Colorful crowd of people


Linguistics, or the academic study of language, develops a student's capacity to observe, assess, and analyze how language operates. Theoretical foundations of linguistics provide insight into language structure and use, while academic learning of English and/or foreign languages offers opportunities to apply these concepts to language learning and practice. Multidisciplinary in nature, this area of emphasis examines cross-cultural, historical, psychological, and social aspects of language.

The Rosetta Stone

Linguistics Program

Three people looking at a gallery of portraits

Linguistics Courses

LACC offers three CSU/UC-transferable Linguistics courses (LING 001, LING 002, and LING 003) which are applicable towards GE and transfer requirements. All three courses are now offered online.

Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC (IGETC Area 3B)
(Lecture 3 Hours)

Linguistics 1 is an introductory course that surveys various areas of scientific study of language, including structural components of language, first and second language development in children and adults, historical development of languages, universal characteristics of languages and grammars, and use of language in society. 

Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area D), UC (IGETC Area 4) Advisory: LING 001 
(Lecture 3 Hours)

Linguistics 2 is a general introduction to the study of language use in society. Students study the processes of linguistic variation and its relationship to geography and socio-cultural identity in both monolingual and multilingual settings. The course topics include language use in multilingual settings, language change in contact with other languages, social and regional dialectology, the relationships between language and gender, power, and sexuality, as well as language planning policies in government and education.

Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area D), UC (IGETC Area 4) Advisory: LING 001
(Lecture 3 Hours)

In this general introduction to psycholinguistics course, students focus on speech, perception, language processing, language production, and language acquisition. Students study the relationship between the theories proposed by linguistics and data as observed in everyday life. Students also review related areas such as processes of reading, language and the brain, and language and thought.

Meet Our Professors

Lane Igoudin

M.A. California State University, Long Beach
Ph.D. Stanford University

I first started teaching at LACC in 2005 as a faculty intern with the LACCD Project Match, and, since 2010, have been teaching ESL and linguistics here full-time. I teach Linguistics 1 (Introduction), 2 (Sociolinguistics), and 3 (Psycholinguistics), and develop curriculum for the English/ESL Department, including the creation of LING 3 and the new Certificates of Achievements in Linguistics (ask me about those!). My research studies of language acquisition, social identity and motivation in language learning, as well as decolonization and culturally responsive teaching of languages have come out as book chapters in academic volumes, and I have presented on these topics at many conferences, including several World Congresses of Applied Linguistics. I also write non-fiction and news media articles on a variety of social and linguistic topics. Teaching aside, I enjoy biking with my kids and reading nerdy books about history and languages.  

Email: @email
Office: Jefferson Hall 301-B


Dr. Genevieve Patthey

B.A. University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern California
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Academy of Education

Born in Switzerland in 1960, my first immigration experience brought me to Los Angeles, California, in 1976. After graduating from UCLA, I spent a ‘gap year’ with friends from Guadalajara, Mexico, whom I met in my first California ESL class. This second migration experience crystallized in a five-part poem called “Europe, Too, Came from Somewhere Else” and helped me find my calling as a teacher. I returned to Los Angeles, studied linguistics, and fell in love with teaching at LACC with my first ESL 6A class way back in 1989. I have applied what I learned ever since as both an educator and a researcher, and still love the work. In addition to researching and teaching, I also love to read international literature, speculative fiction, and poems from many lands, and am exploring online possibilities for creatives.  

Email: @email
Office: Jefferson Hall 301-B



For information about Linguistics courses and certificates, please contact:

Dr. Lane Igoudin
Professor of ESL and Linguistics
English/ESL Department

