Herb Alpert Music Center building, in front of a lavender sunset

Music Degrees

Music Degrees

The Music Department offers two distinct programs for music majors pursuing a two-year degree. Learn more about the Herb Alpert Music Center

AA-T Degree

Associate of Arts Degree in Music (AA)

The Music Associate of Arts degree provides the student with practical skills in theory, musicianship, piano, and performance. The degree may serve as a basis for further undergraduate education in music or prepare the student for entry into the music industry.

View the AA Degree Program Map

Recommended first-term courses include:

  • Music 152-1 Current Musical Events I
  • Music 200 Introduction to Music Theory (or higher level, pending placement assessment)
  • Music 311 Piano I (or higher level, pending placement assessment)
  • Performance Ensemble course
  • General Education course
A student plays harp.


Associate of Arts for Transfer Degree in Music (AA-T)

The Music Associate in Arts (AA-T) transfer degree prepares the student to transfer seamlessly to California State University (CSU) schools through courses that provide practical skills in theory, musicianship, piano, and performance. To earn the AA-T, students must meet the following requirements: (a) Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University by completing the following: The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education-Breadth (CSU GE-Breadth) requirements; and a minimum of 18 semester units in a major or area of emphasis, as approved by the CCC Chancellor's Office. (b) Minimum grade of “C” (or “P”) for each course in the major and minimum grade point average of 2.0 or higher. Students completing this degree will have satisfied the lower division major preparation and transfer requirements for priority admission consideration to a local CSU campus.

View the AA-T Degree Program Map

Recommended first-term courses include:

  • Music 152-1 Current Musical Events I
  • Music 200 Introduction to Music Theory (or higher level, pending placement assessment)
  • Music 311 Piano I (or higher level, pending placement assessment)
  • Music 181 & Music 180-1 Applied Music I and Applied Music Laboratory I
  • Performance Ensemble course
  • General Education course
A student plays an upright bass with a bow in the Alpert Recital Hall.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

The LACC Music Department Office is located in HAMC Room 106.

Fall 2024 Office Hours:
Mondays to Thursdays: 9:00AM – 9:00PM
Fridays: 9:00AM – 4:00PM
Weekends: Closed


Email: @email
You can contact our staff with any questions about our department or programs.
