Woman giving speech

Communication Studies

The Communication Studies Department currently teaches such fundamental communication courses as public speaking, argumentation, forensics, interpersonal and intercultural communication, oral interpretation of literature, and small group communication.

Communication Studies Program

Communication Studies Courses

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area D), UC (IGETC Area 4), C-ID (COMM 115)
Advisory: ENGLISH 101

Students will explore the basic concepts of human communication as an academic fi eld of study, including history, assumptions, principles, processes, variables, methods, and specializations. Students will examine issues relevant to the systematic inquiry and pursuit of knowledge about human communication. Students will analyze basic concepts of communication and the skills necessary to communicate in various contexts.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area A1), UC (IGETC Area 1C), C-ID (COMM 110)
Advisory: ENGLISH 101

Students study the theory and techniques of public speaking in a democratic society. Students will apply rhetorical principles to topic selection and audience analysis, research and reasoning of information, speech composition and outlining, presentation aids and delivery, and listening and evaluation of public discourse. Students practice effective communicative strategies for various types of original speeches, including informative and persuasive speeches. Focus will be on developing credibility as a speaker and demonstrating confidence before an audience.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area A1, A3), UC (IGETC Area 1C), C-ID (COMM 120)
Prerequisite: ENGLISH 101 or ENGLISH 101Z or E.S.L. 110

Students explore methods of critical inquiry, advocacy, and argumentation. Students will analyze, present, and evaluate oral and written arguments, understand inductive and deductive reasoning, identify formal and informal fallacies in reasoning and language, test evidence and evidence sources, advance a reasoned position, and defend and refute arguments orally and in writing.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area A3), UC (IGETC Area 1B)
Prerequisite: ENGLISH 101 or ENGLISH 101Z or E.S.L. 110

Principles of argumentation and critical thinking. Instruction in this course is designed to allow students an understanding of Communication Studies and critical methodology; analysis and evaluation of political, marketplace and social communication; structure of argument; analysis of assumptions, evidence, language, formal and informal fallacies; techniques of creating effective and sound arguments.

2 Units (RPT 3) (Lab 7 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU, C-ID (COMM 106 B)
Advisory: COMM 101 or COMM 130 or COMM 104

Students participate in competitive speaking in public address, interpretation, and/or debate as part of the LACC Forensics Team. Students develop the skills to research and prepare for intercollegiate forensics tournaments outside of regularly scheduled class hours. Students practice effective verbal and nonverbal communicative techniques, develop speaker credibility, and demonstrate confidence before an audience.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU

Students study methods of voice development and demonstrate improved speech production. Focus will be on the respiration process, phonation, resonation, and articulation and their coordination in pronunciation and effective vocal expression. Students practice accuracy of sound production for Standard American English through use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. This course is suited for any major or career where speaking clearly is a requirement.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area A1,D), UC (IGETC Area 1C,4), C-ID (COMM 130)

Students explore communication in a variety of interpersonal relationships. Students will study communication behaviors in dyads (pairs) and their impact on personal and professional relationships, developing effective communication skills in areas such as verbal and nonverbal communication, listening, emotional intelligence, and conflict management.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area D), UC (IGETC Area 4), C-ID (COMM 150)
Advisory: COMM 121, ENGLISH 101

Students analyze the dynamics of culture within a variety of communication contexts. Students will explore cultural worldviews and values, verbal and nonverbal communication styles, and barriers to intercultural communication. The focus will be on recognizing and appreciating cultural differences and improving intercultural communication competence for more effective interactions with others in a diverse society.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSUGE Area C2), UC, C-ID (COMM 170)

Students study the theory, principles, and techniques of oral interpretation of literature. Texts include prose, poetry, drama, and other forms of performance text drawn from a diverse range of cultural viewpoints and voices. Students will focus on selection, analysis, editing, performance, and evaluation; and developing an appreciation for and an understanding of oral interpretation as a communication medium.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU (Area A1), UC (IGETC 1C), C-ID (COMM 140)

Students study the theory, principles, application, and evaluation of group communication processes. Students learn effective problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict management techniques, including the development of individual leadership skills. Focus will be on collaborative learning that can be achieved by responsible group participation.

1 Units (Lec 1 Hr)
Transfer Credit: CSU
Prerequisite: COMM 101, COMM 104, COMM 121

Students independently pursue research of specific topics in Communication Studies as a directed study on a contract basis under the direction of a supervising instructor.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU, UC, C-ID (JOUR 100)
Advisory: ENGLISH 101

This course introduces computer-mediated communication. Students examine how the Internet, popular culture, social media, websites, blogs, YouTube, and social networks have reshaped communication practices. The course offers an overview of relevant theories and critical issues while providing students with the opportunity to apply communication skills using new media.

3 Units (Lec 3 Hrs)
Transfer Credit: CSU, UC

This course is an examination of communication patterns existing between males and females. The course is designed to integrate theory and practice and to heighten students' awareness of the importance of gender as a communication variable. Emphasis is placed on perception, verbal and nonverbal communication in interpersonal, small group and public settings. Communication problems relating to gender are addressed along with listening, assertiveness, negotiation and other conflict management strategies.

Communication Studies Department


The Communication Studies department is located on the second floor of Jefferson Hall.

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Sarah Crachiolo-Garcia, Department Chair

Office Jefferson Hall 312
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext. 2969

