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Geography is best described as a “spatial science”, meaning what differentiates it from other disciplines is that it employs the use of maps and spatial analysis to understand the world.

Components of Physical Geography (Earth's weather, climate, and Landforms) and Cultural Geography (population, migration, culture, and industry) are studied in separate introductory courses.

Current Geography courses are Geography 1 (Physical Geography), Geography 2 (Cultural Geography), Geography 14 (Geography of California), Geography 15 (Physical Geography Laboratory). With Physical Geography (1 and 15) a student can satisfy Physical Science and Lab transfer requirements. With Cultural Geography (2) or Geography of California (14), Social Science transfer requirements can be met.

To earn the forthcoming Associate Degree in Geography, students will complete their own Geographic analysis by investigating real-world issues utilizing fieldwork and analyzing data using Geographic Information System (GIS) software.

Contact Prof. Michael Farrell for more information.

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Nathaniel Lorentz, PhD Department Chair

SCI 324F
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2691