Nursing Programs
Los Angeles City College accepts 20-40 Nursing students for enrollment every Fall and Spring. Should the number of qualified applicants exceed the number of available openings, a simple lottery will be implemented.
Clinical experiences will include the opportunity for students to participate in nursing care and treatments of clients in hospitals and other health care facilities. Once admitted, this program is designed to be completed in four semesters for non- licensed candidates.
The Associate Degree program is a 2-year full-time program that includes theory and clinical courses.
NCLEX-RN Exam Students will be eligible to apply for and take the NCLEX- RN examination upon graduation. The Board of Registered Nursing may deny licensure on such grounds as being convicted of a crime, acts of dishonesty, fraud or deceit, or other reasons. Persons impaired by alcohol, drug abuse, and emotional illness are expected to voluntarily seek diagnosis and treatment for any suspected illness.
Additional Requirements of the RN Program for graduation:
- Math 125 or higher is required for graduation.
- Graduation from an accredited U.S. High School or equivalent or graduation from an accredited U.S. College or university or equivalent.
- If students received their high school diploma from a foreign country and/or are requested equivalency of foreign college credits to fulfill prerequisites, the transcripts must be evaluated for equivalency by an LACC approved agency.
- Students must also meet health and other requirements mandated by the program and affiliating hospitals and/or clinical prior to entry.
- Satisfactory score on the admission assessment test. (Contact Nursing Department for details.)
- Completion of all of the graduation requirements of LACC.
- Satisfactory “cut score” of 80 or higher based on the Chancellor’s Validation Study.
Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosure
Students are eligible to apply for and take the NCLEX-RN examination.
Nursing Program Progression Policy
Progression, retention, and readmission in the LACC Nursing Program.
Progression and Retention
To remain in the program and progress toward completion, the following must be adhered to:
- A grade of “C” or better in theory and a rating of “Satisfactory” in the clinical area in each nursing course are required. A grade of “C” or higher and concurrency of theory and clinical are mandatory in ALL courses required by the Board of Registered Nursing. A grade of “C” is equal to achieving a minimum of 75%.
- Any student who withdraws from or receives a substandard grade (“D”, “F”, or “P/NP”) in any LACCD nursing course during the first semester of the Nursing Program will be dismissed from the Program and disqualified from re-entry into all LACCD Nursing Programs.
- A nursing course for which a failing grade (F, NP, or Unsatisfactory) is received may only be repeated once. Failure to pass the course a second time will result in dismissal from the program.
- No more than one nursing theory or clinical course may be repeated. A second failed course will result in dismissal from the program. When taking a concurrent theory and clinical course, if both courses are not passed when courses are first taken, this will count as one fail. A second failed course will result in dismissal from the program.
- If a student needs to retake a failed theory course, the corequisite clinical course must be repeated concurrently to comply with CCR 1426 (d). Required Curriculum. (d)
- If a student needs to retake a failed clinical course, the corequisite theory course must be repeated concurrently to comply with CCR 1426 (d). Required Curriculum. (d)
- Theory and clinical practice shall be concurrent in the following nursing areas: geriatrics, medical-surgical, mental health/psychiatric nursing, obstetrics, and pediatrics.
- Clinical performance will be graded satisfactory or unsatisfactory as evaluated by the instructor based on established criteria. An unsatisfactory rating in the clinical means failure in the course regardless of the theory grade.
- A student who does not attain a “C” in a nursing course is considered to have failed the course. The student may repeat the course when a seat is available, except in the first semester of the program, and provided the student has not previously been readmitted to the program.
- College policy permits repetition of only 15 units total of college course work to improve substandard grades.
- Department of Nursing policy permits only one re-enrollment in the program for grade failure.
- Both student and instructor must sign the notice form (warning or probation) whenever a student is in danger of failing a course. (Refer to section on Clinical Warning, Probation, Failure earlier in this document)
The instructor shall give the Individual Remediation Plan at the latest one week after the last day of the semester.
Students can make use of the Winter and Summer intersessions for completing their remediation. In that case it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of their intent upon receiving the remediation plan.
Upon documented completion of the student’s Individual Remediation Plan at least two weeks before the Fall or Spring semester to which they are returning (but not longer than one year from the date on the Exit Summary), the student must apply for readmission to the Nursing Program.
It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit all clinical clearance documents including a current (done in the month before the first day of the semester to which they are returning) drug screen and background check at the time the completed remediation plan is submitted.
- The student will be readmitted based on space available. This determination is made based on the number of slots available after continuing and/or newly admitted students have been accommodated.
- The student’s application for readmission will be reviewed by a committee of The Student Admission, Remediation and Retention Committee of the Nursing Program. The committee will determine that the conditions for remediation have been met and recommend placement of the student in the appropriate course.