LACC Campus

Generalist/Mental Health Studies

The Generalist/Mental Health Studies pathway prepares students to work in a wide array of human services settings. The program focuses on developing skills applicable to work in community, residential care or institutional settings. Students can complete coursework for an Associate in Arts degree and/or a Certificate of Achievement.

Other career opportunities in this field include careers in counseling 

Psichology Students at Class

a variety of clients, including children, seniors, victims of violence, parolees, and the mentally ill. Other career opportunities include activity director, gang prevention counselor, collegiate peer counselor, special education assistant, domestic violence counselor, teen & senior service providers, probation office assistant, activity director, parenting instructor, disabled services, CalWORKS/GAIN program assistant, childcare worker, social worker assistant, and mental health worker.

Fieldwork Internships

Students in the Human Services Program are required to complete three fieldwork courses. Students in the Generalist/Mental Health Studies pathway will complete internships working with various populations such as the visually impaired, hearing impaired, developmentally disabled, homeless, at-risk youth, people struggling with anxiety and depression, seniors, hospice patients, parolees, college students, and more.

Read about one student's successful, engaging internship here:

Contact Us


Holmes Hall 100


David Sedghi, Department Chair
Email: @email