Computer Applications
The Computer Applications and Office Technologies (CAOT) program offers a variety of programs for students interested in working closely with management and various types of businesses, professional, educational, and industrial offices.
Computer Applications Programs
Administrative Office Assistant
The Administrative Office Assistant program prepares students for employment in business, government, and educational offices that use automated systems and procedures. Emphasis is placed on the development of skills in keyboarding, language and communication skills, and computer applications including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and desktop publishing. In addition, students are prepared to assume general office duties and decision-making office responsibilities. Completion of the program enables students to qualify for intermediate office positions and lays the foundation for entry into office management positions.
Basic Administrative Office Assistant
The Basic Administrative Office Assistant skills certificate prepares for employment in business, government, and educational offices using automated systems and procedures. Emphasis is placed on the development of keyboarding and basic computer skills, including word processing and spreadsheets, to prepare business documents, handle telephone inquiries, use an e-mail system, and complete forms. Completion of this program enables students to qualify for entry-level office positions and lays the foundation for further study and advancement in office occupations.
Business Information Worker I
Business Information Worker I (BIW I) Certificate of Achievement is designed to prepare students for entry-level office and administrative support in a variety of job positions, including office and executive administrative support, office supervision, small business support, retail sales, and customer service representatives. The BIW I Certificate of Achievement builds the foundation in this pathway by providing students with basic skills in Word, Excel, and customer relations and introductory instruction in Access and PowerPoint. In addition, students review English grammar and acquire a foundation in business communications to prepare them for office writing tasks. Students completing this first stage of the two-part BIW pathway will be equipped to take Microsoft Office Specialist credential exams in Excel and Word.
Business Information Worker II
Business Information Worker II (BIW II) Certificate of Achievement is designed to prepare students for mid-level office and administrative support in a variety of job positions, including office and executive administrative support, office supervision, small business support, retail sales, and customer service representatives. The BIW II Certificate of Achievement builds on the BIW I foundation and provides students with additional skills in PowerPoint, Excel, Access, QuickBooks, records management, and customer relations. Students completing this stage of the BIW pathway will be equipped to take multiple Microsoft Office Specialist credential exams.
Clerical Office Assistant
The Clerical Office Assistant certificate of achievement prepares students for employment in business, government, and educational offices using computerized systems and procedures. Emphasis is placed on the development of skills in keyboarding, language and communications, proofreading, editing, and business letter formatting. Basic computer applications skills are attained through an introductory course in a multi-applications suite. Completion of this program enables students to qualify for entry-level office positions and lays the foundation for further study and advancement in office occupations.