Students on the School Roof


Explore the mysteries of the universe through our Astronomy courses. These courses meet the requirements for General Education Natural Sciences with laboratory.

Astronomy Courses

A fascinating look into the general principles and the fundamen tal facts of astronomy. This introductory course is designed for the non-technical student. Topics covered include the history and science of astronomy, the solar system, our sun, stars, galaxies, and cosmology. No college math preparation is needed. If a student wishes to transfer this as a lab science course, the student must also complete ASTRON 005.

Offers a presentation of the methods and techniques used by astronomers to determine the nature of the universe. This course uses some very basic mathematics and can be taken by non-science and/or science majors. When taken together with either ASTRON 001 or ASTRON 010 or ASTRON 011, a student’s ‘science with a lab’ transfer and graduation requirement is met. Topics covered in ASTRON 005 include star names, asterisms and constellations, sky motion, planet motion, orbital motion, stellar brightness, stellar spectrum, crater formation, star clusters, galaxies, and deep sky objects. An important part of the course involves working with and learning the operation of astronomical instruments and equipment including celestial globes, astrolabes, azimuth sundials, astronomical binoculars, and computer-controlled telescopes.

This conceptual course surveys the universe beyond the solar system. Students learn about stars, stellar evolution, black holes, galaxies, the big bang, cosmology, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

Astronomy Club

The Astronomy Club meets on Thursday afternoons. We plan field trips and other exciting activities.

LACC Astronomy Club Facebook

Contact Prof. Michael Hetman ( for more information.

Students at Mount Wilson


Physics & Engineering Department


We are located in the Sciences Building 222D.


Dr. Jayesh Bhakta, Department Chair
Email: @email
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2923