing; Law 51, Legal Research for
Paralegals; and Law 4, Directed Field Work in Legal Assisting. Paralegal courses required by the
Paralegal Program will not be accepted if taken more than six (6) years prior to admission or
readmission to the Paralegal Program. Please consult with the Paralegal Program Director for
complete information.
The Paralegal Program will not accept any course for substitution or transfer in satisfaction of
any “Law” course unless that course was taken at a regionally-accredited post-secondary
institution, and within a paralegal program that was approved by the American Bar Association
(“A.B.A.”) at the time the course was completed. Additionally, the Paralegal Program will not
accept any course for substitution or transfer in satisfaction of any “Law” course unless it was
completed with a grade of “C” or higher, and completed within six (6) years of the date of
admission or readmission to the Paralegal Program. The Paralegal Program will not accept more
than six (6) semester hours of qualifying course work, as determined by the Paralegal Program
Director, for substitution or transfer in satisfaction of any “Law” course. Also, these six (6)
semester hours can only be accepted and applied to the Paralegal Program as electives.
Related Links
Wilhelm Vargas
Department Chair
Paralegal Program Director
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2754